Nendica: IEEE 802 “Network Enhancements for the Next Decade” Industry Connections Activity
ICAID IC17-001-04: IEEE 802 Network Enhancements for the Next Decade
This activity documents emerging requirements and directions for IEEE 802 networks, identifying commonalities, gaps, and trends not currently addressed by IEEE 802 standards and projects, and facilitate industry consensus towards proposals to initiate new standards development efforts. Following the original authorization from March 2017 – March 2019 in ICAID IC17-001-01 and the renewal to March 2021 (extended to September 2021) in ICAID IC17-001-02, the activity was renewed to September 2023 on 2021-09-20 in ICAID IC17-001-03 and to September 2025 on 2023-09-21 in ICAID IC17-001-04. The ICAID will auto-renew binannualy thereafter without further action from within IEEE 802 to modify or terminate it.
Study Items
- AI Computing Networks [AICN]
- Evolved Link Layer Architecture [ELLA]
- Cut-Through Forwarding in Bridges and Bridged Networks [CTF]
- Prior Study Items
- see Study Item Schedule
- New Study Item proposals are invited
Work Items
- Prior Work Items
- Data Center Networks [DCN]: new Nendica Report published 2021-06-22
- Lossless Data Center Networks [LLDCN] Nendica Report published 2018-08-17
- Flexible Factory IoT [FFiOT] Nendica Report published 2020-04-17
- Stream and Flow Interworking [SFI] terminated
- Data Center Networks [DCN]: new Nendica Report published 2021-06-22
- see Work Item Schedule
See full records of past and future Meetings, agenda, and minutes
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Electronic and in-person meetings:
- in-person (typically bimonthly) at IEEE 802.1 sessions
- electronic meetings Thursday 09:00-11:00 ET (typically biweekly)
- see Meetings, agenda, and minutes
- agenda posted at least 5 days in advance
- additional electronic meetings as announced at least 10 days in advance
- meeting may be cancelled if no contributions posted or expected 2 days before, with announcement to Nendica reflector
- contact Chair with agenda requests
The Nendica documents are on the Mentor document repository. You may browse and download documents anonymously. To contribute a new document, log in using an IEEE password. Contributions must be uploaded prior to presentation.
Mailing List
The Nendica Email list is on IEEE listserv. Subscribe at will. Only subscribers may send messages to the list. The list archive is available.
Subject-line tags are recommended to identify messages related to a specific Work Item. Please identify such messages by starting your subject line with
For more information on Nendica, including help on proposing new Work Items, contact:
- Chair: Roger Marks
- Vice Chair: Johannes Specht