TSN TG Meetings

The TSN TG holds meetings at the sessions of the IEEE 802.1 WG and also holds regular electronic meetings

The TSN TG agenda gives precedence to formally submitted maintenance requests on published standards, approved projects, PAR (Project Authorization Request) development previously approved by the IEEE 802.1 WG, and other matters arising, in that order.

Contributions must be uploaded to the 802.1 file server and made accessible to meetings attendees before the presentation of the contribution begins.

Please submit agenda requests at least three weeks before the session for a meeting in a session or one week before an electronic meeting between sessions as described below.

Attendance must be recorded by the attendee via IMAT during the time interval announced for the meeting. Participation in TSN TG meetings is on individual basis.

Upcoming Meetings

Meeting agendas are available here.
This calendar is shown in the local time zone ( local time: ).

Subscribe to the TSN calendar (Note the IEEE 802.1 WG calendar and the IEEE 802 calendar.)

TSN TG meetings at the Sessions of the IEEE 802.1 WG

IEEE 802 Plenary Session, March, 2025

The TSN TG conducts meetings from March 9 to 14 as part of the July Plenary Session of IEEE 802 in Atlanta, GA, USA.
TSN agenda details (not available yet)

IEEE 802.1 Interim Session, May, 2025

The TSN TG conducts meetings from May 19 to 23 as part of the May Interim Session of the IEEE 802.1 WG in Rennes, France.
TSN agenda details not available yet)

IEEE 802 Plenary Session, July, 2025

The TSN TG conducts meetings from July 27 to August 1 as part of the July Plenary Session of IEEE 802 in Madrid, Spain.
TSN agenda details (not available yet)

Regular Electronic Meetings (between sessions)

Agenda details
(search for the date YYYY-MM-DD)

The TSN TG holds the following regular electronic meetings:

The agenda details or cancellations, and the minutes are announced on the IEEE 802.1 Minutes email list (subscribe here).


Date / Time / Agenda Date, time, and agenda of upcoming electronic meetings are provided on the IEEE 802.1 Minutes email list.
The time is given in US Eastern Time (ET).
be careful: US daylight/summer time transition is different from the rest of the world
WebEx: TSN weekly (pwd: TSN4all; Meeting number: 2345 169 5363)
IEC/IEEE 60802 weekly (pwd: TSN-IA; Meeting number: 2349 817 3684)
P802.1DG weekly (pwd: TSN4automotive; Meeting number: 2348 331 3329)
P802.1DP/AS6675 weekly (pwd: TSN4aerospace; Meeting number: 2342 918 4537)
Dial-in information: United States Toll +1-408-418-9388
Canada Toll (Ottawa) +1-613-714-9906
China Hong Kong Toll +852-307-05008
Germany Toll +49-619-6781-9734
Hungary Toll +36-1-429-2374
Japan Toll +81-36-634-4753
United Kingdom Toll +44-20-7660-8147
Global call-in numbers
Join from a video system or application Dial 717791435@ieeesa.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join using Microsoft Lync or Microsoft Skype for Business Dial 717791435.ieeesa@lync.webex.com
Mute/Unmute Please mute yourself when you are not speaking!
Dialing-in via a phone: mute/unmute by the *6 keypad command on the phone.
Dialing-in via the Internet: mute/unmute by clicking the microphone icon.
Attendance for minutes Please register your attendance via IMAT during the time interval announced for the meeting.

Agenda Requests

TSN agenda requests are on email basis. Please submit agenda requests at least a week beforehand for weekly electronic meetings and at least three weeks beforehand for meetings that are part of a session as described below. Please use the following format, otherwise your agenda request may be missed.

For the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project on TSN Profile for Industrial Automation, please email dieter.proell@siemens.com and janos.farkas@ericsson.com. Please use the appropriate subject line in your email:
AGENDA REQUEST 60802 – $meeting$

For the P802.1DG project on TSN Profile for Automotive In-Vehicle Ethernet Communications, please email janos.farkas@ericsson.com and david.mccall@intel.com. Please use the appropriate subject line in your email:
AGENDA REQUEST Automotive – $meeting$

For the P802.1DP TSN for Aerospace Onboard Ethernet Communications joint project, please email jabbar@geaerospace.com, janos.farkas@ericsson.com, david.mccall@intel.com. Please use the appropriate subject line in your email:
AGENDA REQUEST Aerospace – $meeting$

For any other TSN topic, please email janos.farkas@ericsson.com, david.mccall@intel.com. Please use the appropriate subject line in your email:

In the subject line of your email, please replace $meeting$ with the appropriate value including the date.

In the body of your email, please provide the title of your contribution, the estimated time, and your affiliation.

Please submit agenda requests at least three weeks before the session for a meeting in a session or one week before an electronic meeting between sessions.

Please contact the TSN TG Chair (János Farkas) if you have questions, comments to this page.

Past Meetings

Minutes of past meetings are available here. Agendas of past meetings at sessions are available here.
