802.1AS-2020-Revision – Timing and Synchronization for Time-Sensitive Applications

This standard specifies protocols, procedures, and managed objects used to ensure that the synchrnization requirements are met for time-sensitive applications, such as audio, video, and time-sensitive control, across networks, for example, IEEE 802 and similar media. This includes the maintenance of synchronized time during normal operation and following addition, removal, or failure of network components and network reconfiguration. It specifies the use of IEEE 1588™ specifications where applicable in the context of IEEE Std 802.1Q™. Synchronization to an externally provided timing signal [e.g., a recognized timing standard such as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or International Atomic Time (TAI)] is not part of this standard but is not precluded.

This is a maintenance roll-up of IEEE Std 802.1AS-2020 with the corrigendum IEEE Std 802.1AS-2020/Cor1 and amendment IEEE Std 802.1ASdr. Depending on their progress to approval, other amendments and corrigenda in progress may also be included.

Current Status

Status PAR approved
Current Draft   
PAR  Full title: Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks–Timing and Synchronization for Time-Sensitive Applications
PAR (Approved: 05 June 2023; Expires: 31 Dec 2027)
Editor  Silvana Rodrigues


Date Document

The above list includes only the latest version of (proposed) dispositions. See the project folder for a complete list). The dates listed are the website file dates; they may differ from the creation dates in the documents.

Please contact the Editor or the Maintenance Task Group Chair if you have comments on the 802.1AS-2020-Rev page.
