802.1Q-2022-Revision – Bridges and Bridged Networks

This standard specifies Bridges that interconnect individual LANs, each supporting the IEEE 802 MAC Service using a different or identical media access control method, to provide Bridged Networks and VLANs.

This is a maintenance revision of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2022 as amended by IEEE Std 802.1Qcz-2023, IEEE Std 802.1Qcw-2023, IEEE Std 802.1Qcj-2023, IEEE Std 802.1Qdj-2024, IEEE Std 802.1Qdx-2024, and P802.1Qdy. The ‘Introduction to the current draft’ in draft cover pages describes the maintenance items, technical, and editorial corrections included in that draft.

Current Status

Status PAR approved
Current Draft 

P802.1Q-2022-Rev, Draft 1.5 (25 November 2025)

PAR  Full title: Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks–Bridges and Bridged Networks
PAR (Approved: 05 June 2023; Expires: 31 Dec 2027)
Editor  Mick Seaman


Date Document
25 November 2025 P802.1Q-2022-Rev, Draft 1.5
16 August 2023 P802.1Q-rev-Qdj, Draft 1.2
29/30 June 2023 P802.1Q-rev-Qdy, Draft 0.1
13 June 2023 P802.1Q-rev-Qcj, Draft 2.5
4 June 2023 P802.1Q-rev-Qcj, Draft 2.4
11 May 2023 P802.1Q-rev-Qcj, Draft 2.3
6 May 2023 P802.1Q-rev-Qcj, Draft 2.2
27 April 2023 P802.1Q-rev-Qcw, Draft 2.2
17 March 2023 P802.1Q-rev-Qcw, Draft 2.11
24 March 2023 P802.1Q-rev-Qcw, Draft 2.1
10 March 2023 P802.1Q-Qcw, Draft 2.06
7 March 2023 P802.1Q-Qcw, Draft 2.05
22 February 2023 P802.1Q-rev-Qcz, Draft 2.7
20 February 2023 P802.1Q-Qcz, Draft 2.6

The above list includes only the latest version of (proposed) dispositions. See the project folder for a complete list). The dates listed are the website file dates; they may differ from the creation dates in the documents.

Please contact the Editor or the Maintenance Task Group Chair if you have comments on the 802.1Q-2022-Rev page.
