Maintenance Task Group
802.1 maintains a database of completed and outstanding maintenance activities which are accessible from this page. Note that only activities organized under the 802.1 Maintenance process are here. This process was initiated in March 2011.
802.1 maintenance requests are accepted from voting members of the IEEE 802.1 Working Group using the ASCII form below.
Please supply all of the requested information, and email your form to the Maintenance Request Reflector. The body of the email request should be addressed to the Chair of IEEE 802.1, Glenn Parsons. The email should be carbon copied to the Chair of IEEE 802.1, the Vice-Chair of IEEE 802.1 and the Maintenance Task Group Chair. The Maintenance Email Archive may contain requests that have not yet been included in the database. Questions about the process or particular requests can also be directed to those people.
New requests are initially considered by the standing Maintenance Task Group. The deadline is 35 calendar days prior to the meeting of the Maintenance Task Group (although in practice they can often be dealt with regardless). Requests received after the deadline may be considered at a subsequent meeting of the Maintenance Task Group.
Active Projects
- P802-REVc – Revision of 802-2014 (roll-up of amendments)
- P802.1Q-2022-Rev – Revision of 802.1Q-2022 (roll-up of amendments)
- P802.1AS-2020-Rev – Revision of 802.1AS-2020 (roll-up of amendments)
- P802.1CS-2020/Cor1 – Corrigendum to IEEE Std 802.1CS-2020
- P802.1ASdr – Amendment: Inclusive Terminology
Recently Completed Projects
- 802.1Q-2022 – Revision of 802.1Q-2018
- 802.1ACct-2021 – Support for IEEE Std 802.15.3
- 802.1AS-2020/Cor1-2021 – Corrigendum to IEEE Std 802.1AS-2020
- 802.1BA-2021 – Revision to IEEE Std 802.1BA-2011
Proposed and up-to-date agendas are linked to the Maintenance TG Agendas page available here.
Upcoming Meeting Calendar
This calendar is shown in the local time zone ( local time:
Inter-session electronic meetings:
- See schedule in the calendar above.
In-session meetings:
- Currently held in mixed mode (in-person with remote participation on a best-effort basis) as part of plenary and interim sessions.
Previous Meeting Minutes
Minutes can be located in the Agendas and Minutes List Archive by searching for “Minutes of the Maintenance TG” in the ‘Subject’ field.
Please contact the Maintenance Task Group Chair (Mark Hantel) if you have comments on this page.