YANGster Liaison Notes

Responses to https://datatracker.ietf.org/liaison/1761. ===== START ===== The IEEE 802.1 Security Task Group reviewed the Internet-Draft A YANG Data Model for a Keystore (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-netconf-keystore/ ). This liaison was posted on 2021-10-15.  An update to the draft (-23) was posted ~six weeks later:                 -23: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-netconf-keystore-23                 Diff: https://www.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=draft-ietf-netconf-keystore-23.txt The update was trivial.  From the Change Log:                 A.23.  22 to… read more »

2021 IEEE SA Standards Medallion

Geoffrey Garner was awarded the 2021 IEEE SA Standards Medallion — For contributions to and education about the standardization of timing and synchronization for telecommunications networks Marc Holness was awarded the 2021 IEEE SA Standards Medallion — For pioneering contributions and leadership to describe and implement data modeling using YANG in IEEE 802®

P802f – YANG Data Model for EtherTypes

This amendment specifies YANG modules that contain the EtherType information, including a compact human-readable name and description. The name and description for an initial set of EtherTypes are defined for inclusion in the IEEE Registration Authority EtherType public listing. This amendment also addresses errors and omissions in IEEE Std 802 description of existing functionality. The… read more »

P802.1CBcv – FRER YANG Data Model and Management Information Base Module

This amendment specifies a Unified Modeling Language (UML) based information model for the capabilities currently specified in clauses 9 and 10 of this standard. A YANG data model and a Management Information Base (MIB) module both based on that UML model support configuration and status reporting. Additionally, this amendment addresses errors or omissions to existing… read more »

YANG Background

YANG Background Back to: YANGsters   IETF Tutorial on YANG IETF Tutorial on pyang RFC 7950 YANG 1.1 NETCONF Working Group at IETF NETMOD Working Group at IETF IETF YANG Doctors Interesting information on reviewing YANG.  Useful when working on YANG RFC 8407 Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of YANG Data Model Documents (obsoletes RFC 6087)… read more »

P802.1Qcx – YANG Data Model for Connectivity Fault Management

This amendment specifies a Unified Modeling Language (UML)-based information model and a YANG data model that allows configuration and status reporting for bridges and bridge components for Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) as specified by this standard with the capabilities currently specified in clause 12.14 (CFM entities) of this standard. It further defines the relationship between… read more »

P802.1Qcw – YANG Data Models for Scheduled Traffic, Frame Preemption, and Per-Stream Filtering and Policing

This amendment specifies a Unified Modeling Language (UML)-based information model and YANG data models that allow configuration and status reporting for bridges and bridge components (as specified by this standard) with the capabilities currently specified in clauses 12.29 (scheduled traffic), 12.30 (frame preemption) and 12.31 (per-stream filtering and policing) of this standard. It further defines… read more »

P802.1ABcu – LLDP YANG Data Model

This amendment specifies a Unified Modeling Language (UML)-based information model and a YANG data model that allows configuration and status reporting for bridges and bridge components with regards to topology discovery (as specified by this standard) with the capabilities currently specified in clauses 10 (LLDP management) and 11 (LLDP MIB definitions). Additionally, this amendment will… read more »

YANGsters Mail List Information

Back to: YANGsters List Name: STDS-802-YANG@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG To subscribe: Send an email to:  listserv@listserv.ieee.org with no subject line and the following in the body of the message SUB STDS-802-YANG or use the web interface: https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=STDS-802-YANG Archive: https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A0=STDS-802-YANG
