This amendment specifies YANG modules that contain the EtherType information, including a compact human-readable name and description. The name and description for an initial set of EtherTypes are defined for inclusion in the IEEE Registration Authority EtherType public listing. This amendment also addresses errors and omissions in IEEE Std 802 description of existing functionality.
The IEEE Registration Authority EtherTypes public listing may be misleading because assignees, whose contact information is often unreliable, have not updated the information provided on their application for the EtherType. This project is the most efficient way to create an accurate listing of the common names and descriptions used within the industry for the protocols identified by a particular EtherType. YANG (Request for Comment (RFC) 7950) is a formalized data modeling language that is widely accepted and can be used to simplify network configuration. A YANG module with an authoritative list of EtherTypes enhances compatibility of modern networks and aids in the efficiency of managing them.
Full title: Draft Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture — Amendment: YANG Data Model for EtherTypes PAR (Approved: 13 Feb 2020; Expires: 31 Dec 2024) CSD
The above list includes only the latest version of (proposed) dispositions. See the project folder for a complete list). The dates listed are the website file dates; they may differ from the creation dates in the documents.
The above list includes only the latest version of updated documents and omits those superseded by subsequent discussion or inclusion in the current draft (see filenames beginning “802f-” in the 2019 or 2020 public directories for a complete list). The dates listed are the website file dates; they may differ from the creation dates in the documents.
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