802.1 Email Lists
802.1 lists | Sending to lists | Mail from lists | Subscription management/Help |
Working Group 802.1 has several email lists. Below are descriptions of each, and access links for subscribing and unsubscribing.
In case of problems, a subscribed address must reach a person! Do not subscribe the address of another list.
Main 802.1 list: STDS-802-1-L
The main 802.1 list carries most discussion, including procedural or technical issues as well as announcements of meetings, new documents, and ballots.
Links: Subscribe or leave the main list
MHonArc archive by Date , or by Thread (since 2004, including ballot responses; requires 802.1 password)
Listserv archive (since 2017; requires personal login)
802.1 ballot-response list: STDS-802-1-BALLOT
The ballot-response list is intended only for votes and comments during active ballots. Those who prefer less email can avoid this list and wait for a full report, sent via the main list.
Links: Subscribe or leave the ballot-response list
MHonArc archive (archived with main discussion list; requires 802.1 password)
Listserv archive (since 2017; requires personal login)
802.1 subgroup agendas and minutes list: STDS-802-1-MINUTES
Subgroup chairs and secretaries use this list as the exclusive way to communicate agendas (unless a dedicated agenda post also exists on this website) and minutes of all in-person and electronic meetings of their respective subgroup. Others may subscribe but not post. This mailing list covers all 802.1 subgroups.
Links: Subscribe or leave the subgroup agendas and minutes list
Listserv archive
802.1 maintenance-request list: STDS-802-1-MAINT-REQ
The maintenance-request list carries work items on existing 802.1 Standards. All requests should be prepared on a standard form. Because new items are announced online after receipt, many 802.1 members find they need not subscribe. See the 802.1 Maintenance Web page for details.
Links: Subscribe or leave the maintenance-request list
MHonArc archive (since 2011; requires 802.1 password)
Listserv archive (since 2017; requires personal login)
802.1 subgroup IEC/IEEE 60802 time sync list: STDS-802-1-60802-TS
This is a mailing list to facilitate conversation regarding ongoing IEC/IEEE 60802 time synchronization topics. These discussions will influence the time sync approach for the industrial profile of TSN, and may influence selection parameters for other profiles of TSN.
Links: Subscribe or leave the 60802 time sync list
Listserv archive
802 Architecture list: STDS-802-ARCH
The 802 Architecture list supports an Architecture group hosted by, but not part of, 802.1. Participants come from all 802 Working Groups, addressing issues in LAN and MAN communications architecture that cross Working Group boundaries. The list disseminates meeting agendas, presentation material, discussion items, ballot notices, etc. Depending on the architectural issues that arise, this list may be inactive for extended periods.
Links: Subscribe or leave the Architecture list
MHonArc archive (since 2004; requires 802.1 password)
Listserv archive (since 2017; requires personal login)
802 Nendica list: STDS-802-NEND
The 802 Nendica list is for communication among participants of the “802 Network Enhancement for the Next Decade” Industry Connections Activity.
Links: Subscribe or leave the 802 Nendica list
Listserv archive
802 YANG list: STDS-802-YANG
The 802 YANG list is for coordination between editors and experts on the development of IEEE 802 standards projects on YANG data models.
Links: Subscribe or leave the YANG list
MHonArc archive (requires 802.1 password)
802.1 lists | Sending to lists | Mail from lists | Subscription management/Help |
Before posting email to a list, you should understand our restrictions on format, content, and message size. Here is a quick summary; some entries link to expanded explanations below.. (These restrictions, and other information on this page, may not apply to the 802 NEND and 802 YANG lists.)
The subject line cannot be blank.
Plain text is preferred. All HTML is stripped before distribution.
Please avoid using “return receipt requested.”
No spam, please.
Do not send “tests” of list operation, unless requested by the administrator.
Do not send mail with claims that the contents are proprietary, confidential, or otherwise restricted.
Message size
Messages over the size limit are rejected.
Please avoid ZIP attachments.
Other concerns
Replies go to the original sender, not the list. If you use Reply All to circumvent this, edit the resulting list of addresses! The administrator doesn’t want one at the “List help” address.
Microsoft® Outlook® users: Do not use “Resend this message.”
List addresses
If you send from an address not subscribed to the list, the server may reply with a request for confirmation. The ballot-response and maintenance-request lists do not require confirmation if your address is subscribed to the main list.
Email link: 802.1 main list.
When sending to the ballot-response list, use the form, subject line, and address provided in the
ballot announcement.
To send an item to the maintenance-request list, use the form and mail link provided in the Maintenance
section of the 802.1 Website.
Email link: 802 Architecture list.
(Please use only when an Architecture project is active.)
Email link: 802 NEND list.
Email link: 802 YANG list.
After sending
Subscribers usually receive a copy of their contributions. (Some email services, notably Gmail, may block them.) Non-subscribers should receive a report when the message is distributed. Those new to 802.1 may have their contributions delayed for moderator approval.
DON’T PANIC! If you have posted a message and not yet received your copy, resist the impulse to send it again immediately. This is not an instant-messaging system.
Maybe you didn’t send it. Check your sent mail, if possible.
Maybe you didn’t confirm. If your sending address doesn’t match a subscription, you must answer a server request. Look for one in received mail, then in filtered mail.
Maybe the server delayed or rejected it. Check for server notices in both normal received mail and filtered mail. If you find one, it should say whether you need to correct an error and resend. If your post is queued for approval, retransmitting it won’t help.
If your posts consistently require confirmation or approval, you may need to change your subscribed address or to add a send-only subscription, so your “From:” header address is recognized.
Maybe your copy is delayed, bounced, filtered, or misplaced. This is not uncommon, so always check the list archive. Anything archived has been distributed to the list, whether or not you received a copy.
802.1 lists | Sending to lists | Mail from lists | Subscription management/Help |
List email frequently contains URLs for documents or other information. Sometimes a URL may be broken into two lines by either the sending or receiving email tool. If that happens, you may need to reassemble the parts of the URL to use it. Extended discussion of broken URLs is unnecessary.
Any mail with a “From” header field containing the list address, or any of the addresses related to the list (e.g., owner-listname), is spam and possibly dangerous.
List email is checked for viruses by the IEEE. Typically, a virus is removed before the message reaches the list, and the mail is blocked. We cannot guarantee all will be caught! If the subject or purported author looks suspicious, handle with caution.
Spam is unwelcome and usually blocked. If any reaches the list, you can assume the administrator is working to improve defenses.
List mail NOT received
The administrator receives reports of delivery failures. The administrator may suspend email to a persistently failing address. Subscribers can restart delivery themselves or request help from the administrator. If you restart delivery without correcting the problem, the administrator will probably suspend it again.
Hint: Make certain your mailbox has not exceeded its storage quota!
The administrator tries to notify subscribers of problems, and test messages are sent to the failing address. If an address remains unreachable, it is eventually deleted from the list.
Subscribers may suspend and restart delivery of 802.1 email for their own convenience, without triggering any administrative measures.
Your own contributions: Subscription default settings provide for subscribers to receive a copy, via the list, of their own contributions. Non-subscribers receive a report from the server, confirming distribution. These reports can be activated, using the ACK option, for subscribers whose email service blocks the copy of their own contributions that is sent from the list. (Gmail and other Google-based email services do that.)
802.1 lists | Sending to lists | Mail from lists | Subscription management/Help |
Subscription management and personal help
The 802.1 lists are administered by Hal Keen.
This is an email link to Hal’s current address.
This is a “throwaway” address, subject to change. Don’t save it; instead, return here for a current link.
You’re always welcome to contact the administrator for help with list questions or problems. If you would prefer not to wait for email contact, you may be able to manage your subscription using email commands or by creating your own login to the IEEE list server.
The list server software is LISTSERV®, from L-Soft international, Inc. The basic resources for subscription management are:
IEEE list server
LISTSERV® manuals
802.1 lists | Sending to lists | Mail from lists | Subscription management/Help |
Detailed explanations of some sending restrictions
Some email clients use HTML in such a way that it expands message size beyond our capacity.
Spam is not welcome! This includes job postings, course offerings, announcements of trade shows, and other commercial activities, even those having something to do with LANs or MANs.
Each list is an open forum; contributions are shared by all.On principle, participants may choose to disregard messages containing such claims or restrictions. They may be removed from email archives, and not counted as valid submissions. Consideration or discussion of the contents may be refused.
Whether or not that happens, any message sent to a list is effectively published worldwide, irretrievably. The contents may subsequently circulate anywhere in the universe, with no one but the original sender to blame. That’s not a policy, just a fact. If you want to control information, don’t broadcast it to an open forum.
Participants whose organizations automatically append such claims to outbound email must suppress them. If suppression is blocked by adminstrative edict or technology, they must contribute from a different account. Filters are added to lists to detect and block known claims boilerplate.
Message size limits defend against a major shared risk: The more space occupied by list messages, the more likely some subscribers will exceed storage limits, disrupting further communication (and slamming the list administrator with error reports).
Non-plaintext attachments, encoded for email transmission, are more than a third larger than the source files.
ZIP files are a tempting way to evade size limits, but they cannot be scanned and are a popular way to distribute malware. They’re our most serious security risk, and the only defense is to ensure nobody trusts any ZIP file sent via the list. If a file exceeds size limits, it should be posted online for download—uncompressed—and the location announced to the list.
Microsoft® Outlook® allows you to copy and modify a received email message, and then send it on (or back). This feature is reportedly called “Resend this message” (on the Tools menu). It looks tempting, especially for responding to 802.1 ballots.
Do not use this feature to send to the list! It preserves header information from the original message, distorting list communications two ways:
(1) The sender of the original (copied) message appears in the “Reply-To:” field.
(2) The header retains tracking information from the original message. If the original also passed through the list, the new message appears to be looping and will probably be rejected at many destinations.