802.1 Working Group Leadership

January 24, 2024 update

Elected Officers of 802.1

Chair Glenn Parsons Ericsson 
Vice Chair Jessy Rouyer Nokia

Appointed Officer of 802.1

Recording Secretary Jessy Rouyer Nokia

Appointed Leadership of 802.1

Security TG Chair Mick Seaman Independent
Security TG Vice Chair Karen Randall Independent
TSN TG Chair János Farkas Ericsson
TSN TG Vice Chair David McCall Intel
TSN TG Secretary Johannes Specht Independent
IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project Chair Dieter Proell Siemens AG
IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project Secretary Nemanja Stamenic Siemens AG
IEEE P802.1DP / SAE AS6675 joint project co-chairs

Abdul Jabbar

János Farkas

GE Aerospace


IEEE P802.1DP / SAE AS6675 joint project Secretary Nader Zein NEC Europe (NLE)
Maintenance TG Chair Mark Hantel Rockwell Automation
YANGsters Chair Scott Mansfield Ericsson
YANGsters Vice Chair and Secretary Stephan Kehrer Hirschmann Automation and Control, Inc.
Nendica Chair Roger Marks EthAirNet Associates
Nendica Vice Chair Johannes Specht Independent
Executive Secretary Stephan Kehrer Hirschmann Automation and Control, Inc.
Liaison Secretary Karen Randall Independent
Maintenance of website

Mark Hantel

Roger Marks

John Messenger

Rockwell Automation

EthAirNet Associates


Maintenance of mailing lists

Mark Hantel

Hal Keen

Rockwell Automation


Appointed Editors of 802.1

802 James Gilb General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.
802.1Q Mick Seaman Independent
P802.1Qdq Hiroki Nakano CAHI Corporation, Kyoto University, NICT
P802.1Qdt Lily Lyu Huawei
P802.1Qdv Norman Finn Independent
P802.1Qdw Vacant  
P802.1Qdy Martin Mittelberger Siemens AG
802.1AB Paul Bottorff Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
802.1AC Jessy Rouyer Nokia
P802.1ACea Marco Hernandez National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
802.1AS Silvana Rodrigues Huawei
P802.1ASds Silvana Rodrigues Huawei
P802.1ASeb David McCall Intel
P802.1ASed Abdul Jabbar GE Aerospace
802.1AX Steve Haddock Independent
P802.1AXdz Steve Haddock Independent
802.1CB vacant  
P802.1CB/cor1 Christophe Mangin Mitsubishi Electric Europe
P802.1DD Martin Mittelberger Siemens AG
P802.1DG Max Turner Ethernovia
P802.1DP Abdul Jabbar General Electric Aerospace
P802.1DU  Johannes Specht  Independent
P60802 Jordon Woods Independent

IEEE SA Program Manager

IEEE 802.1 WG – Jodi Haasz


Process and tool guidance for editors is available – Editor’s Resources

Templates for agendas, meeting introduction slides, minutes, motions, outgoing liaisons – Templates
