Webinar – Data Center Networking
This is the part of the Computer Society Standards Activities webinar series

IEEE 802.1 Data Center Network Standard: Enabling Data Center Fabric Convergence onto Ethernet
Wednesday, 27 September 2023 – 10:00am ET | 14:00 UTC
IEEE 802.1 standards apply to a broad set of industry verticals. One such vertical is the ever important data center network (DCN) that fuels today’s digital transformation of the Cloud, Mobility and the Internet of Things. More than 20 years ago, IEEE 802.1 created a set of standards which enabled the convergence of data center technologies onto 10 Gbps Ethernet.
Currently, the Ethernet fabric in the data center needs dramatical expansion in size and performance to address the requirements of high-performance computing and artificial intelligence applications in hyper-scale data centers running on 400 Gbps Ethernet and beyond. Among the many activities within IEEE 802.1, the working group is tasked to address the needs of modern hyper-scale data centers.
This Webinar will provide a historical view of the evolving data center network technologies and deep dive into the current DCN projects within IEEE 802.1.
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Lily Yunping Lyu
Standards Engineer
Huawei Technologies