March 2021 Plenary Session (Electronic)


802.1 sponsored Tutorial: IEEE 802 Plenary Tutorials

Opening Report

Opening Plenary Meeting slides

Subgroup agendas: Maintenance | Nendica | Security | TSN | YANGsters

Voting Member – Cast your vote

Closing Plenary Meeting Slides

Closing Report

PDF of approved session minutes (taking precedence over the following)

IEEE 802.1 Working Group

March 8-16, 2021 Plenary Session


Session Minutes

The Working Group (WG) Chair, Glenn Parsons, presided.

The Recording Secretary, Jessy Rouyer, wrote and/or edited the minutes in part based on input from subgroup Chairs and their Secretaries.

Note that, throughout this document, minuted/recorded inputs from any attendee can not/shall not be assumed to represent a position of their employer or affiliated organization. Discussion points captured do not necessarily reflect the views of the presenter, discussion leader or minute taker, and do not imply consensus unless that is explicitly minuted. The content of draft standards is determined by the ballot process; other formal decisions are the subject of Working Group motions.

Attendance and affiliation

The table in this section reflects, for all meetings held in the session, the attendance (denoted by the ● symbol) and affiliation of participants who registered their attendance in IMAT.

802.1 Officers and Leadership

  • Chair: Glenn Parsons
  • Vice-Chair and Recording Secretary: Jessy Rouyer
  • Executive Secretary: Stephan Kehrer
  • Liaison Secretary: Karen Randall
  • Maintenance TG Chair: Paul Congdon
  • Security TG Chair: Mick Seaman
    • Security TG Vice-Chair: Karen Randall
  • TSN TG Chair: János Farkas
    • TSN TG Vice-Chair: Craig Gunther
    • TSN TG Secretary: Marina Gutiérrez
    • IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project Chair: Ludwig Winkel
    • IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project Secretary: Josef Dorr
    • IEEE P802.1DP / SAE AS6675 joint project co-Chairs: Abdul Jabbar and János Farkas
  • Nendica Chair: Roger Marks
  • YANGsters Chair: Scott Mansfield
    • YANGsters Vice-Chair and Secretary: Stephan Kehrer
  • Maintenance of Email exploder: Hal Keen and Mark Hantel
  • Maintenance of website: Roger Marks

Opening Plenary Meeting

The table in section 1 reflects, for all meetings held in this session, the attendance and affiliation of participants who registered their attendance in IMAT.

Call to order Mar 3, 2021 at 9:01 ET by the Chair who presided. The Recording Secretary wrote the minutes.

The Chair presented “Opening Plenary March 2021” finalized as

During this presentation, the Chair:

  • Introduced the agendas on slide 2 that were tacitly approved.
  • Presented slide 3 thereby providing the following information:
    • IEEE SA’s copyright policy is described in Clause 7 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and Clause 6.1 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual;
    • Any material submitted during standards development, whether verbal, recorded, or in written form, is a Contribution and shall comply with the IEEE SA Copyright Policy.
  • Showed IEEE SA Copyright Policy slides 4 and 5.
  • Showed slides 6 through 10 (reproducing slides 0 through 4 of the IEEE SA PatCom Patent Slides for Standards Development Meetings, separately available at
    The Chair:
    • Presented information on these slides including:
      • Instructions for the WG Chair (and subgroup Chairs);
      • Participants have a duty to inform the IEEE;
      • Ways to inform IEEE;
      • Other guidelines for IEEE WG meetings; and
      • Patent-related information.
    • Advised WG attendees that:
      • IEEE’s patent policy is described in Clause 6 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws;
      • Early identification of patent claims which may be essential for the use of standards under development is strongly encouraged;
      • There may be Essential Patent Claims of which IEEE is not aware. Additionally, neither IEEE, the WG, nor the WG Chair can ensure the accuracy or completeness of any assurance or whether any such assurance is, in fact, of a Patent Claim that is essential for the use of the standard under development.
    • Made the “Call for Potentially Essential Patents”, i.e. provided an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that standard.
      • There were no responses to the call.
  • Presented slides 11 through 13 reproducing the IEEE SA slides 1 through 3 approved by SASB in June 2019 regarding IEEE Codes of Ethics and Conduct, participation in the “individual process”, and dominance, thereby conveying that:
    • Participant behavior in IEEE-SA activities is guided by the IEEE Codes of Ethics & Conduct (slide 11);
    • Participants in the IEEE-SA “individual process” shall act independently of others, including employers (slide 12); and
    • IEEE-SA standards activities shall allow the fair & equitable consideration of all viewpoints (slide 13).
  • Reviewed meeting decorum, including the policies on public reporting, and on photography or recording (slide 14);
      • The Chair called for any members of the press (i.e., anyone reporting publicly on this meeting) to announce their presence: there were no responses to the call.
  • Asked participants to register attendance in IMAT (slide 15).
  • Provided electronic meeting guidelines (slide 16).
  • Made subgroup announcements (slide 17) thereby reminding subgroup Chairs of their obligation to remind participant that meeting introduction information (as announced in this opening plenary meeting) was made available before subgroup meetings and, in the case of a Task Group (TG), to make the “Call for Potentially Essential Patents”.
  • Provided general information regarding meeting contributions, minutes, schedule for all Working Groups, website (slide 18).
  • Introduced 802.1 officers and leadership (slide 19).
  • Announced new leadership and editors (slide 20):
    • IEEE P802.1DP/SAE AS6675 joint project co-chairs János Farkas and Abdul Jabbar
      • The Chair encouraged participants to volunteer for the IEEE P802.1DP/SAE AS6675 secretary role.
    • P802.1Qrev editor – Mick Seaman
    • P802.1DG editor – Max Turner
  • Reminded 802.1 voting members of their obligations regarding affiliation declaration (slide 21), voting membership (slide 22), and responding to WG ballots and E-Polls, as well as regarding the consequences of not responding to WG ballots and E-Polls (slide 23).
  • Reviewed the list of 802.1 voters (slide 24), including information about individuals who may gain (slides 25 and 26), will lose (slide 27), may lose (slide 28) 802.1 voting membership.
  • Reminded individual participants of 802.11 reciprocal credit, which was continued at this session (slide 29).
  • Reviewed the schedule for future interim sessions and those changed to electronic due to COVID-19 (slide 30):
    • May 18-22, 2020
      • Pasadena, CA, USA hosted by Ethernet Alliance
      • Changed to electronic due to COVID-19
    • September 21-25, 2020
      • Stuttgart, DE hosted by Hirschmann
      • Changed to electronic due to COVID-19
    • January 18-22, 2021
      • Changed to electronic due to COVID-19
    • May 3-7, 2021
      • Santa Fe, NM, USA hosted by Analog Devices
      • Changed to electronic due to COVID-19
    • September 20-24, 2021
      • Stuttgart, DE
    • May 2022
    • September 2022 (proposal)
      • January proposal withdrawn due to pandemic
      • Collocated with 802.3, followed by joint 802.1/802.3/ITU-T SG15 workshop & ITU‑T SG15
      • Geneva, CH
  • Reviewed the schedule for future plenary sessions (slide 31):
    • March 15-20, 2020 – Atlanta, GA, USA
      • Hilton Atlanta (cancelled due to COVID-19)
    • July 12-17, 2020 – Montreal, QC, Canada
      • Sheraton Montreal (changed to electronic due to COVID-19)
    • November 8-13, 2020 – Bangkok, Thailand
      • Bangkok Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park (changed to electronic due to COVID-19)
    • March 14-19, 2021 – Denver, CO, USA
      • Hyatt Regency Denver (changed to electronic due to COVID-19)
    • July 11-16, 2021 – Madrid, Spain
      • Marriott Madrid Auditorium (changed to electronic due to COVID-19)
    • November 14-19, 2021 – Vancouver, BC, Canada
      • Hyatt Regency Vancouver
    • March 13-18, 2022 – Orlando, FL, USA
      • Disney Springs
    • July 10-15, 2022 – Montreal, QC, Canada
      • Sheraton Montreal
    • November 13-18, 2022 – Bangkok, Thailand
      • Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park
  • Reviewed the list of dates by which the decision to hold a future session will have to be made (slide 32).
    • Interim sessions
      • September 20-24, 2021, Stuttgart, DE
        • Decision date: May 2021 802.1 interim session
    • Plenary sessions
      • November 14-19, 2021 – Vancouver, BC, Canada
        • Latest possible decision date: July 6, 2021
      • March 13-18, 2022 – Orlando, FL, USA
        • Latest possible decision date: November 2, 2021
  • Reported the following items out of the 802 Executive Committee (EC) plenary session #126 (electronic plenary session #3) (slide 33):
    • Standards Board Terminology ad hoc report
      • Given December 2020 SASB resolution, decide if further process is required
      • Revised Style Guide (with deprecated language) expected end of March
    • SA solutions (EC-21-44)
      • myProject – Mentor/IMAT sync is now automatic (but one way from myProject)
      • Requirements study for document management and attendance – completed Q1-2021
    • 802 Electronic Media 2021 Edition (EC-21-48)
      • All plenary participants in IMAT will get IEEE SA email with invite to download the 2021 Edition
    • Rules (P&P) (EC-20-124)
      • AudCom has conditionally approved revised P&P baseline.
    • Future Venues (EC-21-55)
      • Swapped venues for March 2024 and March 2026
    • Treasurer (EC-21-51)
      • 2020 loss of $140k, reserves now $960k
      • Penalties for cancelled meetings so far = $0 — but cost per cancelled meeting is about $25k
      • $50/each for 500 attendees would cover this – proposed motion for closing plenary
      • Enforcement afterwards per 802 OpsMan section 5.4
  • Showed the straw polls planned to be conducted at the closing plenary (slide 34):
    • Considering that IEEE 802 collects no annual membership fee yet is incurring in-person session cancellation fees and online meeting tool licensing fees for electronic sessions during the pandemic, would you or your employer be willing to pay a $50 fee for your access to all July 2021 IEEE 802 electronic plenary session meetings?
      • Yes/No
    • When do you expect the next in person 802.1 Session will be?
      • A. September 2021        B.- November 2021 C.- After 2021
    • Dates for May 2022 interim
  • Reviewed the list of 802 EC meetings to be held during this plenary session (slide 35).
  • Provided information about public review (slide 36) and about the following email ballots (ePolls) since the last plenary session (slide 37):
  • Pointed out PARs and CSDs up for vote during this IEEE 802 plenary session (slide 38), proposed 802.3 (Enhancements to Single Pair Ethernet) and 802.15.6 (Enhanced Dependability) pre-PAR activities (i.e., study groups) (slide 39), and coordination options on other PARs from the Smart Manufacturing Standards Committee (SMSC) (slide 40).
  • Reviewed the list of liaisons incoming to 802.1 to be handled by the TSN TG and Maintenance TG (slide 41), pointing to the liaison tracking web page at
    • Jessy Rouyer briefly introduced “SG15 LS271 & drafts”.
    • Karen Randall, Liaison Secretary, requested the addition of “3GPP SA2 S21011300”.
  • Discussed promotion of the work of the WG, encouraging editors to suggest Beyond Standards blog posts (slides 42 and 43)
    • Roger Marks briefly introduced 802.1 public visibility messaging (slide 43).
  • Summarized the outcome of the WSTS/IEEE 802.1 “Tutorial on Synchronization: A Key Function in Time-Sensitive Networking and Beyond” (also see (slide 44)
  • Summarized the various types of IEEE Awards and encouraged nominations (slide 45)
  • Displayed the 2020 IEEE SA Emerging Technology Award presented to the IEEE 802.1 Working Group​ (slide 46), the 2020 IEEE SA Standards Medallion presented to János Farkas (slide 47), the IEEE SA Lifetime Achievement Awards presented to 802.1 participants in previous years (encouraging new nominations, slide 48), and the 2021 IEEE Living Standard Award presented to TTTech (slide 49).
  • Presented WG Chair Awards offered to leadership, editors and significant contributors after publication (slide 50).
  • Provided the anticipation of next actions with respect to projects in the WG’s current workload (slide 51).
  • Presented the 802.1Q timeline for revisions and amendments that would be discussed in the Maintenance TG (slide 52).
  • Clarified that IEEE Std 802.1D-2004 was superseded by IEEE Std 802.1Q-2014 and noted discussion of further related steps would be held in the Maintenance TG (slide 53).
  • Showed the 802.1 plenary schedule for this session, which was tacitly approved (slide 54).
  • Listed 802.1 management meetings (slide 55).
  • Reminded the Working Group of the logistics orientation to be held Mar 8, 2021 (slide 56).
  • Requested that subgroup agendas be presented (slide 57):
    • Paul Congdon, Maintenance TG Chair, presented the agenda on slide 58.
    • Mick Seaman, Security TG Chair, presented the agenda on slide 59.
    • János Farkas, TSN TG Chair, Ludwig Winkel, IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project Chair, and Craig Gunther, TSN TG Vice-Chair presented the agenda on slide 60.
    • Roger Marks, Nendica Chair, presented the agenda on slide 61.
    • Scott Mansfield, YANGsters Chair, presented the agenda on slide 62 noting P802f would receive agenda time.
  • Called for Any Other Business (slide 63).
    • János Farkas, TSN TG Chair, clarified how Webex would be used during the session.
    • No further business was discussed in this meeting.

11:12 ET adjournment

Maintenance Task Group

Between this session and the preceding session, the IEEE 802.1 Maintenance Task Group (TG) held electronic meetings whose minutes are incorporated to these session minutes by reference as follows:

The table in section 1 reflects, for all meetings held in this session, the attendance and affiliation of participants who registered their attendance in IMAT.

Call to order Mar 9, 2021 at 14:00 ET by Paul Congdon, IEEE 802.1 Maintenance TG Chair who presided and wrote the minutes.

Agenda items and dispositions:

1. Meeting introduction. The Maintenance TG Chair reminded participants that the following information was made available before the meeting.

  • The IEEE SA Copyright Policy slides,
  • The IEEE SA PatCom Patent Slides for Standards Development Meetings,
  • The IEEE SA slides regarding IEEE Codes of Ethics and Conduct, participation in the “individual process”, and dominance,
  • The decorum information, and
  • The reminder for participants to register their attendance in IMAT

contained in “MEETING INTRODUCTION” thereby providing the information on slides 2 and 5 of this presentation and made the Call for Potentially Essential Patents: there were no responses to this Call prior to the end of the session.

2. Approval of agenda. The TG chair presented the agenda in

Disposition: The agenda was reviewed, discussed, and updated as recorded by these minutes.

3. Review Maintenance motions. The TG Chair presented “Review Maintenance Motions” in “Maintenance Task Group Conference Call”

Disposition: The proposed motion to authorize the editor of P802.1ASdr to develop drafts and perform TG balloting was pulled from the list of motions. The P802.1ASdr PAR will not be approved until after the close of the Mar 2021 plenary session. It was agreed that a presentation identifying the needed changes for inclusive terminology and the proposal for how to make the changes is needed. It was also agreed to draft a liaison to IEEE 1588g indicating 802.1 is awaiting their decision on inclusive terminology.

4. 802.1D Withdrawal/Supersede Next Steps. The TG Chair and others listed below led the discussion including the following items:

  • Glenn Parsons presented “802.1D withdrawal”
  • The TG Chair led a discussion on 802.3 and 802.11 planned interactions
  • Mick Seaman, P802.1Q-Rev editor, led a discussion on needed maintenance items to support 802.1Q superseding 802.1D
  • The TG Chair led a discussion on existing maintenance items to remove references to 802.1D in existing standards. The maintenance items are:
    • 0287: Update IEEE Std 802 to reflect withdrawal of IEEE Std 802.1D
    • 0298: Remove reference to 802.1D from 802.1AC
    • 0299: Remove 802.1D references from 802.1BA
    • 0300: Remove 802.1D references from 802.1BR


5. Document Vehicle Status. The TG Chair presented “Brief Vehicle Status Update” in “Maintenance Task Group Conference Call”

Disposition: For information

6. Existing Maintenance Items. The TG chair led the discussion of the following existing maintenance items:

  • 0232: Maintenance requires: PICS inconsistent in 802.1Q-2018
  • 0242: IEEE Std 802.1Qcp-2018: Collected issues on data consistency and others
  • 0248: Managed objects for ECP in 802.1Q-2018
  • 0278: Inconsistent Clause 5 and PICS with respect to state machines
  • 0304: IEEE8021PriorityCodePoint misnamed

Disposition: Details for discussion on all items are logged in the IEEE 802.1 maintenance database at where items progressed at the meeting can be reviewed by selecting ‘Meetings’.

7. Any other business.

  • For information. Background research for P802.1ASdr documented the usage of ‘slave’ in 802.1AS and was emailed to the P802.1ASdr editor.
  • The TG discussed the timeline for P802.1BA-Rev. An editor is needed for the project and should be appointed at this session for the project to stay on schedule to complete revision before the base standard is administratively withdrawn. The revision needs to be submitted to RevCom by Nov 2021.

16:09 ET recess

Call to order Mar 12, 2021 at 14:00 ET by Paul Congdon, IEEE 802.1 Maintenance TG Chair who presided and wrote the minutes.

8. Meeting introduction. The TG Chair announced that the meeting is subject to the Copyright Policy, Patent Policy and Participants Policy as read and displayed at the opening Maintenance TG meeting and made the Call for Potentially Essential Patents:  there were no responses to this Call prior to the end of the session.

9. Approval of agenda. The TG chair presented the agenda in

Disposition: The agenda was reviewed, discussed, and updated as recorded by these minutes.

10. SC6 Status. Karen Randall presented “ISO/IEC JTC1 SC6 STATUS March 2021” slides in “Maintenance Task Group Conference Call”

Disposition: For information.

11. Liaisons:

Disposition: For information.

Disposition: Liaison response drafted.

Disposition: Liaison response drafted.

12. 802.1 PAR Comments Review/Response. The TG Chair led the drafting of responses to P802.1ASdr PAR and CSD comments in

Disposition: Responses documented in

13. New Maintenance Items: The TG chair led the discussion of the following new maintenance items:

      • 0309: Preemption in 802.1Q
      • 0310: Preemption in 802.1AC
      • 0311: 802.1Q: Resolution of stream filters with wildcard stream_handle specification
      • 0312: Stream ID as a Key for YANG lists
      • 0313: First frame of the stream

Disposition: Details for discussion on all items are logged in the IEEE 802.1 maintenance database at where items progressed at the meeting can be reviewed by selecting ‘Meetings’.

14. Any Other Business. No other business was discussed by the Maintenance TG in this session.

15. Future meetings. Agreed (informally, none dissenting) to hold a meeting with IEEE 1588g to discuss inclusive terminology.

15:50 ET adjournment

Security Task Group

Between this session and the preceding session, the IEEE 802.1 Security Task Group (TG) held electronic meetings whose minutes are incorporated to these session minutes by reference as follows:

Minutes of the Security TG meeting held 2021-02-16 13:00 – 14:34 ET

The table in section 1 reflects, for all meetings held in this session, the attendance and affiliation of participants who registered their attendance in IMAT. The following list reflects the attendance and affiliation of participants as recorded by the TG Vice-Chair during the meetings (some participants list additional affiliations, see IMAT for a full list and formal title of affiliated organizations):

Bottorff, Paul Hewlett-Packard Thu AM

Congdon, Paul Tallac Thu AM

Dubrawski, Rich Viasat, Inc. Tue AM, Thu AM

Fedyk, Don LabN Consulting Tue AM, Thu AM, Fri AM

Haddock, Stephen Stephen Haddock Tue AM

Henry, Jerome Cisco Systems, Inc. Tue AM, Thu AM

Huh, Woojung Microchip Tue AM

Kabra, Lokesh Synopsys, Inc. Fri AM

Kelsey, Randy Engineering Solutions Tue AM, Thu AM, Fri AM

Kim, Yongbum NIO Tue AM, Thu AM, Fri AM

McIntosh, James Microchip Technology Tue AM, Fri AM

Nakano, Hiroki CAHI Corp. Tue AM

Parsons, Glenn Ericsson Tue AM, Thu AM, Fri AM

Randall, Karen Self Tue AM, Thu AM, Fri AM

Rouyer, Jessy Nokia Tue AM

Seaman, Mick Individual Tue AM, Fri AM

Stanica, Marius ABB AB Fri AM

Sun, Lyiang Huawei Thu AM

Turner, Max Ethernovia Tue AM

Zinner, Helge Vokswagen AG Tue AM

The following list reflects additional attendance, in whole or part of a meeting, as noted on the Webex participants list:

Rouyer, Jessy Nokia Fri AM

Seaman, Mick Individual Thu AM

Seewald, Maik Cisco Systems Tue AM

Call to order Mar 9, 2021 at 11:05 ET by Mick Seaman, IEEE 802.1 Security TG Chair, who presided and wrote the minutes assisted by Karen Randall, Security TG Vice-Chair.

Agenda items and dispositions:

1. Meeting introduction. The Security TG Chair reminded participants that the following information was made available before the meeting, and was presented by the IEEE 802.1 Working Group Chair at the beginning of the working group plenary session.

The IEEE SA Copyright Policy slides

The IEEE SA PatCom Patent Slides for Standards Development Meetings,

The IEEE SA slides regarding IEEE Codes of Ethics and Conduct, participation in the individual process, and dominance,

The decorum information, and

The reminder for participants to register their attendance in IMAT

contained in MEETING INTRODUCTION thereby providing the information on slides 2 and 5 of this presentation.

The Security TG chair reminded participants to register their attendance in IMAT and made the Calls for Potentially Essential Patents at the beginning of this meeting and at the beginning of the Security TG meeting on Mar 11, 2021 and Mar 12, 2021 in this session. There were no responses to these Calls prior to the end of the session.

2. Approval of agenda. The Security TG Chair presented the agenda in Disposition: The agenda was reviewed, discussed and updated as recorded by these minutes.

3. P802.1AEdk MAC Privacy protection – Draft development (cont.)

The Security TG Chair led a brief discussion of the Conformance Clause.


Need to ensure 5.10 matches Clause 20.

Consensus (apparent, none dissenting) that requiring two Privacy Channels was reasonable.

MPPDU scheduling supports timing of MPDDU transmission for the two channels.

Don Fedyk, P802.1AEdk Editor, presented “IEEE 802.1 Security MACsec Privacy Rate Specification Deep Dive”


Consensus (informal, none dissenting) that specifying the user data frame size that could be carried was the right approach to specifying Privacy Channel MPPDU size.

Interval specification not required, addressed as a consequence of the token bucket specification of MPPDU generation.

Nearest multiplier pad needs to be smaller than suggested, e.g. 16, 32, etc.

Disposition: Discussion to be continued.

13:00 ET recess

Call to order Mar 11, 2021 at 11:03 ET by Mick Seaman, IEEE 802.1 Security TG Chair who presided and wrote the minutes assisted by Karen Randall, Security TG Vice-Chair.

4. P802.1AEdk MAC Privacy protection – Draft development (cont.)

Don Fedyk, P802.1AEdk Editor, presented an update to “IEEE 802.1 Security MACsec Privacy Rate Specification Deep Dive” taking into account the discussion during the Mar 9, 2021 meeting.

Disposition: For information during draft development and review.

Don Fedyk, P802.1AEdk Editor, led a discussion of the development of the draft.


Updates to Clause 20 to align terminology.

Next draft pending on Conformance Clause detail updates.

5. Any Other Business. WBA OpenRoaming liaison response

Karen Randall, Security Task Group Vice-Chair and 802.1 Working Group Liaison Secretary, presented a proposed response, developed following discussion in prior Security TG meetings and informal consultation with IEEE 802.11 participants, and led the discussion of the response.


Additional insight was provided into the status/goals of the WBA OpenRoaming WG.

An 802.1 liaison response can be sent for their review during their June 2021 meeting.

Protocol support for enrollment (onboarding) support for devices in general may be more fragmented by industry vertical than previously anticipated. Further analysis is required to determine whether the Security TG needs to engage in more detail.

Disposition: “Liaison response to Liaison Statement to IEEE 802.1 Secure Device Onboarding using WBA OpenRoaming” was approved during the 802.1 WG closing plenary in this session and has been sent post-session.

11:49 ET recess

Call to order Mar 12, 2021 at 11:01 ET by Mick Seaman, IEEE 802.1 Security TG Chair who presided and wrote the minutes assisted by Karen Randall, Security TG Vice-Chair.

6. MACsec Performance. The Security TG Chair led a discussion of the MACsec performance requirements.


Current requirements in IEEE Std 802.1AE-2018 were developed in 2004.

Some feeling that these were too stringent at speeds above 10 Gb/s, and should be relaxed.

Other views that continued focus on minimal jitter and low delay is important for TSN support.

Broad range of deployment requirements (e.g. geographically local, single vehicle, single factory, small campus, data center vs trans-continental, inter-continental, to and from satellites – inc. moon).

Requirements may be reasonably met by range of implementations.

Don’t want to lose push for low delay minimal QoS impact of combined MAC implementation, which has been successful. May need distinct performance classes for more delay/jitter tolerant applications.

Disposition: Further work required.

7. Any Other Business. No other business was discussed by the Security TG in this session.

8. Future meeting/teleconferences. A Security TG electronic meeting will be scheduled for Apr 13, 201 and Apr 27, 2021, 13:00 ET.

11:59 ET adjournment

Time-Sensitive Networking Task Group

Between this session and the preceding session, the IEEE 802.1 Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Task Group (TG) held electronic meetings whose minutes are incorporated to these session minutes by reference as follows:

Minutes of the IEEE 802.1 TSN TG meeting held 2021-01-25 11:00 – 13:00 ET

Minutes of the IEEE 802.1 TSN TG meeting held 2021-02-01 11:00 – 13:25 ET (revised)

Minutes of the IEEE P802.1DP meeting held 2021-02-03 11:00 – 12:45 ET

Minutes of the IEEE 802.1 TSN TG meeting held 2021-02-08 11:00 – 13:20 ET

Minutes of the IEEE 802.1 TSN TG meeting held 2021-02-15 11:00 – 13:10 ET (revised)

Minutes of the IEEE P802.1DG meeting held 2021-02-16 9:00 – 10:05 AM ET

Minutes of the IEEE P802.1DP meeting held 2021-02-17 11:00 – 12:40 ET

Minutes of the IEEE 802.1 TSN TG meeting held 2021-02-22 11:00 – 13:15 ET

Minutes of the IEEE 802.1 TSN TG meeting held 2021-03-01 11:00 – 13:00 ET

The table in section 1 reflects, for all meetings held in this session, the attendance and affiliation of participants who registered their attendance in IMAT.

The TSN TG and the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project held joint meetings minuted in section 6.1.

Call to order Mar 8, 2021 at 14:30 ET by János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair, who presided. Marina Gutiérrez, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.

Agenda items and dispositions:

1. Meeting introduction. TSN TG Chair showed:

The IEEE SA Copyright Policy slides,

The IEEE SA PatCom Patent Slides for Standards Development Meetings,

The IEEE SA slides regarding IEEE Codes of Ethics and Conduct, participation in the “individual process”, and dominance,

The decorum information, and

The reminder for participants to register their attendance in IMAT

contained in “MEETING INTRODUCTION” thereby providing the information on slides 2 and 5 of this presentation, and made the Call for Potentially Essential Patents: there were no responses to this Call prior to the end of the end of the session.

2. Approval of agenda. The TG Chair presented the agenda in

Disposition: The agenda was reviewed, discussed and agreed (informally, none dissenting) as presented.

3. Greg Schlechter, Henning Kaltheuner, Genio Kronauer and Tom Weingartner presented “Insights and observations on TSN applied across ecosystems”

Disposition: Presentation was discussed. For information only.

4. George Zimmermann presented “IEEE 802.3 Call for Interest Enhancements to Single Pair Ethernet Overview”

Disposition: Presentation was discussed. For information only.

5. The TG Chair presented draft motions for 802.1 closing plenary approval.

Disposition: Draft motions reviewed for 802.1 closing plenary approval.

16:35 ET recess

Call to order Mar 9, 2021 at 09:00 ET by Craig Gunther, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Vice-Chair, who presided. Marina Gutiérrez, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.

6. The TG Vice-Chair announced that the meeting is subject to the Copyright Policy, Patent Policy and Participants Policy as read and displayed at the opening plenary meeting.

7. Chris McCormick presented “Crystal Fundamentals & State of the Industry”

Disposition: Presentation was discussed.

8. Yoshihiro Ito presented “TSN for Automotive SDN 〜 Update of Use cases”

Disposition: Presentation was discussed.

9. Max Turner presented “Text Proposal for: Sections 8. and/or E.6 Security of IEEE 802.1DG/D1.3”

Disposition: Presentation was discussed.

11:04 ET recess

Call to order Mar 10, 2021 at 09:00 ET by Craig Gunther, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Vice-Chair, who presided. Marina Gutiérrez, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.            

10. Marina Gutiérrez, P802.1Qcw editor, led the resolution of comments received on

Disposition: Comments 8, 26, 39, 40, 3, 5, 27, 14, 13, 28, 36, 38, 37, 1, 18, 20, 21, 17 were discussed and resolved as documented in

11:04 – 11:30 ET recess

Call to order Mar 10, 2021 at 11:00 ET by János Farkas and Abdul Jabbar, IEEE P802.1DP / SAE AS6675 joint project co-Chairs, who presided. Marina Gutiérrez, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.

11. Wolfgang Fischer presented TSN Use-Case: Commercial Aircraft Cabin“

Disposition: Presentation was discussed.

12. Jamie Zaehring presented “Introduction to Aerospace Network Certification §/JAR25.1309 / CS25”

Disposition: Presentation was discussed.


Disposition: Presentation was discussed.

13:32 – 14:00 ET recess

Call to order Mar 10, 2021 at 14:00 ET by János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair, who presided and Marina Gutiérrez, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.

14. Stephan Kehrer, P802.1CBcv editor, presented “IEEE P802.1CBcv Editor’s Report for Draft D1.1 Ballot Comment Resolution (v1)” and led the resolution of comments received on

Disposition: Comments 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 were discussed and resolved as documented in

16:22 ET recess.

Call to order Mar 11, 2021 at 9:00 ET by János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair, who presided. Marina Gutiérrez, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.

15. Thomas Weichlein presented “IEEE 802.1Q, CFM CCM Protocol, Faster Intervals?”

Disposition: Liaison was discussed.

16. The TSN TG Chair led the resolution of comments received on and

Disposition: Comments were resolved. Responses were recorded in Anticipated next: motion for 802.1 closing plenary to send PAR and CSD to NesCom.

17. Marc Holness, P802f editor, led the resolution of comments received on

Disposition: Comments were discussed. Continued later.

11:05 – 14:01 ET recess

Call to order Mar 11, 2021 at 14:01 ET by János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair, who presided. Marina Gutiérrez, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.

18. Stephen Haddock, P802.1ABdh editor, led the resolution of comments received on

Disposition: Comments were discussed and resolved as documented in

16:03 ET recess

Call to order Mar 12, 2021 at 9:00 ET by Craig Gunther, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Vice-Chair, who presided. Marina Gutiérrez, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.

19. Paul Congdon, P802.1Qcz, led the resolution of comments received on

Disposition: All comments were discussed and resolved as documented in

20. Marc Holness, P802f editor, continued the resolution of comments received on

Disposition: Comments were discussed and resolved as documented in

11:05 – 11:30 ET recess

Call to order Mar 12, 2021 at 11:30 ET by Craig Gunther, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Vice-Chair, who presided and Marina Gutiérrez, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.

21. Roger Marks presented “Block Address Registration and Claiming (BARC)”

Disposition: Presentation was discussed. Related to an ongoing project.

22. Jessy Rouyer led the drafting of liaison response to

Disposition: Liaison response was drafted.

23. Stephan Kehrer, P802.1CBcv editor, continued the resolution of comments received on

Disposition: All comments were discussed and resolved as documented in

24. Christophe Mangin, P802.1CBdb editor, presented “802.1CBdb/D1.2 Editor’s report for the 1st WG recirculation ballot comments resolution” and led the resolution of comments received on

Disposition: Comments 1, 10, 15, 16, 17, 32 were discussed and resolved as documented in

13:52 ET recess.

Call to order Mar 15, 2021 at 11:30 ET by János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair, who presided. Marina Gutiérrez, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.

25. Norman Finn presented “Towards a PAR (or PARs) for Pulsed Queues”

Disposition: Presentation discussed.

26. Scott Fincher, P802.1Qcj editor, led the resolution of comments received on

Disposition: Continued later.

27. Christophe Mangin, P802.1CBdb editor, presented “802.1CBdb/D1.2 Editor’s report for the 1st WG recirculation ballot comments resolution” and continued the resolution of comments received on

Disposition: Comments 8, 13, 26, 30, 31 were discussed and resolved as documented in

28. Geoffrey Garner, P802.1ASdm editor, presented the first P802.1ASdm draft in

Disposition: for information only.

13:39 – 14:00 ET recess

Call to order Mar 15, 2021 at 14:00 ET by János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair, who presided and Marina Gutiérrez, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.

29. Scott Fincher, P802.1Qcj editor, led the resolution of comments received on

Disposition: Comments were discussed and resolved as documented in

16:11 ET adjournment

IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project

Between this session and the preceding session, the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project held electronic meetings whose minutes are incorporated to these session minutes by reference as follows:

Between this session and the preceding session, the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project System Specification ad hoc (System ad hoc) held the following electronic meetings:

The table in section 1 reflects, for all meetings held in this session, the attendance and affiliation of participants who registered their attendance in IMAT.

Call to order Mar 8, 2021 at 11:30 ET by Ludwig Winkel, IEC 65C/WG18 Convenor and IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project Chair (60802 Chair), who presided with János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair (TSN TG Chair). Josef Dorr, IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project Secretary (60802 Secretary), wrote the minutes.

Agenda items and dispositions:

1. Meeting introduction and other administrative items. The 60802 Chair showed:

  • The IEEE SA Copyright Policy slides,
  • The IEEE SA PatCom Patent Slides for Standards Development Meetings,
  • The IEEE SA slides regarding IEEE Codes of Ethics and Conduct, participation in the “individual process”, and dominance,
  • The decorum information, and
  • The reminder for participants to register their attendance in IMAT

contained in “MEETING INTRODUCTION” thereby providing the information on slides 2 and 5 of this presentation, and made the Call for Potentially Essential Patents: there were no responses to this Call prior to the end of the meeting. The 60802 Chair explained that the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project also follows the usual IEC patent and copyright policies.

2. Approval of agenda. The 60802 Chair presented the agenda in which is also available in

Disposition: The agenda was reviewed, discussed, and agreed (informally, none dissenting) as presented.

3. Update on the IEC 61802 conformity assessment project. The 60802 Chair gave a verbal update on the IEC 61802 conformity assessment project. Five consortia are potentially involved to sponsor IEC 61802 development. The first IEC 61802 committee draft (CD) is expected early 2022.

Disposition: For information.

4. Editor’s report. Jordon Woods, 60802 Editor, presented “Editor’s Report 60802 Draft 1.2”  

Disposition: For information.

5. Ethernet Timestamping Precision/Accuracy. Dave Alsup presented and led the discussion on “Ethernet Timestamping Precision/Accuracy” During the discussion it was indicated that there is an ongoing project IEEE P802.3cx to improve PTP Timestamping Accuracy.

Disposition: The impact of the presentation on the synchronization simulation model was discussed in the next IEC/IEEE 60802 meeting on Mar 9, 2021. More discussion needed.

6. IEC/IEEE 60802 D1.2 TG ballot comment resolution. Jordon Woods, 60802 Editor, presented and led the discussion on The document is intended to serve as reference for the 60802 comments resolution.

Disposition: The presented document was updated based on comments received during the discussion as documented in More discussion is needed.

7. Review of minutes. Draft minutes were reviewed under the lead of the 60802 Secretary.

13:30 ET recess

Call to order Mar 9, 2021 at 11:30 ET by Ludwig Winkel, 60802 Chair, who presided with János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair. Josef Dorr, 60802 Secretary, wrote the minutes.

8. Meeting introduction. The TSN TG Chair announced that the meeting is subject to the Copyright Policy, Patent Policy and Participants Policy as read and displayed at the opening plenary meeting. The 60802 Chair explained that the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project also follows the usual IEC patent and copyright policies.

9. Approval of agenda. The 60802 Chair presented the agenda in which is also available in

Disposition: The agenda was reviewed, discussed, and agreed (informally, none dissenting) as presented.

10. Analysis of oscillator frequency stability based on new temperature stability data and resulting preliminary simulation results. Geoffrey Garner presented and led the discussion on “Phase and Frequency Offset, and Frequency Drift Rate Time History Plots Based on New Frequency Stability Data”

Disposition: The Assumptions/Parameters for next simulation runs were to be summarized by the presenter for a future presentation during this Mar 2021 plenary session.

11. IEC/IEEE 60802 D1.2 TG ballot comment resolution. Jordon Woods, 60802 Editor, presented and led the discussion on The document is intended to serve as reference for the 60802 comments resolution.

Disposition: The presented document was updated based on comments received during the discussion as documented in More discussion is needed.

12. Review of minutes. Draft minutes were reviewed under the lead of the 60802 Secretary.

13:30 ET recess

Call to order Mar 10, 2021 at 9:00 ET by Ludwig Winkel, 60802 Chair, who presided with János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair. Josef Dorr, 60802 Secretary, wrote the minutes.

13. Meeting introduction. The 60802 Chair announced that the meeting is subject to the Copyright Policy, Patent Policy and Participants Policy as read and displayed at the opening plenary meeting. The 60802 Chair explained that the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project also follows the usual IEC patent and copyright policies.

14. Approval of agenda. The 60802 Chair presented the agenda in which is also available in

Disposition: The agenda was reviewed, discussed, and agreed (informally, none dissenting) as presented.

15. Security Overview. Kai Fischer presented “Security for IEC/IEEE 60802: Overview of Approach”

Disposition: More discussion is needed.

16. Netconf security. Oliver Pfaff presented “Security for IEC/IEEE 60802: NETCONF Security Deep-Dive”

Disposition: More discussion is needed.

17. Review of minutes. Draft minutes were reviewed under the lead of the 60802 Secretary.

11:00 ET recess

Call to order Mar 11, 2021 at 11:30 ET by Ludwig Winkel, 60802 Chair, who presided with János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair. Josef Dorr, IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project Secretary, wrote the minutes.

18. Meeting introduction. The 60802 Chair announced that the meeting is subject to the Copyright Policy, Patent Policy and Participants Policy as read and displayed at the opening plenary meeting. The 60802 Chair explained that the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project also follows the usual IEC patent and copyright policies.

19. Approval of agenda. The 60802 Chair presented the agenda in which is also available in

Disposition: The agenda was reviewed, discussed, and agreed (informally, none dissenting) as presented.

20. 10BASE-T1L and 802.1AS/60802. Martin Ostertag presented and led the discussion on “Some Implications of 10BASE-T1L for TSN, particularly IEC/IEEE 60802”

Disposition: The link delay threshold values in Table 11-1 of IEEE Std 802.1AS-2020 are default values which can be adapted by profiles. More discussion is needed.

21. Summary of assumptions next simulations. Geoffrey Garner presented “Summary of Assumptions for Next Simulations, based on Presentation and Subsequent Discussion”

Disposition: The presented assumptions were agreed (informally, none dissenting). NeighborRateRatio and MeanLinkDelay calculation will not be averaged over a sliding window in the next simulation runs, as documented in

22. IEC/IEEE 60802 D1.2 TG ballot comment resolution. Jordon Woods, 60802 Editor, presented and led the discussion on and The documents are intended to serve as reference for the comment resolution.

Disposition: The presented document on subclause 6.8 was updated based on comments received during the discussion as documented in Discussion of the document on distributed configuration was deferred to the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project System Specification ad hoc. More discussion is needed.

23. Review of minutes. Draft minutes were reviewed under the lead of the 60802 Secretary.

13:30 ET recess

Call to order Mar 12, 2021 at 09:00 ET by Ludwig Winkel, 60802 Chair, who presided with János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair. Ludwig Winkel wrote the minutes.

24. Meeting introduction. The 60802 Chair announced that the meeting is subject to the Copyright Policy, Patent Policy and Participants Policy as read and displayed at the opening plenary meeting. The 60802 Chair explained that the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project also follows the usual IEC patent and copyright policies.

25. Approval of agenda. The 60802 Chair presented the agenda in which is also available in

Disposition: the agenda was reviewed, discussed, and agreed (informally, none dissenting) as presented.

26. IEC/IEEE 60802 D1.2 TG ballot comment resolution. Jordon Woods, IEC/IEEE 60802 Editor, continued the resolution of comments received on

Disposition: Partial disposition. Ballot comments 458, 144, 315, 401, 440, 719, 402, 406, 720, 441, 1010, 442, 403, 404, 721, 1011, 405, 145, 443, 677, 1012, 722, 444, 445, 446, 1038, 407, 723, 457, 166, 316, 317, 1013, 318, 319, 1049, 1014, 408, 1015, 409, 320, 321, 1050, 637, 209, 724, 322, 323, 324 were resolved as documented in

27. Review of minutes. This agenda item was skipped due to running out of time.

11:00 ET recess

Call to order Mar 15, 2021 at 09:00 ET by Ludwig Winkel, 60802 Chair, who presided with János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair. Ludwig Winkel wrote the minutes.

28. Meeting introduction. The 60802 Chair announced that the meeting is subject to the Copyright Policy, Patent Policy and Participants Policy as read and displayed at the opening plenary meeting. The 60802 Chair explained that the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project also follows the usual IEC patent and copyright policies.

29. Approval of agenda. The 60802 Chair presented the agenda in which is also available in

Disposition: the agenda was reviewed, discussed, and agreed (informally, none dissenting) as presented.

30. IEC/IEEE 60802 D1.2 TG ballot comment resolution. Jordon Woods, IEC/IEEE 60802 Editor, continued the resolution of comments received on

Ballot comments 461, 325, 326, 327, 146, 754, 1051, 389, 112, 390, 681, 330, 759, 790, 713, 638, 639, 245, 411 were resolved as documented in

The 60802 Editor showed the “IEEE 802.1Q” worksheet of used as a working document for specifications of base conformance classes. Based on discussion, the 60802 Editor incorporated a new column for conformance class B (ccB) bridges as documented in

Disposition: Partial disposition. More discussion is needed.

31. Review of minutes. Draft minutes were reviewed under the lead of the 60802 Chair.

11:00 ET recess


Between this session and the preceding session, the IEEE 802 “Network Enhancements for the Next Decade” Industry Connections Activity (Nendica) held electronic meetings whose minutes are incorporated to these session minutes by reference as follows:

The table in section 1 reflects, for all meetings held in this session, the attendance and affiliation of participants who registered their attendance in IMAT.

Call to order Mar 11, 2021 at 09:00 ET by Roger Marks, Nendica Chair, who presided and wrote the minutes.

Agenda items and dispositions:

1. Meeting introduction and other administrative items. The Chair showed:

The IEEE SA Copyright Policy slides,

The Guidelines for IEEE SA Meetings slide,

The IEEE SA slides regarding IEEE Codes of Ethics and Conduct, participation in the “individual process”, and dominance,

The decorum information, and

The reminder for participants to register their attendance in IMAT

contained in “MEETING INTRODUCTION” thereby providing the information on slide 2 of this presentation.

2. Approval of agenda. The Chair presented the agenda in

Disposition: The agenda was reviewed, discussed and agreed (informally, none dissenting) as presented.

3. Update. The Nendica Chair reviewed the Nendica web site and the new documents available at the Nendica mentor server. The Nendica Chair discussed the decision, made at the prior Nendica meeting, “To endorse the extension of the Nendica ICAID through Sep 2021 and for Nendica to develop, by the Jul 2021 IEEE 802 plenary session, a proposal for follow up activity.” The Nendica Chair had notified the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) at its Mar 5, 2021 opening plenary meeting that this issue would be addressed at the IEEE 802 EC closing plenary meeting of Mar 18, 2021, provided that it is agreed by the IEEE 802.1 WG. The Nendica Chair also noted that the issue is scheduled to be considered by IEEE-SA’s ICCOM.

Disposition: It was clarified that no Nendica action is needed to progress this issue.

4. Minutes. The Nendica Chair reviewed the draft “Minutes of the Nendica meeting of 2021-02-25”;4beb73c6.21.

Disposition:  The document was reviewed and agreed (informally, none dissenting) as presented.

5. Stream and Flow Interworking [SFI] Work Item. Roger Marks, SFI Editor, provided an update. SFI has not been meeting due to lack of contributions and meetings will resume when contributions arise.
Disposition: For information.

6. Data Center Networks [DCN] Work Item. Paul Congdon, DCN Editor, reviewed “(Draft) IEEE 802 Nendica Report: Intelligent Lossless Data Center Networks” and how he had addressed the comments arising in the recent Call for Comments, including a set of late comments.

Disposition: No objections were raised to the comment resolutions. Agreed (informally, none dissenting) that a change should be made in the introduction to clarify that this report “extends a previous report” (“IEEE 802 Nendica Report: The Lossless Network for Data Centers” of August 17, 2018) so as to not imply that the prior report is being superseded. The Editor will upload the new version.

Motion: “To forward Draft Nendica Report 802.1-21-0004-02 ( for approval by 802.1, subject to editorial revision as deemed necessary.”

      • Motion by Paul Congdon.
      • Seconded by Sun Liyang.
      • Approved, unanimous consent.

7. Study Items. Johannes Specht presented “Cut-Through Forwarding (CTF) in Bridges and Bridged Networks”

Disposition: Presentation details were discussed.

Motion: “To initiate a Nendica Study Item on Cut-Through Forwarding in Bridges and Bridged Networks.”

      • Motion by Johannes Specht.
      • Seconded by Max Turner.
      • Approved, unanimous consent.

8. Future Meetings. The Chair noted Nendica meetings are scheduled alternate Thursdays 09:00-11:00 ET, with the next meeting two weeks hence.

Disposition: The Cut-Through Forwarding (CTF) Study Item will expect to have agenda time on Mar 25, 2021, and the leader will suggest a future meeting schedule at that time.

9. Any Other Business. No other business was discussed by Nendica in this session.

11:08 ET adjournment


Between this session and the preceding session, YANGsters held electronic meetings whose minutes are incorporated to these session minutes by reference as follows:

The table in section 1 reflects, for all meetings held in this session, the attendance and affiliation of participants who registered their attendance in IMAT.

Call to order Mar 11, 2021 at 14:00 ET by Scott Mansfield, YANGsters Chair, who presided. Stephan Kehrer, YANGsters Secretary, wrote the minutes.

The following list reflects the attendance and affiliation of participants who registered their attendance in IMAT.

Agenda items and dispositions:

1. Meeting introduction. The YANGsters Chair reminded participants that the following information was made available before the meeting:

The IEEE SA Copyright Policy slides,

The Guidelines for IEEE SA Meetings slide,

The IEEE SA slides regarding IEEE Codes of Ethics and Conduct, participation in the “individual process”, and dominance,

The decorum information, and

The reminder for participants to register their attendance in IMAT

contained in “MEETING INTRODUCTION” thereby providing the information on slide 2 of this presentation.

2. Approval of agenda. The YANGsters Chair presented the agenda in

Disposition: the agenda was reviewed, discussed and updated as recorded by these minutes.

3. Introduction to YANGsters. The YANGsters Chair presented:,,, and

Disposition: for information.

4. IEEE P802f YANG related Issues. Marc Holness, P802f editor, led the discussion of comments 84, 85, 9, and 11 received on in preparation for TSN TG ballot comments resolution.

Disposition: agreed (informally, none dissenting) that the responses to these comments need to be shown to the TSN TG during ballot comments resolution to finalize them.

5. Qcz + Qcw compiling and comment discussion. Paul Congdon presented

YANGsters looked at select parts of YANG files from P802.1Qcz that are implementing the approach to augment the bridge model as suggested in “Decoupling TSN YANG modules from .1Q bridge”

The current versions of the YANG files that would be included in the next P802.1Qcz draft compile clean in pyang and yanglint.

Disposition: for information.

6. New Topic “Mapping of Managed Objects to YANG constructs” was deferred to a future YANGsters meeting.

7. YANG terminology related to YANG Data Model and YANG Module. The YANGsters Chair led the discussion presenting “YANG Terminology”

Based on the “YANG Terminology” information at, a common YANG Data Model definition should be defined that can be used in IEEE 802.1 documents.

Disposition: agreed (informally, none dissenting) that the YANG Data Model definition needs to be further discussed on the 802 YANG list.

8. Enum and Identity discussion. The YANGsters Chair led the discussion presenting “YANG Guidelines”

  • It was explained how enumerations can be revised in YANG.
    • This is described in RFC 7950, section 11.
  • There was a discussion on whether enumerations in YANG should be explicitly numbered or if implicit numbering is sufficient.
  • A guideline on the numbering of enumerations should be provided on the YANGsters page.

Disposition: agreed (informally, none dissenting) that further discussion is required on this topic.

9. mac-Address discussion. The YANGsters Chair presented “MAC Address Format Summary and Suggestion”

Disposition: for information.

10. Issues List. Discussion was deferred by lack of time.

11. Future meetings. There will be a motion during the 802.1 closing plenary to request the continuation of the weekly YANGsters electronic meetings. YANGsters meet next during the electronic meeting on Mar 23, 2021.

12. Any Other Business. No other business was discussed by YANGsters in this session.

16:00 ET adjournment

Closing Plenary Meeting

Call to order Mar 16, 2021 at 9:01 ET by the Chair who presided. The Recording Secretary wrote the minutes.

The table in section 1 reflects the attendance and affiliation of participants who registered their attendance in IMAT.

The Chair presented “Closing Plenary March 2021” finalized as

During this presentation, the Chair:

  • Introduced the agenda on slide 2 that was approved.
  • Presented slide 3 thereby providing the following information:
    • IEEE SA’s copyright policy is described in Clause 7 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and Clause 6.1 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual;
    • Any material submitted during standards development, whether verbal, recorded, or in written form, is a Contribution and shall comply with the IEEE SA Copyright Policy.
  • Showed IEEE SA Copyright Policy slides 4 and 5.
  • Showed slides 6 through 10 (reproducing slides 0 through 4 of the IEEE-SA PatCom Patent Slides for Standards Development Meetings, separately available at
    The Chair:
    • Presented information on these slides including:
      • Instructions for the WG Chair (and subgroup Chairs);
      • Participants have a duty to inform the IEEE;
      • Ways to inform IEEE;
      • Other guidelines for IEEE WG meetings; and
      • Patent-related information.
    • Advised WG attendees that:
      • IEEE’s patent policy is described in Clause 6 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws;
      • Early identification of patent claims which may be essential for the use of standards under development is strongly encouraged;
      • There may be Essential Patent Claims of which IEEE is not aware. Additionally, neither IEEE, the WG, nor the WG Chair can ensure the accuracy or completeness of any assurance or whether any such assurance is, in fact, of a Patent Claim that is essential for the use of the standard under development.
    • Made the “Call for Potentially Essential Patents”, i.e. provided an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that standard.
      • There were no responses to the call.
  • Presented slides 11 through the second slide numbered 13 reproducing the IEEE SA slides 1 through 3 approved by SASB in June 2019 regarding IEEE Codes of Ethics and Conduct, participation in the “individual process”, and dominance, thereby conveying that:
    • Participant behavior in IEEE-SA activities is guided by the IEEE Codes of Ethics & Conduct (slide 11);
    • Participants in the IEEE-SA “individual process” shall act independently of others, including employers (slide 12); and
    • IEEE-SA standards activities shall allow the fair & equitable consideration of all viewpoints (slide 13).
  • Reviewed meeting decorum, including the policies on public reporting, and on photography or recording (slide 14);
      • The Chair called for any members of the press (i.e., anyone reporting publicly on this meeting) to announce their presence.
        • There were no responses to the call.
  • Asked participants to register attendance in IMAT (slide 15).
  • Provided electronic meeting guidelines (slide 16).
  • Provided general information regarding meeting contributions, minutes, schedule for all Working Groups, website (slide 17).
  • Introduced 802.1 officers and leadership (slide 18)
  • Showed the set of editors for current project (slide 19)
  • Reminded 802.1 voting members of their obligations regarding affiliation declaration (slide 20), voting membership (slide 21), and responding to WG ballots and E-Polls, as well as regarding the consequences of not responding to WG ballots and E-Polls (slide 22).
  • Reviewed the list of 802.1 voters (slide 23), including information about individuals who gained (slide 24), may gain (slide 25), may lose (slide 26), or will lose (slide 27) 802.1 voting membership.
  • Reminded individual participants of 802.11 reciprocal credit, which was continued at this session (slide 28).
  • Reviewed the schedule for future interim (slide 29) and plenary (slide 30) sessions. This schedule remained unchanged from the opening plenary meeting, except for the following:
    • May 2023
      • Helsinki, Finland (proposal)
  • Summarized future session decision dates (slide 31) and the July 2021 plenary session proposal and attendant process and deadlines (slide 32).
    • 802.1 motions to confirm 2022 and 2023 interim session proposals are expected at the July 2021 plenary session if the November 2021 plenary session will be held in person.
  • Conducted the following straw poll (slides 33 and 34):
    • When do you expect the next in-person 802.1 Session will be? (slide 33)
      • A – Sept 2021 13
      • B – November 2021 23
      • C – January 2022 7
      • D – March 2022 17
      • E – May 2022 5
      • F – July 2022 3
      • G – Sept 2022 or later 3
      • No Answer 13
    • Considering that IEEE 802 collects no annual membership fee, yet is incurring in-person session cancellation fees and online meeting tool licensing fees for electronic sessions during the pandemic, would you or your employer be willing to pay a $50 fee for your access to all July 2021 IEEE 802 electronic plenary session meetings? (slide 34)
      • Yes 46
      • No 15
      • Abstain 16
      • No Answer 9
  • Reviewed the plan for making 802 Standards available via download to March 2021 802 plenary session attendees (slide 35).
  • Highlighted the PARs finalized at this session, and the attendant process (slide 36).
  • Provided an update on coordination options on other PARs from the Smart Manufacturing Standards Committee (SMSC) (slide 37).
  • Discussed promotion of the work of the WG (slide 38).
  • Showed updated information about 802.1 public visibility messaging (slide 39)
    • Roger Marks summarized the outcome of the IEEE 802 Public Visibility Standing Committee held March 10, 2021.
  • Summarized available liaison resources (slide 40).
  • Listed incoming liaisons (slide 41) and led the review of outgoing liaisons (slide 42).
    • The Chair instructed the Liaison Secretary to track discussed editorial changes needing to be made post-meeting to the reviewed outgoing liaisons.
    • Karen Randall, Liaison Secretary, introduced the draft outgoing liaisons listed on slide 42 that had been prepared by the Security and Maintenance TGs.
    • Jessy Rouyer introduced the draft outgoing liaison listed on slide 42 that had been prepared by the TSN TG.
  • Reviewed the WG’s current workload (slide 43).
  • Presented the 802.1Q timeline for revisions and amendments (slide 44).
  • Presented the list of upcoming 802.1 leadership meetings (slide 45).
  • Requested that the subgroup Chairs provide reports on the activities of their subgroups (slide 46) (see individual subgroup minutes above for details):
    • Paul Congdon, Maintenance TG Chair, presented the report on slides 47-49.
    • Mick Seaman, Security TG Chair, presented the report on slide 50.
    • János Farkas, TSN TG Chair, Craig Gunther, TSN TG Vice-Chair, and Ludwig Winkel, IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project Chair, presented the report on slide 51.
    • Roger Marks, Nendica Chair, presented the report on slide 52.

Disposition: For information.

    • Scott Mansfield, YANGsters Chair, presented the YANGsters report on slide 53.
  • Provided guidance on how to use DirectVoteLive to vote on motions (slide 54).
  • Showed the 802.1 consent agenda items for the LMSC closing plenary meeting (slides 55-57).
  • Conducted votes on the following motions (slides 58-102) that all passed unless otherwise indicated. (Supporting information is available in “Closing Plenary March 2021” finalized as

Motions for 802 EC

Consent Agenda

Drafts to NesCom

Motions for 802 EC

Consent Agenda

Industry Connections

    • Motion
      • Approve endorsing the extension of the Nendica ICAID through September 2021 and for Nendica to develop, by the July 2021 IEEE 802 Plenary, a proposal for follow-up activity.
        • Proposed: Roger Marks
        • Second: Paul Congdon
      • In the WG (y/n/a): 52, 1, 7

Motions for 802 EC

Consent Agenda

Drafts to SA Ballot

    • Motions
      • Conditionally approve sending P802.1ABcu D2.0 to Standards Association ballot
      • Confirm the CSD for P802.1ABcu in
      • P802.1ABcu D1.6 had 100% approval at the end of the last WG ballot
      • In the WG, Proposed: János Farkas Second: Jessy Rouyer
        • Sending draft (y/n/a): 56, 0, 6
        • CSD (y/n/a): 54, 0, 7

Motions for 802 EC

Consent Agenda

Liaisons and external communications (ME)

Motions for 802 EC

Consent Agenda

Liaisons and external communications (II)


WG Motions

Maintenance TG

WG Motions

    • Motion
      • 802.1 authorizes Mick Seaman, the Editor of P802.1Q-Rev Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks–Bridges and Bridged Networks to prepare drafts for and conduct Working Group balloting.
      • Proposed: Paul Congdon
      • Second: János Farkas
      • Approved by Acclamation
    • Motion
      • 802.1 authorizes James Gilb, the Editor of P802.1ACct – Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks — Media Access Control (MAC) Service Definition Amendment Support for IEEE Std 802.15.3 to prepare drafts for and conduct Working Group balloting.
      • Proposed: Paul Congdon
      • Second: János Farkas
      • Approved by Acclamation
    • Motion
      • 802.1 authorizes Geoff Garner, the Editor of P802.1AS-2020/Cor1 – Corrigendum to IEEE Standard 802.1AS-2020 to prepare drafts for and conduct Working Group balloting.
      • Proposed: Paul Congdon
      • Second: János Farkas
      • Approved by Acclamation
    • Motion
      • 802.1 authorizes the Maintenance TG to hold electronic meetings to address task group matters and progress resolution of maintenance items documented in the maintenance database (
        • Dates/times to be announced subject to notice of at least 10 days to the 802.1 email exploder.
      • Proposed: Paul Congdon
      • Second: Jessy Rouyer
      • Approved by Acclamation

Security TG

WG Motions

    • Motion
      • Authorize the Security Task Group to hold electronic meetings to progress P802.1AEdk and task group matters arising:
        • Dates/times to be announced subject to notice of at least 10 days to the 802.1 email exploder
      • Proposed: Mick Seaman
      • Second: Karen Randall
      • Approved by Acclamation


WG Motions

    • Motion
      • 802.1 authorizes Max Turner, the Editor of P802.1DG – TSN Profile for Automotive In-Vehicle Ethernet Communications to prepare drafts for and conduct Task Group balloting.
      • Proposed: János Farkas
      • Second: Craig Gunther
      • Approved by Acclamation
    • Motion
      • 802.1 authorizes Abdul Jabbar, the Editor of P802.1DP – TSN for Aerospace Onboard Ethernet Communications to prepare drafts for and conduct Task Group balloting.
      • Proposed: János Farkas
      • Second: Johannes Specht
      • Approved by Acclamation
    • Motion
      • 802.1 authorizes David McCall, the Editor of P802.1BA-Rev – Audio Video Bridging (AVB) Systems – Revision, to prepare drafts for and conduct Working Group balloting.
      • Proposed: János Farkas
      • Second: Craig Gunther
      • Approved by Acclamation
    • Motion
      • 802.1 authorizes the May 2021 Interim to generate PAR and CSD for pre-circulation to the EC for an amendment to IEEE Std 802.1Q to specify pulsed queues.
        • Proposed: Norman Finn
        • Second: Mike Potts

The preceding motion was postponed with the following motion:

      • Motion to delay until July
        • Proposed Mick Seaman, Seconded Johannes Specht
        • In the WG (y/n/a): 47, 4, 10
    • Motion
      • 802.1 authorizes the TSN Task Group to hold electronic meetings weekly on Mondays 11:00-13:00 ET starting March 22, 2021.
      • Proposed: János Farkas
      • Second: Stephan Kehrer
      • Approved by Acclamation
    • Motion
      • 802.1 authorizes the TSN Task Group to hold an electronic meeting to conduct WG ballot comment resolution on P802.1Qcj/D1.3 16:00-18:00 ET on March 25, 2021.
      • Proposed: János Farkas
      • Second: Jessy Rouyer
      • Approved by Acclamation
    • Motion
      • 802.1 authorizes the TSN Task Group to hold an electronic meeting together with IEEE P802.11-TGbe 10:00-12:00 ET on April 21, 2021.
      • Proposed: János Farkas
      • Second: Jessy Rouyer
      • Approved by Acclamation
    • Motion
      • 802.1 authorizes the TSN Task Group to hold additional electronic meetings as needed to progress the projects of the Task Group.
      • Proposed: János Farkas
      • Second: Stephan Kehrer
      • Approved by Acclamation
    • Motion
      • 802.1 authorizes the TSN Task Group to hold weekly electronic meetings together with IEC 65C/WG18 to progress the work of the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project on Mondays 9:00-11:00 ET starting March 22, 2021.
      • Proposed: János Farkas
      • Second: Dieter Proell
      • Approved by Acclamation
    • Motion
      • 802.1 authorizes the TSN Task Group to hold ad hoc electronic meetings together with IEC 65C/WG18 to develop System specification to progress the work of the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project on Fridays 9:00-11:00 ET starting March 19, 2021.
      • Proposed: János Farkas
      • Second: Mark Hantel
      • Approved by Acclamation
    • Motion
      • 802.1 authorizes the TSN Task Group to hold weekly electronic meetings to progress the P802.1DG project on Tuesdays 9:00-11:00 ET starting March 23, 2021.
      • Proposed: Craig Gunther
      • Second: János Farkas
      • Approved by Acclamation
    • Motion
      • 802.1 authorizes the TSN Task Group to hold bi-weekly electronic meetings to progress the P802.1DP project on Wednesdays 10:00-12:00 ET starting March 31, 2021.
      • Proposed: János Farkas
      • Second: Jessy Rouyer
      • Approved by Acclamation


WG Motions

    • Motion
      • 802.1 authorizes Nendica to hold weekly electronic meetings each Thursday 09:00-11:00 ET.
      • Proposed: Paul Congdon
      • Second: Roger Marks
      • Approved by Acclamation
    • Motion
      • Authorize Nendica to pre-submit an ICAID for approval by the July 2021 IEEE 802 Plenary
      • Proposed: Roger Marks
      • Second: Paul Congdon
      • In the WG (y/n/a): 43, 0, 9
    • Motion


WG Motions

    • Motion
      • 802.1 authorizes weekly electronic meetings for the YANGsters subgroup on Tuesdays 10:00-11:00 ET starting with March 23, 2021.
      • Proposed: Scott Mansfield
      • Second: János Farkas
      • Approved by Acclamation
  • Called for Any Other Business (slide 103)
    • The Chair thanked the participants and expressed looking forward to another award being presented to 802.1 in the future.
    • No further business was discussed in this meeting.

12:43 ET adjournment

Next Session

May 3-7, 2021 electronic interim session.

