Agenda: IEEE 802.1 / 802.15 joint meeting 2022-05-11



Topic Subtopic Document Presenter min
1. Meeting introduction and other administrative items. Glenn Parsons

Clint Powell

Meeting Introduction
(please review in advance)
Meeting Introduction Slides
Attendance 802.1 log attendance using IMAT here

802.15 log attendance using IMAT here

Approval of agenda 802.15 agenda and compatibility Clint Powell
2. 802.15.13 40
802.15.13 feedback on the 4 topical items captured 15-22-271 Volker Jungnickel Kai Lennert 30
Discussion 10
3. 802.1 and 802.15 compatibility 30
Update of table mapping of 802.1 feature to 802.15 projects  15-22-273 Ben Rolfe 10
Discussion… 20
4. Next meeting July 12, 2022 Glenn Parsons 5
5. Any other Business