January 2022 Interim Session (Electronic)
No registration is required for the January 2022 IEEE 802.1 Interim session.
Subgroup agendas: Maintenance | Nendica | Security | TSN | YANGsters
IEEE 802.1 / 802.15 joint meeting
PDF of approved session minutes (taking precedence over the following)
IEEE 802.1 Working Group
January 17-21, 2022 Interim Session
Session Minutes
The Working Group (WG) Chair, Glenn Parsons, presided.
The Recording Secretary, Jessy Rouyer, wrote and/or edited the minutes in part based on input from subgroup Chairs and their Secretaries.
Note that, throughout this document, minuted/recorded inputs from any attendee can not/shall not be assumed to represent a position of their employer or affiliated organization. Discussion points captured do not necessarily reflect the views of the presenter, discussion leader or minute taker, and do not imply consensus unless that is explicitly minuted. The content of draft standards is determined by the ballot process; other formal decisions are the subject of Working Group motions.
Attendance and affiliation
The table in this section reflects the attendance (denoted by the ● symbol) and affiliation of all participants in all 802.1 WG and subgroup meetings held in this session.
802.1 Officers and Leadership
- Chair: Glenn Parsons
- Vice-Chair and Recording Secretary: Jessy Rouyer
- Executive Secretary: Stephan Kehrer
- Liaison Secretary: Karen Randall
- Maintenance TG Chair: Paul Congdon
- Security TG Chair: Mick Seaman
- Security TG Vice-Chair: Karen Randall
- TSN TG Chair: János Farkas
- TSN TG Vice-Chair: Craig Gunther
- TSN TG Secretary: Christian Boiger
- IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project Chair: Ludwig Winkel
- IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project Secretary: Josef Dorr
- IEEE P802.1DP/SAE AS6675 joint project co-Chairs: Abdul Jabbar & János Farkas
- IEEE P802.1DP/SAE AS6675 joint project Secretary: Marina Gutiérrez
- Nendica Chair: Roger Marks
- YANGsters Chair: Scott Mansfield
- YANGsters Vice-Chair and Secretary: Stephan Kehrer
- Maintenance of Email exploder: Mark Hantel and Hal Keen
- Maintenance of website: Roger Marks
802 Technical Plenary
Between this session and the preceding session, 802 Technical Plenary meetings were held whose minutes are incorporated to these session minutes by reference as follows:
- Minutes of the IEEE 802 Technical Plenary meeting held 2021-12-02 16:00 – 18:12 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind21&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&O=A&P=549553
- Minutes of the IEEE 802 Technical Plenary meeting held 2022-01-13 9:00 – 11:01 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind22&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&O=A&P=85084
802.1/802.15 Joint Meeting
Call to order Jan 19, 2022 at 11:00 ET by Glenn Parsons, IEEE 802.1 Chair who presided with Pat Kinney, IEEE 802.15 Chair. Jessy Rouyer, IEEE 802.1 Recording Secretary, wrote the minutes.
The table in section 1 reflects the attendance and affiliation of all participants in all 802.1 WG and subgroup meetings held in this session.
Agenda items and dispositions:
1. Meeting introduction and other administrative items.
1.1 Meeting introduction and other administrative items. The IEEE SA slides on IEEE Patent Policy and IEEE SA Copyright and Participation Policies were provided beforehand as part of “MEETING INTRODUCTION” http://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/templates/admin-TG-intro-0721-v01.pdf.
The 802.1 Chair showed this presentation implicitly advising that the following, provided beforehand, applies:
- IEEE’s Patent Policy is described in Clause 6 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws;
- Early identification of patent claims which may be essential for the use of standards under development is strongly encouraged;
- There may be Essential Patent Claims of which IEEE is not aware. Additionally, neither IEEE, the WG, nor the WG Chair can ensure the accuracy or completeness of any assurance or whether any such assurance is, in fact, of a Patent Claim that is essential for the use of the standard under development.
- IEEE SA’s copyright policy is described in Clause 7 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and Clause 6.1 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual;
- Any material submitted during standards development, whether verbal, recorded, or in written form, is a Contribution and shall comply with the IEEE SA Copyright Policy.
The 802.1 Chair made the Call for Potentially Essential Patents thereby providing an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that standard: there were no responses to this Call prior to the end of the meeting.
The 802.1 Chair asked participants to record their attendance in the 802.1 IMAT or the 802.15 IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
The 802.1 Chair clarified that 802.1 participants have no registration fee requirement to attend this joint meeting. The 802.15 Chair clarified that 802.15 participants have to register to attend this joint meeting.
1.2 Approval of agenda. The 802.1 Chair presented “Agenda: IEEE 802.1 / 802.15 joint meeting 2022-01-19” https://1.ieee802.org/2022-01-interim-joint-1-15-agenda/
Disposition: The agenda was reviewed, discussed (including a request for Minsoo Kim to present agenda item 2.1 in lieu of Marco Hernandez), and agreed (informally, none dissenting) as reflected by these minutes.
2. 802.15.6.a.
2.1 TSN for wireless 15.6a. Minsoo Kim presented “MAC Bridging for Time-Sensitive Networking of 802.15.6a” https://mentor.ieee.org/802.15/dcn/22/15-22-0024-00-006a-mac-bridging-for-time-sensitive-networking-of-802-15-6a.pptx (updating post-meeting as https://mentor.ieee.org/802.15/dcn/22/15-22-0024-01-006a-mac-bridging-for-time-sensitive-networking-of-802-15-6a.pptx) containing a discussion of MAC Bridging for Time-Sensitive Networking to realize the enhanced reliability of P802.15.6a.
- Coexistence management as specified in IEC 62657 may be of interest even as IEC 62657 focuses on industrial communication networks rather than wireless BANs that have limited coverage range, frequency allocations, etc.
- IETF 6LoWPAN work is focused on 802.15.4 (as opposed to 802.15.6a) and focuses on carrying IP over wireless networks that tend to be resource limited: low data rates, no ability to fragment, questionable reliability, etc. There may be applicability beyond 802.15.4 (for example, 6LoWPAN’s IP header compression).
- TSN concepts (802.1CB and 802.1Qca) may be applicable.
Disposition: Further discussion needed.
3. 802.1 and 802.15 compatibility.
3.1 List of topics. Ben Rolfe presented “List of topics for 802.15/802.1” https://mentor.ieee.org/802.15/dcn/22/15-22-0036-00-0000-list-of-topics-for-802-15-802-1.pptx providing an itemized list summarizing topics for 802.1/802.15 joint effort.
- The summary questions of slide 4 can help 802.1 help not only 802.15.6a but also 802.11 (regarding Wi-Fi), e.g. by clarifying what the CSD means with respect to being compatible with 802.1AC and 802.1Q: an 802.1 tutorial on this might be helpful.
Disposition: Agreed (informally, none dissenting) to continue discussing the three questions on slide 4 and come back on these at the next joint 802.1/802.15 meeting.
3.2 Bridging Frames with 64-bit Addresses. Roger Marks presented “Bridging Frames with 64-bit Addresses” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/cq-marks-64-bit-address-0122.pdf.
- Suggestion made, referring to slide 7, to allocate an OUI (or CID) that would prefix an EUI-48.
- End-to-end frame security in 802.15.4 prohibits frame changes however addresses are not encrypted (even as the authentication header includes the extended 64-bit addresses of the two ends) so dynamic local addresses assignment as proposed should not be problematic though address translation/mapping would be.
- 802.15.4 has many optional features that may not work with bridging. Superframes, TSCH, DSMA are among features that would require further thinking. Focus should be on making basic features work.
- 16-bit addressing was popular early on but was acknowledged as not unique and most companies have moved on using 64-bit addresses.
- A device may move between subLANs. BARC would need to re-assign its address to a new address. Registration and deregistration for the type of information that is to be bridged could be needed. BARC has two systems: peer-to-peer and registrar. The registrar system could manage moving addresses. BARC is being specified in P802.1CQ draft 0.7 that is not yet in WG ballot so such specifics can be addressed.
- The background for deprecating the mapping of an EUI-48 to an EUI-64, as indicated on slide 7, was discussed.
Disposition: Call to Action per slide 11 to potentially feed back into the development of P802.1CQ.
4. Next meeting. The 802.1 chair led discussion:
- Suggestions made to meet at the Mar 2022 and May 2022 sessions and in Feb 2022 in the context of 802.15 WNG.
- SCs or interest groups in 802.15 and perhaps 802.11 could help understand what needs to be done in 802.1. Prioritizing the topics presented as part of agenda item 3.1 could help determine a way forward. As an example, 802.1 and 802.11 had joint meetings leading to 802.11ak.
- Request made about what 802.1 considers to be the advantages of bridging vs. routing. At a high-level, bridging offers reasonably reliable multicast and ‘who’ addresses (as opposed to ‘where’ addresses). The 2016 contribution referenced in the presentation made as part of agenda item 3.2 explored bridging because the routing overhead was too large given the small packets.
- Suggestion made to meet several times during the Mar 2022 plenary session to avoid delaying further discussion to May 2022. Such scheduling could be discussed in the Feb 2022 meeting.
- Observation made that further use cases exist beyond that of bridging 64-bit MAC addresses between 802.15.4 networks (as presented as part of agenda item 3.2) exist. These use cases include interfacing 802.15.4 with the internet, Wi-Fi or other non-802.15.4 networks. Such use cases could be added to the list of topics to prioritize before projects are proposed.
Disposition: Agreed (informally, none dissenting) for 802.1 and 802.15 to meet jointly in:
- Feb 2022. Tentative agenda items could include a short presentation from an 802.1 participant per the disposition of agenda item 3.1, discussion to prioritize identified topics.
- Mar 2022, during the 802 plenary session.
Dates and times to be communicated post-meeting once determined by 802.1 and 802.15 leadership.
5. Any other Business. No other business was discussed in this meeting.
12:45 ET adjournment
Maintenance Task Group
Between this session and the preceding session, the IEEE 802.1 Maintenance Task Group (TG) held electronic meetings whose minutes are incorporated to these session minutes by reference as follows:
- Minutes of the Maintenance TG meeting held 2021-11-23 11:00 – 12:52 ET (Revised) https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=STDS-802-1-MINUTES;f86e3e47.21
- Minutes of the Maintenance TG meeting held 2021-12-02 12:00 – 13:11 ET (revised) https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=STDS-802-1-MINUTES;d669b8a.21
- Minutes of the Maintenance TG meeting held 2021-12-07 11:00 – 12:05 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=STDS-802-1-MINUTES;ee1eb7a5.21
- Minutes of the Maintenance TG meeting held 2021-12-14 11:00 – 13:00 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=STDS-802-1-MINUTES;2ad6a16d.22
- Minutes of the Maintenance TG meeting held 2022-01-04 11:00 – 13:05 ET (revised) https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=STDS-802-1-MINUTES;5a716a0.22
- Minutes of the Maintenance TG meeting held 2022-01-11 11:00 – 13:09 ET (revised) https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=STDS-802-1-MINUTES;b3d0d19c.22
The table in section 1 reflects the attendance and affiliation of all participants in all 802.1 WG and subgroup meetings held in this session.
Call to order Jan 18, 2022 at 14:00 ET by Paul Congdon, IEEE 802.1 Maintenance TG Chair, who presided and wrote the minutes.
Agenda items and dispositions:
1. Meeting introduction. The IEEE SA slides on IEEE Patent Policy and IEEE SA Copyright and Participation Policies were provided beforehand as part of “MEETING INTRODUCTION” http://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/templates/admin-TG-intro-0721-v01.pdf.
The Maintenance TG Chair showed this presentation advising that the following, provided beforehand, applies:
- IEEE’s Patent Policy is described in Clause 6 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws;
- Early identification of patent claims which may be essential for the use of standards under development is strongly encouraged;
- There may be Essential Patent Claims of which IEEE is not aware. Additionally, neither IEEE, the WG, nor the WG Chair can ensure the accuracy or completeness of any assurance or whether any such assurance is, in fact, of a Patent Claim that is essential for the use of the standard under development.
- IEEE SA’s copyright policy is described in Clause 7 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and Clause 6.1 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual;
- Any material submitted during standards development, whether verbal, recorded, or in written form, is a Contribution and shall comply with the IEEE SA Copyright Policy.
The Maintenance TG Chair made the Calls for Potentially Essential Patents at the beginning of each TG meeting during this session thereby providing an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that standard: there were no responses to these Calls prior to the end of the session.
The Maintenance TG Chair asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
2. Approval of agenda. The TG chair presented the agenda in https://1.ieee802.org/january-2022-interim-session-electronic-maintenance-tg-agenda/
Disposition: The agenda was reviewed, discussed, and updated as recorded by these minutes.
3. Future Meeting status. Glenn Parsons, IEEE 802.1 WG Chair, presented ”Future Meeting status” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/admin-parsons-future-meeting-planning-0122-v2.pdf.
Disposition: For information.
4. P802.1ASdr Editor’s Update. Silvana Rodrigues, P802.1ASdr editor, presented “802.1ASdr Editor’s Update” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/dr-Rodrigues-editors-update-0122-v00.pdf.
Disposition: For information. Expect another update at the March 2022 plenary session and possible initial P802.1ASdr draft.
5. SC6 Status. Karen Randall presented the “ISO/IEC JTC1 SC6 STATUS January 2022” slides in “Maintenance Task Group Electronic Meetings” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/maint-congdon-em-0122-3-v01.pdf.
Disposition: For information. There was a question about sending IEEE Std 802.1BA-2022 for adoption now or waiting until after the JTC1 systematic review closes in March 2022. It was agreed to hold off and not confuse with overlapping versions.
6. IEEE Std 802 Revision PAR. Roger Marks, Nendica Chair, presented background to PAR development “[Draft] ELLA Report on Update of IEEE Std 802” https://mentor.ieee.org/802.1/dcn/21/1-21-0076-08-ICne-draft-ella-report.pdf and led the drafting of the maintenance PAR https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2021/maint-marks-draft-PAR-P802-revision-0122-v01.pdf.
Disposition: Updated draft PAR for pre-circulation https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/maint-marks-draft-PAR-P802-revision-0122-v02.pdf.
7. P802.1Q-Rev/d1.0 comment resolution. Mick Seaman, P802.1Q-Rev editor, led a discussion of the comment resolution status and plan for the rest of the session.
Disposition: For information.
15:21 ET recess
Call to order Jan 21, 2022 at 14:00 ET by Paul Congdon, IEEE 802.1 Maintenance TG Chair, who presided and wrote the minutes.
The Maintenance TG Chair announced that this ad hoc meeting remains subject to the Policies mentioned in agenda item 1 and asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
8. P802.1Q-Rev/d1.0 comment resolution. Mick Seaman, P802.1Q-Rev editor, continued the resolution of comments received on https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/q-rev-drafts/d1/802-1Q-rev-d1-0-sa-ballot.pdf including a discussion based on “Using VLAN Tags to convey priority” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/q-rev-seaman-priority-in-tags-0122-v0.pdf of comment I-65 and discussion based on “Fixing the List Config/Cycle Timer state machine race conditions” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/q-rev-seaman-list-config-race-0122-v2.pdf of comment I-22.
Disposition: Partial disposition. Available proposed dispositions https://1.ieee802.org/maintenance/p802-1q-rev/.
9. Existing Maintenance Items. The Maintenance TG chair led the discussion of the following existing maintenance items:
- 0336: OperIPV initialization not defined
Disposition: Details for discussion on all items are logged in the IEEE 802.1 maintenance database at https://www.802-1.org/home where items progressed at the meeting can be reviewed by selecting ‘Meetings’.
10. Any Other Business. No other business was discussed by the Maintenance TG in this session.
11. Future meetings. Agreed (informally, none dissenting) to hold an electronic meeting of the Maintenance TG to continue P802.1Q-Rev/D1.0 comment resolution on Feb 01, 2022 at 11:00 ET https://1.ieee802.org/maintenance-tg-electronic-meeting-agenda-february-1-2022-11-am-et/.
16:17 ET adjournment
Security Task Group
Between this session and the preceding session, the IEEE 802.1 Security Task Group (Security TG) held electronic meetings whose minutes are incorporated to these session minutes by reference as follows:
- Minutes of the Security TG meeting held 2021-12-14 13:35 – 14:37 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind22&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&O=A&P=9313
The table in section 1 reflects the attendance and affiliation of all participants in all 802.1 WG and subgroup meetings held in this session.
Call to order Jan 18, 2022 at 11:00 ET by Mick Seaman, IEEE 802.1 Security TG Chair, who presided and wrote the minutes assisted by Karen Randall, Security TG Vice-Chair.
Agenda items and dispositions:
- Meeting introduction. The IEEE SA slides on IEEE Patent Policy and IEEE SA Copyright and Participation Policies were provided beforehand as part of ÒMEETING INTRODUCTION” http://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/templates/admin-TG-intro-0721-v01.pdf.
The Security TG Chair announced that the meeting is subject to these Policies as read and displayed at the opening plenary meeting.
The Security TG Chair made the Calls for Potentially Essential Patents thereby providing an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that standard: there were no responses to these Calls prior to the end of the session.
The Security TG Chair asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
- Approval of agenda. The Security TG Chair presented the agenda in https://1.ieee802.org/january-2022-interim-session-electronic-security-tg-agenda/.
Disposition: the agenda was reviewed, discussed and updated as recorded by these minutes. The meeting scheduled for Thursday Jan 20, 2022 was cancelled to allow TG members to participate in the IEEE/IEC 60802 at the same time.
- Future meetings. Glenn Parsons, 802.1 WG Chair, led a discussion on future meetings.
Disposition: The March 2022 Plenary session and May 2022 interim session will be electronic only. The May 2022 interim session dates will be proposed to be changed, subject to ePoll approval, to provide equal time between plenary sessions.
- P802.1AEdk MAC Privacy protection. Mick Seaman, IEEE Std 802.1AE Editor, led a discussion of the YANG clause structure.
- Align, so far as practical, with P802.1Q-Rev/D1.0 structure but without losing useful elements in the IEEE Std 802.1X-2020 YANG clause structure.
- Adopt a structure that will not require extensive reorganization if there are future 802.1AE interface augments and allows the addition of system models (e.g. for the various types of EDE) without renumbering.
12:17 ET recess
Call to order Jan 21, 2022 at 11:00 ET by Mick Seaman, IEEE 802.1 Security TG Chair.
P802.1AEdk MAC Privacy protection discussion continued.
- Confirmed that the plan would be to augment the PAE system (with SecY system and PrY system parameters as needed).
Disposition: Revise/update YANG clause structure. Expect to run a further TG ballot prior to the March plenary meeting and a WG ballot after that meeting. Present to the WG during that meeting. MIB review required.
- A.O.B (Any other business). Th Security TG Chair noted that one of the P802.1Q-Rev SA ballot comments discussed a potential security issue.
Disposition: For discussion in the Maintenance TG.
- Future meetings. Agreed (informally, none dissenting) to hold electronic meetings Feb 8, 2022 and Feb 22, 2022 at 13:00 ET.
11:45 ET adjournment
Time-Sensitive Networking Task Group
Between this session and the preceding session, the IEEE 802.1 Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Task Group (TG) held electronic meetings on generic TSN topics whose minutes are incorporated to these session minutes by reference as follows:
- Minutes of the IEEE 802.1 TSN TG meeting held 2021-11-22 11:00 – 13:04 https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind21&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&P=527322
- Minutes of the IEEE 802.1 TSN TG meeting held 2021-11-29 11:00 – 12:13 https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind21&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&P=528878
- Minutes of the IEEE 802.1 TSN TG meeting held 2021-12-06 11:00 – 13:14 https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind21&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&P=529790
- Minutes of the IEEE 802.1 TSN TG meeting held 2021-12-13 11:30 – 11:57 https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind21&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&P=539701
- Minutes of the IEEE 802.1 TSN TG meeting held 2021-12-20 11:00 – 12:03 (revised) https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind21&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&P=547743
- Minutes of the IEEE 802.1 TSN TG meeting held 2022-01-10 11:00 – 13:26 ET (revised) https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind22&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&P=4559
Between this session and the preceding session, the IEEE 802.1 Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Task Group (TG) held electronic meetings on P802.1DG whose minutes are incorporated to these session minutes by reference as follows:
- Minutes of the IEEE P802.1DG meeting held 2021-12-07 9:00 – 10:22 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind21&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&P=524863
- Minutes of the IEEE P802.1DG meeting held 2021-12-21 9:00 – 10:07 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind21&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&P=548654
The table in section 1 reflects the attendance and affiliation of all participants in all 802.1 WG and subgroup meetings held in this session.
Minutes of the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project electronic meetings are in section 7.1.
Minutes of the IEEE P802.1DP/SAE AS 6675 joint project electronic meeting are in section 7.2.
Call to order Jan 17, 2022 at 11:30 ET by János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair, who presided. Christian Boiger, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.
Agenda items and dispositions:
1. Meeting introduction. The IEEE SA slides on IEEE Patent Policy and IEEE SA Copyright and Participation Policies were provided beforehand as part of “MEETING INTRODUCTION” http://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/templates/admin-TG-intro-0721-v01.pdf.
The TSN TG Chair announced that the meeting is subject to these Policies as read and displayed at the opening of the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project meeting held Jan 17, 2022 at 9:00 ET.
The TSN TG Chair asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
2. Approval of agenda. The TSN TG Chair presented the agenda in https://1.ieee802.org/2022-01-interim-tsn-agenda/.
Disposition: The agenda was reviewed, discussed and updated as recorded by these minutes.
3. Glenn Parsons, IEEE 802.1 Chair, presented “Future Meeting status” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/admin-parsons-future-meeting-planning-0122-v1.pdf.
Disposition: Presentation discussed.
4. The TSN TG Chair presented “LS on Coordination of information and data modelling work” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/liaison-SG15-LS352-infodatamodellingcoordmtgs-0122.pdf.
Disposition: For information.
5. Jessy Rouyer presented “LS on Initiation of approval process for revised G.8012, G.8021, and G.8032 corrigendum” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/liaison-SG15-LS353-InitiateapprovalprocessrevisedRecs-0122.pdf.
Disposition: For information.
6. The TSN TG Chair presented “New Deliverable – Enabling Wi-Fi determinism in an IOT world” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/liaison-SG15-LS352-infodatamodellingcoordmtgs-0122.pdf.
Disposition: For information.
7. Paul Congdon, P802.1Qcz editor, presented https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/cz-drafts/d2/802-1Qcz-d2-1-pdis-v01.pdf and led the resolution of comments received on https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/cz-drafts/d2/802-1Qcz-d2-1.pdf.
Disposition: Final disposition: https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/cz-drafts/d2/802-1Qcz-d2-1-dis-v01.pdf.
8. Marc Holness, P802f editor, presented https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/802-f-drafts/d1/802f-d1-1-pdis-v01.pdf and led the resolution of comments received on https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/802-f-drafts/d1/802f-d1-1.pdf.
Disposition: Partial disposition. Comments 2, 150, 185, 187, 188 discussed and resolved as documented post-session in https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/802-f-drafts/d1/802f-d1-1-pdis-v03.pdf.
13:30 ET recess
Call to order Jan 17, 2022 at 14:00 ET by János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair, who presided. Christian Boiger, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.
9. The TSN TG Chair announced that the meeting remains subject to the Policies mentioned in agenda item 1.
The TSN TG Chair asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
10. Johannes Specht led the review of the draft PAR https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/new-specht-CTF-draft-PAR-0122-v02.pdf and draft CSD https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/new-specht-CTF-draft-CSD-0122-v02.pdf on cut-through forwarding.
- Discussion started
- 15:50-15:55 ET recess
- Discussion continued
Disposition: More discussion needed. Updated draft PAR: https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/new-specht-CTF-draft-PAR-0122-v03.pdf. Updated draft CSD: https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/new-specht-CTF-draft-CSD-0122-v03.pdf.
16:55 ET recess
Call to order Jan 18, 2021 at 09:00 ET by Craig Gunther, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Vice-Chair, who presided. Christian Boiger, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.
12. The TSN TG Vice-Chair announced that the meeting remains subject to the Policies mentioned in agenda item 1.
The TSN TG Vice-Chair asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
13. Approval of agenda. The TSN TG Vice-Chair proposed updates to the agenda in https://1.ieee802.org/2022-01-interim-tsn-agenda/.
Disposition: The agenda was reviewed, discussed and updated as recorded by these minutes.
14. Georg Janker presented “Text Proposal for section 6: In-vehicle network topology: 10BASE-T1S sub networks” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2021/dg-janker-10BASE-T1S-time-sync-1221-v02.pdf and “Time Sync in 10BASE-T1S networks | Pdelay mechanism in multidrop topology (updated version)” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2021/dg-janker-timesync-in-10BASE-T1S-networks-0521.pdf.
Disposition: Presentations discussed.
15. Max Turner presented “IEEE P802.1DG Voting Feedback on Draft 1.4 Comment Resolution and Discussions” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/dg-turner-D1v4Discussions-0122-v02.pdf and led the resolution of comments received on https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/dg-drafts/d1/802-1DG-d1-4.pdf.
Disposition: More discussion needed.
11:09 ET recess
Call to order Jan 19, 2022 at 9:00 ET by János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair, who presided. Christian Boiger, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.
16. The TSN TG Chair announced that the meeting remains subject to the Policies mentioned in agenda item 1.
The TSN TG Chair asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
17. Lily Lv led the review of the draft PAR https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2021/new-lv-draft-PFC-enhancements-PAR-1221-v03.pdf and draft CSD https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2021/new-lv-draft-PFC-enhancements-CSD-1221-v03.pdf.
Disposition: Updated PAR: https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/new-lv-draft-PFC-enhancements-PAR-1221-v04.pdf. Updated CSD: https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/new-lv-draft-PFC-enhancements-CSD-1221-v04.pdf.
18. Paul Congdon requested to present “Source Flow Control Overview” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/new-congdon-SFC-overview-0122-v01.pdf originally scheduled Jan 21, 2022. There was general consent based on request from the TSN TG Chair for this change in the agenda. The agenda was updated as further recorded by these minutes. Paul Congdon then proceeded with the presentation.
Disposition: The agenda was updated as recorded by these minutes. Presentation discussed.
11:39 ET recess
Call to order Jan 19, 2022 at 14:30 ET by János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair, who presided. Christian Boiger, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.
19. The TSN TG Chair announced that the meeting remains subject to the Policies mentioned in agenda item 1.
The TSN TG Chair asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
20. Johannes Specht continued leading the review of the draft PAR https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/new-specht-CTF-draft-PAR-0122-v03.pdf and draft CSD https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/new-specht-CTF-draft-CSD-0122-v03.pdf.
Disposition: Updated PAR: https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/new-specht-CTF-draft-PAR-0122-v04.pdf. Updated CSD: https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/new-specht-CTF-draft-CSD-0122-v04.pdf.
16:42 ET recess
Call to order Jan 20, 2022 at 9:00 ET by János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair, who presided. Christian Boiger, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.
21. The TSN TG Chair announced that the meeting remains subject to the Policies mentioned in agenda item 1.
The TSN TG Chair asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
22. Dave Cavalcanti presented a “Proposed Liaison Statement to SC6/WG1 in relation to Preliminary Work Item (PWI) on the Deterministic Wireless Industrial Network project” https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/22/11-22-0081-06-0000-considerations-for-liaison-statement-to-sc6-on-wi-fi-in-wireless-industrial-networks.docx on “ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 N 17531” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/SC6/ISO-IECJTC1-SC6_N17531_PWI_proposal_on_Deterministic_Wireless_Industrial_Network.pdf to be finalized in IEEE 802.11.
Disposition: Draft liaison statement discussed. Updated liaison statement: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/22/11-22-0081-06-0000-considerations-for-liaison-statement-to-sc6-on-wi-fi-in-wireless-industrial-networks.docx.
23. Geoffrey Garner, P802.1ASdm editor, presented “Status of Next 802.1ASdm Draft (D0.4) Revision1” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/dm-garner-status-of-next-draft-0122-v01.pdf.
Disposition: Presentation discussed.
24. Woojung Huh presented “802.1AS use cases in 10B-T1S and improvement” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/ds-huh-use-cases-10B-T1S-improvement-0122-v02.pdf.
Disposition: Presentation discussed.
10:57 ET recess
Call to order Jan 21, 2022 at 9:00 ET by János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair, who presided. Christian Boiger, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.
25. The TSN TG Chair announced that the meeting remains subject to the Policies mentioned in agenda item 1.
The TSN TG Chair asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
26. Norman Finn presented “Outline of an Amendment to IEEE Std 802.1Q for Pulsed Queuing” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/new-finn-pulsed-queuing-amendment-0122-v02.pdf.
Disposition: Presentation discussed.
27. Marc Holness, P802f editor, continued leading the resolution of comments received on https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/802-f-drafts/d1/802f-d1-1.pdf.
Disposition: Partial disposition. Comments 126, 127, 128, 176, 1, 4, 5, 6, 125, 180, 161, 181, 182 discussed and resolved as documented post-session in https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/802-f-drafts/d1/802f-d1-1-pdis-v03.pdf.
11:06 ET recess
Call to order Jan 21, 2022 at 11:30 ET by János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair, who presided. Christian Boiger, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Secretary, wrote the minutes.
28. The TSN TG Chair announced that the meeting remains subject to the Policies mentioned in agenda item 1.
The TSN TG Chair asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
29. Stephan Kehrer presented “IEEE P802.1Qdj Editor’s Report for Draft D0.2 Ballot Comment Resolution (v1)” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/dj-kehrer-editors-report-d0-2-0122-v01.pdf.
Disposition: Presentation discussed.
30. Rodrigo Ferreira Coelho presented “YANG module ieee802-dot1dj-tsn-config-uni” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/dj-coelho-yang-module-0122-v02.pdf.
Disposition: Presentation discussed.
31. Stephan Kehrer led the resolution of comments received on https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/dj-drafts/d0/802-1Qdj-d0-2.pdf.
Disposition: Partial disposition. Comments 87, 112, 88, 89, 90, 30 discussed and resolved as documented post-session in https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/dj-drafts/d0/802-1Qdj-d0-2-pdis-v02.pdf.
13:41 ET adjournment
IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project
Between this session and the preceding session, the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project held electronic meetings whose minutes are incorporated to these session minutes by reference as follows:
- Minutes of the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project meeting held 2021-11-19 9:00 – 11:00 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind21&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&O=A&P=492084
- Minutes of the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project meeting held 2021-11-22 9:00 – 11:00 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind21&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&O=A&P=508702
- Minutes of the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project meeting held 2021-11-29 9:00 – 11:00 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind21&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&O=A&P=510765
- Minutes of the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project meeting held 2021-12-03 9:00 – 11:00 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind21&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&O=A&P=523028
- Minutes of the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project meeting held 2021-12-10 9:00 – 11:00 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind21&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&O=A&P=540614
- Minutes of the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project meeting held 2021-12-13 9:00 – 11:00 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind21&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&O=A&P=541585
- Minutes of the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project meeting held 2021-12-17 9:00 – 11:00 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind21&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&O=A&P=544716
- Minutes of the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project meeting held 2022-01-14 9:00 – 11:00 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind22&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&P=38124
The table in section 1 reflects the attendance and affiliation of all participants in all 802.1 WG and subgroup meetings held in this session.
Call to order Jan 17, 2022 at 9:00 ET by Ludwig Winkel, IEC 65C/WG18 Convenor and IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project Chair (60802 Chair), who presided with János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair (TSN TG Chair). Josef Dorr, IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project Secretary (60802 Secretary), wrote the minutes.
Agenda items and dispositions:
1. Meeting introduction and other administrative items. The IEEE SA slides on IEEE Patent Policy and IEEE SA Copyright and Participation Policies were provided beforehand as part of “MEETING INTRODUCTION” http://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/templates/admin-TG-intro-0721-v01.pdf.
The TSN TG Chair showed this presentation advising that the following, provided beforehand, applies:
- IEEE’s Patent Policy is described in Clause 6 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws;
- Early identification of patent claims which may be essential for the use of standards under development is strongly encouraged;
- There may be Essential Patent Claims of which IEEE is not aware. Additionally, neither IEEE, the WG, nor the WG Chair can ensure the accuracy or completeness of any assurance or whether any such assurance is, in fact, of a Patent Claim that is essential for the use of the standard under development.
The TSN TG Chair made the Call for Potentially Essential Patents thereby providing an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that standard: there were no responses to this Call prior to the end of the session.
The TSN TG Chair asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
The TSN TG Chair explained that the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project also follows the usual IEC patent https://www.iec.ch/members_experts/tools/patents/patent_policy.htm and copyright https://www.iec.ch/standardsdev/resources/draftingpublications/overview/rules_requirements/copyright.htm policies.
2. Approval of agenda. The 60802 Chair presented the agenda in https://1.ieee802.org/2022-01-interim-tsn-agenda/#TSN_8211_IECIEEE_60802.
Disposition: The agenda was reviewed, discussed, and agreed (informally, none dissenting) as presented.
3. Update on the IEC 61802 conformity assessment project. The 60802 Chair gave a verbal update on the IEC 61802 conformity assessment project. The involved consortia have reached agreement in principle on organizational issues of the project. The negotiation of the agreement is ongoing.
Disposition: For information.
4. Editor’s update and D1.3 TG ballot comment resolution. Jordon Woods, IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project Editor (60802 Editor), presented “Editor’s Report 60802 Draft 1.3” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/60802-woods-D1-3-update-0122-v01.pdf then continued the resolution of comments received on https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/60802-drafts/d1/60802-d1-3.pdf.
Disposition: Partial disposition.
- Ballot comments 928, 929, 930, 931, 932, 934, 942, 943, 944, 945, 946, 973, 974, 975, 976 were resolved.
- Ballot comment 162 was revised based on the disposition of comment 942.
- Ballot comment 163 was revised based on the disposition of comment 943.
- The comment dispositions are documented in https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/60802-drafts/d1/60802-d1-3-pdis-v23.pdf.
5. Review of minutes. This agenda item was skipped by lack of time.
11:00 ET recess
Call to order Jan 18, 2022 at 11:30, by Ludwig Winkel, 60802 Chair, who presided with Janos Farkas, TSN TG Chair. Josef Dorr, 60802 Secretary, wrote the minutes.
6. Meeting introduction and other administrative items. The TSN TG Chair announced that the meeting remains subject to the Policies mentioned in agenda item 1 and asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
It was noted Glenn Parsons, 802.1 Chair, had presented “Future Meeting status” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/admin-parsons-future-meeting-planning-0122-v1.pdf during the Jan 17, 2022 TSN TG meeting.
7. Agenda. The 60802 Chair presented the agenda in https://1.ieee802.org/2022-01-interim-tsn-agenda/#TSN_8211_IECIEEE_60802-2.
Disposition: For information.
8. Conformance Management and YANG for IEC/IEEE 60802. Martin Mittelberger presented “Proposal for Management Conformance: into IEC/IEEE 60802” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/60802-drafts/d1/60802-Mittelberger-et-al-Conformance-Management-1221-v01.pdf, a text contribution proposed to be included into the next IEC/IEEE 60802 draft. “YANG for IEC/IEEE 60802” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/60802-Mittelberger-et-al-YANG-for-60802-1221-v04.pdf was shown additionally as a reference document to the text contribution.
Disposition: An updated contribution can be included into the next IEC/IEEE 60802 draft.
9. Digital Data Sheet and NETCONF usage concepts. Nemanja Stamenic presented two text contributions proposed to be included into the next IEC/IEEE 60802 draft:
- “Digital Station Description for IEC/IEEE 60802” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/60802-Stamenic-Digital-Data-Sheet-01-22-v02.pdf.
Disposition: An updated contribution can be included into the next IEC/IEEE 60802 draft.
- “Operational Network Management for IEC/IEEE 60802” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/60802-Stamenic-NETCONF-usage-concepts-01-22-v02.pdf.
Disposition: An updated contribution without the multi-TSN Domain use case can be included into the next IEC/IEEE 60802 draft.
10. Annex Z update and D1.3 TG ballot comment resolution. Jordon Woods, 60802 Editor:
- Presented “Editor’s report on Annex Z” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/60802-woods-AnnexZ-update-0122-v01.pdf together with an updated text revision of Annex Z https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/60802-drafts/d1/60802-woods-D1-3-NewAnnexZ-0122-v01.pdf based on the commented draft 1.3 revision of Annex Z https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/60802-drafts/d1/60802-woods-D1-3-OldAnnexZ-0122-v01.pdf.
Disposition: The updated text revision of Annex Z can be included into the next IEC/IEEE 60802 draft.
- Continued the resolution of comments received on https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/60802-drafts/d1/60802-d1-3.pdf.
Disposition: Partial disposition.
- Ballot comments 897, 148 were resolved.
The comment dispositions are documented in https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/60802-drafts/d1/60802-d1-3-pdis-v23.pdf.
11. Review of minutes. The minutes were reviewed under the lead of the 60802 Secretary.
13:30 ET recess
Call to order Jan 19, 2022 at 9:00 ET, by Ludwig Winkel, 60802 Chair, who presided. Josef Dorr, 60802 Secretary, wrote the minutes.
12. Meeting introduction and other administrative items. The 60802 Chair announced that the meeting remains subject to the Policies mentioned in agenda item 1 and asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
13. Agenda. The 60802 Chair presented the agenda in https://1.ieee802.org/2022-01-interim-tsn-agenda/#TSN_8211_IECIEEE_60802-3.
Disposition: For information.
14. D1.3 TG ballot comment resolution. Jordon Woods, 60802 Editor, continued the resolution of comments received on https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/60802-drafts/d1/60802-d1-3.pdf.
Disposition: Partial disposition.
- Ballot comments 353, 150, 390, 485, 486, 484, 487, 905, 906, 907, 488, 489, 49, 490, 491, 492, 909, 493, 910 were resolved.
- Ballot comment 148 was revised based on additional discussions.
The comment dispositions are documented in https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/60802-drafts/d1/60802-d1-3-pdis-v23.pdf.
15. Review of minutes. This agenda item was skipped by lack of time.
11:00 ET recess
Call to order Jan 20, 2022 at 11:30 ET by Ludwig Winkel, 60802 Chair, who presided with János Farkas, TSN TG Chair. Josef Dorr, 60802 Secretary, wrote the minutes.
16. Meeting introduction and other administrative items. The TSN TG Chair announced that the meeting remains subject to the Policies mentioned in agenda item 1 and asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
The 60802 Chair started a discussion on the status and next steps of the joint project:
- The project is late.
- The project should be elevated to a WG ballot during the Jul 2022 plenary session at the latest.
- A PAR extension should also be initiated at the Jul 2022 plenary session.
- To accelerate work having three meetings per week instead of two is an option to be considered. The group should think about this option.
Discussion can be continued on the next weekly meeting on Jan 24, 2022.
17. Agenda. The 60802 Chair presented the agenda in https://1.ieee802.org/2022-01-interim-tsn-agenda/#TSN_8211_IECIEEE_60802-4.
Disposition: For information.
18. D1.3 TG ballot comment resolution – Security Comments. Jordon Woods, 60802 Editor, continued the resolution of comments received on https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/60802-drafts/d1/60802-d1-3.pdf.
Disposition: Partial disposition.
- Ballot comments 977, 978, 979, 980, 981, 817, 982, 983, 984, 986, 985, 987, 990, 989, 988, 991, 992, 993, 994, 1025 were resolved.
- Ballot comment 976 was revised based on further discussions by the group.
- The comment dispositions are documented in https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/60802-drafts/d1/60802-d1-3-pdis-v23.pdf.
19. Review of minutes. The minutes were reviewed under the lead of the 60802 Secretary.
13:30 ET recess
Call to order Jan 21, 2022 at 9:00 ET by Ludwig Winkel, 60802 Chair, who presided with János Farkas, TSN TG Chair. Josef Dorr, 60802 Secretary, wrote the minutes.
20. Meeting introduction and other administrative items. The TSN TG Chair announced that the meeting remains subject to the Policies mentioned in agenda item 1 and asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
21. Approval of agenda. The 60802 Chair presented the agenda in https://1.ieee802.org/2022-01-interim-tsn-agenda/#TSN_8211_IECIEEE_60802-5.
Disposition: For information.
22. Secure Device Identity Profile for TSN-IA. Oliver Pfaff presented “‘Secure Device Identity’ Profile for TSN-IA” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/60802-Pfaff-et-al-Secure-Device-Identity-Profile-0122-v01.pdf.
Disposition: More discussion is needed.
23. D1.3 TG ballot comment resolution. Jordon Woods, 60802 Editor, continued the resolution of comments received on https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/60802-drafts/d1/60802-d1-3.pdf.
Disposition: Partial disposition.
- Ballot comments 495, 911, 912, 913, 914, 394, 396, 397, 497 were resolved.
- The comment dispositions are documented in https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/60802-drafts/d1/60802-d1-3-pdis-v23.pdf.
24. Review of minutes. The minutes were reviewed under the lead of the 60802 Secretary.
IEEE P802.1DP/SAE AS6675 joint project
Between this session and the preceding session, the IEEE 802.1 Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Task Group (TG) held electronic meetings on P802.1DP/SAE AS 6675 whose minutes are incorporated to these session minutes by reference as follows:
- Minutes of the IEEE P802.1DP/SAE AS6675 meeting held 2021-12-08 10:00 – 11:30 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=STDS-802-1-MINUTES;cd4ffe99.21
The table in section 1 reflects the attendance and affiliation of all participants in all 802.1 WG and subgroup meetings held in this session.
Call to order Jan 19, 2022 at 12:00 ET by János Farkas, IEEE 802.1 TSN TG Chair. Abdul Jabbar and János Farkas, IEEE P802.1DP/SAE AS6675 joint project co-Chairs, presided. Marina Gutiérrez, IEEE P802.1DP/SAE AS6675 Secretary, wrote the minutes.
Agenda items and dispositions:
1. Meeting introduction. The IEEE SA slides on IEEE Patent Policy and IEEE SA Copyright and Participation Policies were provided beforehand as part of “MEETING INTRODUCTION” http://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/templates/admin-TG-intro-0721-v01.pdf.
János Farkas, IEEE 802.1DP/SAE AS6675 co-Chair, announced that the meeting is subject to these Policies as read and displayed at the opening meeting of the TSN TG.
János Farkas, IEEE 802.1DP/SAE AS6675 co-Chair, asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
János Farkas, IEEE 802.1DP/SAE AS6675 co-Chair, explained that the IEEE P802.1DP/SAE AS6675 Joint Project also follows the usual SAE IP and copyright https://www.sae.org/about/legal-policies/intellectual-property policies.
- Approval of agenda. János Farkas, IEEE 802.1DP/SAE AS6675 co-Chair, presented the agenda in https://1.ieee802.org/2021-11-plenary-tsn-agenda/#TSN_8211_P8021DPAS6675.
Disposition: The agenda was reviewed, discussed and agreed (informally, none dissenting) as presented.
- Abdul Jabbar, P802.1DP/SAE AS 6675 editor, presented “P802.1DP Editors Update” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/dp-jabbar-editors-update-0122-v00.pdf.
Disposition: Presentation was discussed. More discussion needed.
- Abdul Jabbar, P802.1DP/SAE AS 6675 editor, presented “Stream Identification for Avionics Networks” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/dp-schavey-stream-identification-0122-v03.pdf.
Disposition: Presentation was discussed. More discussion needed.
13:50 ET recess
Between this session and the preceding session, the IEEE 802 “Network Enhancements for the Next Decade” Industry Connections Activity (Nendica) held electronic meetings whose minutes are incorporated to these session minutes by reference as follows:
- Minutes of the Nendica meeting held 2021-11-18 09:00-11:00 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=STDS-802-1-MINUTES;a9fd4430.21
- Minutes of the Nendica meeting held 2021-12-02 09:00-11:00 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=STDS-802-1-MINUTES;ff5ae304.21
- Minutes of the Nendica meeting held 2021-12-09 09:00-11:00 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=STDS-802-1-MINUTES;aa1dc763.21
- Minutes of the Nendica meeting held 2021-12-16 09:00-11:00 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=STDS-802-1-MINUTES;11e66b6.21
- Minutes of the Nendica meeting held 2021-12-23 09:00-11:00 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=STDS-802-1-MINUTES;4ba73d25.21
- Minutes of the Nendica meeting held 2022-01-06 14:00-16:00 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=STDS-802-1-MINUTES;5af182e3.22
The table in section 1 reflects the attendance and affiliation of all participants in all 802.1 WG and subgroup meetings held in this session.
Call to order Jan 20, 2022 at 09:00 ET by Roger Marks, Nendica Chair, who presided and wrote the minutes.
Agenda items and dispositions:
1. Meeting introduction and other administrative items.
The IEEE SA slides on IEEE Patent Policy and IEEE SA Copyright and Participation Policies were provided beforehand as part of “MEETING INTRODUCTION” “http://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/templates/admin-prePAR-intro-0721-v01.pdf”. The Nendica Chair showed this presentation advising that the following applies:
- IEEE SA’s copyright policy is described in Clause 7 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and Clause 6.1 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual;
- Any material submitted during the Nendica meeting, whether verbal, recorded, or in written form, is a Contribution and shall comply with the IEEE SA Copyright Policy.
The Nendica Chair asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
2. Approval of agenda. Additions to the Mentor server document list were noted.
Disposition: The agenda was reviewed and agreed (informally, none dissenting) as https://1.ieee802.org/802-nendica-agenda-2022-01-20/.
3. Minutes. The Nendica Chair reviewed the draft “Minutes of the Nendica meeting held 2022-01-06 14:00-16:00 ET” https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=STDS-802-1-MINUTES;5af182e3.22.
Disposition: It was agreed (informally, none dissenting) to approve the minutes as presented.
4. Update.
No discussion.
5. Nendica organization.
No discussion.
6. ELLA Study Item.
- The Nendica Chair noted that “Planning for IEEE Std 802 Revision” https://mentor.ieee.org/802.1/documents?is_group=ICne&is_year=2021&is_dcn=0070 had not been updated beyond Rev. 9 and did not discuss it further.
- Roger Marks presented “IEEE Std 802 Revision PAR Progress” https://mentor.ieee.org/802.1/documents?is_group=ICne&is_year=2022&is_dcn=0002. The Draft ELLA Report, which was agreed in Nendica as Rev. 6, had been updated to Rev. 7 as a result of the 802 Technical Plenary of Jan 13, 2022 and to Rev. 8 as a result of the 802.1 Maintenance TG meeting of Jan 18, 2022. The draft Revision PAR agreed at that 802.1 Maintenance TG meeting.
- Roger Marks presented “Proposed Draft ELLA Report, Rev. 8” https://mentor.ieee.org/802.1/documents?is_group=ICne&is_year=2021&is_dcn=0076, highlighting changes from Rev. 6. The schedule indicated that this document would be completed by Nendica this week or next week.
- Discussion ensued concerning slide 18, particularly about how comment resolution would be conducted, considering the perspectives of various 802 Working Groups. It was noted that the development of the project is expected to be assigned by the 802.1 WG Chair to the 802.1 Maintenance TG and that 802.1 TGs normally made decisions without voting.
- No action was taken to complete the document. Comments toward the guidance on slide 18 are welcome to be contributed toward next week’s meeting, at which the document is scheduled to be completed.
- The Nendica Chair briefly noted contribution “Proposed Draft ELLA Report on Amendment of IEEE Std 802, Rev. 2” https://mentor.ieee.org/802.1/documents?is_group=ICne&is_year=2021&is_dcn=0080, indicating that it had not been updated and reiterating that this is a proposed extension of the ELLA Report, proposing that the extension should be adopted in May 2022 and should include recommendations regarding a PAR and CSD for one or more amendments to IEEE Std 802.
- Roger Marks presented contribution “Questions about the IEEE 802 Architecture, Rev. 2” https://mentor.ieee.org/802.1/documents?is_group=ICne&is_year=2021&is_dcn=0074, with a focus on new material on slide 5 (considering the role of HLPDE on ingress) and slides 9-14 (addressing a model of the LLC including the HLDPE along with tags and shims).
- Discussion topics included the question of whether each occurrence of the HLDPE in slides 10-11 is a separate instance or whether, as on slide 13, are all the same instance of the HLDPE; in the latter case, parameters carried at the SAPs differentiate the invocation.
- Comments and further contributions are welcome.
7. CTF Study Item.
No discussion.
8. New 802.1 topics. In the ongoing series of discussions on Source PFC, Paul Congdon presented “Consideration of SFC in 802.1Q” https://mentor.ieee.org/802.1/documents?is_group=ICne&is_year=2022&is_dcn=0001.
- Discussion followed. However, due to shortage of time, the contribution was not presented in full detail.
Disposition: Further discussion is scheduled for the agenda of the next Nendica meeting.
9. Future Meetings. The next Nendica meeting is scheduled for Jan 27, 2021, 09:00-11:00 ET. The tentative agenda for that meeting is at https://1.ieee802.org/802-nendica-agenda-2022-01-27/. Those seeking agenda time should notify the Nendica Chair at least six days in advance.
10. Any Other Business. No other business was discussed by Nendica in this session.
11:07 ET adjournment
Between this session and the preceding session, YANGsters held electronic meetings whose minutes are incorporated to these session minutes by reference as follows:
- Minutes of the YANGsters meeting held 2021-11-30 10:00 –11:17 ET https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind21&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&P=542556
- Minutes of the YANGsters meeting held 2021-12-21 https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind22&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&P=113618
- Minutes of the YANGsters meeting held 2022-01-11 https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind22&L=STDS-802-1-MINUTES&P=98118
The table in section 1 reflects the attendance and affiliation of all participants in all 802.1 WG and subgroup meetings held in this session.
Call to order Jan 20, 2022 at 14:00 ET by Scott Mansfield, YANGsters Chair, who presided. Stephan Kehrer, YANGsters Secretary, wrote the minutes.
Agenda items and dispositions:
- Meeting introduction. The IEEE SA slides on IEEE Patent Policy and IEEE SA Copyright and Participation Policies were provided beforehand as part of “MEETING INTRODUCTION” http://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/templates/admin-prePAR-intro-0721-v01.pdf.
The YANGsters Chair showed this presentation advising that the following, provided beforehand, applies:
- IEEE SA’s copyright policy is described in Clause 7 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and Clause 6.1 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual;
- Any material submitted during standards development, whether verbal, recorded, or in written form, is a Contribution and shall comply with the IEEE SA Copyright Policy.
The YANGsters Chair made the Call for Potentially Essential Patents thereby providing an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that standard: there were no responses to this Call prior to the end of the session.
The YANGsters Chair asked participants to record their attendance in IMAT and, if they are unable to do so, to promptly provide their affiliation to the minute taker.
2. Approval of agenda. The YANGsters Chair presented the agenda in https://1.ieee802.org/january-2022-interim-session-electronic-yangsters-agenda/.
Disposition: The agenda was reviewed, discussed, and agreed (informally, none dissenting) as presented.
3. Introduction to YANGsters.
The YANGsters Chair introduced YANGsters by presenting https://1.ieee802.org/yangsters/, and https://1.ieee802.org/yangsters/yangsters-guidelines/yangsters-faq/, and provided:
- An overview of the next YANGsters meeting dates by showing https://1.ieee802.org/yangsters/yangsters-call-information/.
- YANGsters meet next on Feb 1, 2022.
- An overview of the achievements since the Nov 2021 plenary session along with information on where to find the minutes for the YANGsters meetings held since the Nov 2021 plenary session.
- P802.1CBcv has been returned to the assigned IEEE editor for preparation of publication.
- P802.1ABcu is expected to be returned to the assigned IEEE Editor for preparation of publication.
- YANG-related comments for P802.1Q-Rev have been prepared during YANGsters meetings.
Disposition: For information.
The YANGsters Chair provided the status of YANG projects in “YANG Status Spreadsheet 2022-01” https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2022/yangsters-smansfield-yang-status-0122-v01.pdf.
- This is intended to provide an overview of the different YANG modules that are being created in ongoing projects or have already been created in IEEE 802.1.
- An embedded spreadsheet in the document is used to keep track of future changes.
- The spreadsheet also highlights YANG modules that are commonly used by several projects to help the editors of these projects coordinate the YANG development.
Disposition: For information.
4. IEEE 802f Discussion and Comment Resolution. Marc Holness, P802f editor, led the resolution of comments received on https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/802-f-drafts/d1/802f-d1-1.pdf.
Disposition: The following comments were resolved as documented post-session in https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/private/802-f-drafts/d1/802f-d1-1-pdis-v03.pdf: 2, 150, 185, 187, 188, 192, 223, 226, 172. Agreed (informally, none dissenting) to continue ballot comment resolution in the TSN TG meeting on Friday, Jan 21, 2022, 9:00-11:00 ET.
5. Open Discussion. Discussion was deferred by lack of time.
6. Weekly Call Agenda Requests.
7. Any Other Business. No other business was discussed by YANGsters in this session.
16:02 ET adjournment
Next Session
Mar 7-15, 2022 electronic plenary session.