Short Term Plan

This page contains a list of actions that need to occur in the Short Term (before Vienna July 2019 Meeting) for the IEEE use of IETF’s YANG git repository.

  • Advertise to YANGsters that when a ballot starts in any working group, any YANG will be extracted from the draft and placed in the folder for that working group/project here:
  • Any existing YANG for that working group/project will be replaced with the latest files (anyone wanting the old files will need to go back to the pdf file of the previous balloted draft or via github history)
  • Create directories for the projects and move latest files to the directories
    • fix the files to work with the extra level of directory (per project)
    • Need to test if there will be an issue with the same module in different directories
  • Look at published directory, discuss if there is a way to add the published date (latest revcom submission date – corresponds with the revision date in the module), or if we need to phase that in when the next versions are published
  • Review meta-data needs:
