YANGsters Electronic Meeting Agenda – June 8, 2021
- 1000 – 1100 Eastern Daylight Time
- Webex Link: https://ieeesa.webex.com/ieeesa/j.php?MTID=m0824bb5c55f24dbc6acb89a8f5fecf65
- Meeting number: 129 574 5935
- Password: uMkw9UDTm64
- Phone:+49-619-6781-9734 Germany Toll
- +1-613-714-9906 Canada Toll (Ottawa)
- Meeting introduction
- Discussion Topics
- Reference format: https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2021/yangsters-smansfield-reference-format-0621-v01.pdf
- UML-like Diagrams: https://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2021/yangsters-smansfield-uml-like-diagram-description-0621-v01.pdf
- Pretty Printing Status
- Comparing IEEE tool with pyang pretty printer
- On-going Work Status
- Q-rev status
- YANG Language Enhancements (for example string equivalence)
- YANG Packages/Module Tags
- Tutorials/Guideline Updates
- Yanglint and xpath examples
- Review Issues List
- Open Discussion
- What is new, upcoming, or topics that need investigation in the YANG area?
- Weekly Call Agenda Requests
- Any Other Business