How to contribute to OmniRAN TG discussions?
The OmniRAN documents archive is on mentor. You may browse and download documents anonymously. To upload a new document to the OmniRAN TG documents archive please take the following guidelines into account:
To submit a document, you must be logged in using your IEEE Web Account. IEEE Web Accounts are free and do not require IEEE or IEEE-SA membership. If you have used the IMAT attendance system, then use the same IEEE Web Account for Mentor. You can create an IEEE Web Account here.
Furthermore, you must be enrolled in OmniRAN SG under myProject(TM)>>Manage Activity Profile. Usually this happens automatically when you first register your participation in a face-to-face meeting of OmniRAN Study Group by the IMAT attendance system. To check and to perform enrollment if necessary, please:
- sign in to myProject of your IEEE Web Account,
- go to Manage Activity Profile,
- click to + next to IEEE Computer Society to open its list of sponsors,
- click to + next to LAN/MAN Standards Committee to open the list of projects and working groups of IEEE 802,
- activate the check box next to the IEEE 802.1 to enroll in the group, and
- complete the process by clicking CONTINUE at the bottom of the page.
Document Submission:
To submit a document to the OmniRAN documents archive:
- Prepare the document using one of the current OmniRAN Document Templates, available below:
- Connect to the OmniRAN New Document upload page and log in using your IEEE Web Account, if the Sign In page appears. The New documents page of OmniRAN appears.
- Uploading a new document is a two step process of first generating the Document Control Number (DCN) of the new document and then selecting and uploading the document from your hard disk after you added the generated DCN in the header of your document.
- Use the Group drop-down menu to select CF Contribution, CQ Contribution, or one of the other categories as appropriate. Enter the Document Title in the appropriate field. In the Author (Affiliation) field, enter the name(s) and affiliation(s), with affiliation in parentheses.
- Affiliation is specified per the IEEE-SA Affiliation Disclosure FAQ.
- Click the New Document button to reserve your Document Control Number.
- Enter the generated Document Control Number in the header of your document.
- Upload your document to the OmniRAN Documents space on Mentor.
- Note: You need not be concerned with the file name, because the IEEE Mentor system will automatically rename your file based on the Document Control Number and the title you entered at upload time, retaining only the file extension of the uploaded file.
- Note: You don’t have to upload immediately after reserving the Document Control Number. If you come back later your document will be listed as pending. Use the Upload link at the right to upload the pending document.
- Revisions are supported. Once the initial document has been uploaded, a link to upload a revised version will be available under Actions. Mentor automatically increments the revision number in the DCN.
- Make sure to manually increment the revision number in your document header.