November 2018 Plenary Session in Bangkok, Thailand
- IEEE 802.1 Working Group
- 12-15 November 2018 Plenary Meeting
- Bangkok, Thailand
- Meeting Minutes
- Attendance and affiliation
- 802.1 Officers and Management
- Opening Plenary Meeting
- Task Group Meetings
- IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project
- YANGsters
- 802.1-802.15 joint meeting
- Closing Plenary Meeting
- Next meeting
- Monday, November 12th, 2018
- Call to order
- Minutes
- Attendance
- IEEE WG Guidelines
- Agenda approval
- Schedule of the topics during the week
- Review of minutes
- Reports
- Result of P802.1CF sponsor ballot recirculation
- P802.1CF related motions to EC
- Preview of 802.1CQ presentation to 802.11 ARC and 802.15
- Nendica related contributions review
- Comment resolution of P802.1CF sponsor ballot recirculation
- Tuesday, November 13th, 2018
- Wednesday, November 14th, 2018
- Thursday, November 15th, 2018
PDF of approved session minutes (taking precedence over the following)(including links to PDFs of the minutes for the Maintenance TG, OmniRAN TG, IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project, NEND ICA – each of which are also reproduced below – and YANGsters).
IEEE 802.1 Working Group
12-15 November 2018 Plenary Meeting
Bangkok, Thailand
Meeting Minutes
The 802.1 Chair, Glenn Parsons, presided.
The 802.1 Recording Secretary, Jessy Rouyer, wrote the minutes in part based on input from
802.1 Task Group Chairs.
Attendance and affiliation
802.1 Officers and Management
Glenn Parsons | Working Group Chair |
John Messenger | Working Group Vice-chair |
Jessy Rouyer | Working Group Secretary |
János Farkas | Time-Sensitive Networking Task Group Chair |
Craig Gunther | Time-Sensitive Networking Task Group Secretary |
Mick Seaman | Security Task Group Chair |
Max Riegel | OmniRAN Task Group Chair |
Paul Congdon | Maintenance Task Group Chair |
Roger Marks | NEND ICA Chair |
Ludwig Winkel | IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project Chair |
Josef Dorr | IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project Secretary |
Mark Hantel |
Email maintenance and IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project website maintenance |
Paul Unbehagen | Website Maintenance |
Hal Keen | Email Maintenance |
Opening Plenary Meeting
Call to order: 12 November 2018, 10:31 AM.
The 802.1 Chair, Glenn Parsons, presided.
The 802.1 Recording Secretary, Jessy Rouyer, wrote the minutes.
The acting Chair presented the Opening Agenda slides available at
During this presentation, the Chair:
- Thanked everyone and especially those acting during his unanticipated absence (slide 2).
- Introduced the agenda on slide 3. The agenda was approved.
- Presented slides 4 through 8 (including reproduced slides 0 through 4 of the IEEE-SA PatCom Patent Slides for Standards Development Meetings, separately available at
The Chair:- Presented information on these slides including:
- Instructions for the WG Chair (and TG Chairs);
- Participants’ duty to inform the IEEE;
- Ways to inform IEEE;
- Other guidelines for IEEE WG meetings; and
- Patent-related information.
- Advised WG attendees that:
- IEEE’s patent policy is described in Clause 6 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws;
- Early identification of patent claims which may be essential for the use of standards under development is strongly encouraged;
- There may be Essential Patent Claims of which IEEE is not aware. Additionally, neither IEEE, the WG, nor the WG Chair can ensure the accuracy or completeness of any assurance or whether any such assurance is, in fact, of a Patent Claim that is essential for the use of the standard under development.
- Made the “Call for Potentially Essential Patents” thereby providing an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that standard.
- There were no responses to the call.
- Reminded 802.1 TG Chairs of their daily obligations (per slide 9) with respect to presenting the IEEE-SA PatCom Patent Slides for Standards Development Meetings and making the “Call for Potentially Essential Patents”.
- Presented information on these slides including:
- Reviewed general administrative information including:
- Meeting “Decorum” or rules, including the policies on public reporting, and on photography or recording (slide 10);
- The Chair called for any members of the press (i.e., anyone reporting publicly on this meeting) to announce their presence.
- There were no responses to the call.
- The Chair called for any members of the press (i.e., anyone reporting publicly on this meeting) to announce their presence.
- Participation in IEEE 802 meetings on an individual basis (slide 11);
- Hotel and meeting room security (slide 12);
- General information on 802.1 (slide 13), including information on newcomers orientation available at, information on 802.1 operation available at, a reminder that contributions are to be uploaded before presentation, how to access meeting minutes and schedule, and how to report meeting session attendance;
- Meeting logistics (slide 14).
- Meeting “Decorum” or rules, including the policies on public reporting, and on photography or recording (slide 10);
- Introduced 802.1 officers and provided 802.1 website information (slide 15).
- Reviewed the list of 802.1 voters (slide 16), including information about individuals who have lost (slide 17), may gain (slides 19 and 20), may (slide 21) or will lose (slide 18) 802.1 voting membership. The Chair reminded individual participants of their obligations and of 802.11 reciprocal credit, which was continued at this meeting (slide 22).
- Provided an update on the 802.1 website at (slide 23).
- Reviewed the schedule for future interim meetings (slide 24):
- January 14-18, 2019 in Hiroshima, Japan
- May 20-24, 2019 in Salt Lake City, UT, USA
- John D’Ambrosia presented IEEE 802.1/802.3 JOINT INTERIM SESSION
- September 2019
- John Messenger gave an oral update on ADVA Optical Networking potentially hosting the week of September 16, 2020 in Edinburgh, UK
- January 20-24, 2020 (workshop January 25) potentially in Geneva, Switzerland
- May 2020 in North America
- September 2020 potentially in China
- Xin Chang presented IEEE 802.1&3 joint interim session offer-position proposal
- The Chair conducted straw polls on this proposal as follows:
- Would you agree to go to this meeting if it was hosted in China?
- Yes: 58, No: 1, Abstain: 19
- Which city would you prefer to be the meeting location?
- Chengdu: 38, Guangzhou: 16
- Would you agree to go to this meeting if it was hosted in China?
- The Chair noted 802.1 would vote when the proposer returns with a formal proposal.
- Reviewed the schedule for future plenary meetings (slide 25):
- March 10-15, 2019 in Vancouver, BC, Canada
- July 14-19, 2019 in Vienna, Austria
- November 10-15, 2019 in Waikoloa, HI, USA
- March 15-20, 2020 in Atlanta, GA, USA
- July 12-17, 2020 in Montreal, QC, Canada
- November 8-13, 2020 in Bangkok, Thailand
- Reported the following items out of the 802 Executive Committee (EC) executive session (slide 26):
- No SA staff at this plenary
- 802 Task Force (Thurs 10:30)
- IEEE SA Tools update
- Web conferencing
- Get 802 terms and conditions
- Broken links to SA website
- P&P, WG & CG change proposals (EC-18-191)
- Venues (EC-18-216)
- Treasurer (EC-18-199)
- July 2018 meeting: $60k surplus
- Nov 2018 estimate: $10k surplus with larger attendance
- 2019 projected loss: $400k (reducing reserves to $1M)
- Showed 802 Standards Page count as of November 2018 (slide 27)
- Reviewed the list of 802 EC meetings to be held this week (slide 28).
- Indicated that the status of myProject is unchanged since the last plenary meeting (slide 29) however encouraged suggestions to staff on the potential switch from custom to commercial software for Mentor and IMAT.
- Provided and discussed an update on IEEE Open Source offering (slide 30)
- Provided information about public review (slide 31) and about the following email ballot (ePoll) since the last plenary meeting (slide 32):
- 15-TSN/A 2018 Participation
- Approve IEEE 802.1 to be a Lead Exhibitor at the TSN/A Conference 2018 providing booth space is made available. The event is scheduled to occur on September 26-27, 2018 in Stuttgart, Germany.
- Moved: Janos Farkas
- Seconded: Craig Gunther
- Sept 10-21, 2018
- Approved – 49/0/1
- 15-TSN/A 2018 Participation
- Pointed out PARs, CSDs, and ICAID that are up for vote at this IEEE 802 plenary meeting (slides 33 and 34).
- Introduced the 802 Industry Connections activity (slide 35) and the Monday tutorials at this 802 plenary meeting (slide 36).
- Reviewed the list of liaisons within 802 (joint and standing committee meetings, 802 task force) for which meetings were to be held during this 802 plenary week (slide 37).
- Reviewed the list of liaisons incoming to 802.1 to be handled by the TSN and OmniRAN TGs (slide 38).
- Clarified and discussed the decision process for conformance testing and certification (slide 39)
- Provided the anticipation of next actions with respect to projects in the WG’s current workload (slide 40) and discussed promotion of the work that the WG is doing (slide 41).
- At the Chair’s request, the TSN TG Chair gave an oral update on:
- The TSN Feature Topic in the June 2018 issue of IEEE Communications Standards Magazine thanking contributors, reviewers, and Craig Gunther for his role as co-editor.
- The TSN/A conference held in Stuttgart, Germany in September 2018.
- At the Chair’s request, the TSN TG Chair gave an oral update on:
- Provided an overview of the various IEEE-SA Awards, encouraging nominations (slide 42).
- Noted that Standards Project Awards are being prepared (slide 43).
- Summarized the list of anticipated motions for EC Consent Agenda (slides 44-45).
- Showed the 802.1 plenary schedule/agenda for this meeting, which was tacitly approved (slide 46).
- Listed 802.1 management meetings (slide 47).
- Requested the 802.1 TG Chairs to introduce their TG agenda (slide 48):
- Scott Mansfield presented the YANGsters agenda (slide 49)
- Mick Seaman presented the Security TG agenda (slide 50).
- János Farkas presented the TSN TG agenda (slide 51).
- Maximilian Riegel presented the OmniRAN TG agenda (slides 52-53).
- Paul Congdon presented the Maintenance TG agenda (slide 54).
- Roger Marks presented the Nendica meeting plan (slide 55).
- Asked if there was any other business to discuss (slide 56):
- An ExCom comment on the relationship of 802.1 with 802.21 regarding the latter’s foray into virtual reality was mentioned: the Chair asked the Vice-Chair to address it.
- The TSN TG Chair was to present on Wednesday to 802.11 on TSN and DetNet.
The opening plenary meeting was adjourned at 12:50 PM.
Task Group Meetings
Maintenance Task Group meeting minutes are incorporated into these minutes by reference and are available at
OmniRAN Task Group meeting minutes are incorporated into these minutes by reference and are available at
Current status of OmniRAN Task Group activities (including future meeting announcements, past meeting and conference call minutes) is available via a wiki located at
Call to order: Monday November 12, 2018 at 1.30 PM.
The Security Task Group met:
- Monday November 12, 2018 (1:30PM – 3:05PM, 3:35 PM – 5:05 PM)
- Tuesday November 13, 2018 (10:30 AM – 1:15 PM, 2:20 PM – 3:05 PM)
The Security TG Chair, Mick Seaman, presided and wrote the minutes. Security TG participants also participated in the JTC1 SC, see the separate minutes for that meeting.
At the beginning of the task group meeting on Monday, the chair presented the IEEE-SA PatCom Patent Slides for Standards Development Meetings (, and the IEEE 802 Participation slide ( (these two sets of slides were shown by the Working Group chair in the opening plenary meeting on Monday). The chair then made the “Call for Potentially Essential Patents”. There were no responses to the call at that time or prior to the end of the week’s meetings. At the beginning of the task group meeting on Tuesday morning, the chair announced that the meeting was subject to the IEEE Patent Policy as read and displayed at the beginning of the task group meeting on Monday.
- Amelia Andersdotter, Article 19 [Tuesday AM and PM]
- Lou Berger, LabN Consulting, LLC [Monday PM (part)]
- Eric Gray, Ericsson [Monday PM, Tuesday AM (part), Tuesday PM]
- Jerome Henry [Monday PM, Tuesday AM and PM]
- Marc Holness [Monday PM (part)]
- Russ Housley [Monday PM (part), Tuesday AM]
- Randy Kelsey, Engineering Soln.s, Inc. [Monday PM (part), Tuesday AM and PM]
- Glenn Parsons, Ericsson [Monday PM (part), Tuesday PM]
- Karen Randall, Randall Consulting [Monday PM, Tuesday AM]
- Mick Seaman, Mick Seaman [Monday PM, Tuesday AM and PM]
- Brian Weis, Cisco [Monday PM, Tuesday AM]
- Juan Carlos Zuniga, SigFox [Tuesday AM and PM]
The draft agenda posted on the 802.1 website prior to the meeting was reviewed by the task group chair during the 802.1 WG opening plenary on Monday AM. There were no changes at that time, or at the beginning of the task group meeting.
- Response to ISO/IEC JTC1 FDIS ballot comments
- IEEE Std 802.1AEcg-2017
- IEEE Std 802.1AR-2018
- P802E
- Task Group Ballot Resolution
- Privacy in bridged networks (Mick Seaman)
- P802.1X-Rev
Review prior to first ballot.
- A.O.B.
- Future meetings/teleconferences
Minutes of the discussions of these agenda items follow.
1. Response to ISO/IEC JTC1 FDIS ballot comments
- IEEE Std 802.1AEcg-2017
A draft response was presented by Karen Randall and edited on-screen, during the Monday PM meeting, as discussion progressed:
This document includes the text of the China National Body (NB) comment (the only comment received). The draft response had been based on a prior response prepared by 802.11, to a broadly similar comment, with subsequent editing to address the particular details of 802.1AEcg-2017. Minor editorial changes were made, and an updated version was uploaded to the 802.1 public 2018 directory during the meeting:
[Note: the filename may be misleading. 802.1AEcg-2017 was approved in 2017.]
[Post-meeting note: The above response was reviewed by the Maintenance TG and by the JTC1 Standing Committee (SC) on Tuesday, and approved by the 802.1 closing plenary and the 802 Executive Committee.]
- IEEE Std 802.1AR-2018
A draft response was presented by Karen Randall and edited on-screen as discussion progressed:
This document includes the text of the two China NB comments (the only comments received on the FDIS ballot). The draft response had been based on prior responses to similar comments prepared by 802.1, 802.11, and the IEEE 802 JTC1 SC. While there were similarities between the signature suites specified in 802.1AR and the cipher suite specifications in 802.1AE, there is no mandatory default signature suite and (intentionally) no provision for adding a conformant option beyond amending the standard to specify that option. The draft response to the first comment was edited accordingly and the updated version uploaded during the course of the meeting:
The drafted response to the second comment was a previous response to a technically identical comment, and was not changed.
[Post-meeting note: The above response was reviewed by the Maintenance TG and by the JTC1 Standing Committee (SC) on Tuesday, and approved by the 802.1 closing plenary and the 802 Executive Committee. There were no changes.]
2.1 Task Group ballot resolution
A total of 16 ballot responses had been received on the Task Group ballot of P802E/D1.1. The ballot results were: Approve 8, Disapprove 5, Abstain 5. 8 sets of comments were received, a total of 164 comments in all, 120 considered editorial by Jerome Henry, P802E Editor, with 44 proposed for group discussion. Ballot resolution had begun during the October 1, 2018 and October 23, 2018 teleconferences called for that purpose.
The state of comment resolution prior to the present meeting had been captured in the updated proposed disposition of comments, made available November 4, 2018:
This was updated during the meeting (Tuesday AM, early PM) to capture the discussion of both individual comments and themes touched on by a number of comments. The update is here:
The meeting first addressed those comments received with Disapprove ballots that seemed to question the structure, or indeed the need for the document.
Changes to part of Clause 3 were made and displayed using the editor’s working copy, the result of those changes and a partial update to reflect the proposed disposition are included in the interim draft D1.2, posted at
Comments on Clause 9 noted apparent duplication between individual clauses, and the meeting discussed the duplication of ideas (although introduced in a different way) between Clauses 8 and 9. The editor undertook to consider a merger between those two clauses, including the merger in the next full draft (i.e. after any interim draft(s)), if that seemed beneficial.
Progression of the document was discussed. At present, drafts, working documents, contributions, and ballots are announced using both the 802.1 reflector and the historic Privecsg reflector. The aim is to solicit broader participation even in the initial stages of draft development. In line with established 802.1 practice, ballot comments received from any source (not limited to voting members or IEEE 802 attendees) are considered and their disposition recorded in the dispositions of comments. When we proceed to WG ballot, the usual procedure for encouraging participation in projects of broad interest to IEEE 802 participants in general will be followed. The 802.1 chair invites the chairs of the other 802 working groups to collect and submit comments on behalf of their groups. Any Approve or Disapprove votes submitted in that way count towards the ballot pass criteria (75% Approve of those voting Approve or Disapprove) though the participation rate criteria (50% of eligible voters return an Approve, Disapprove, or Abstain) is restricted to the 802.1 voting membership.
The meeting agreed (informally, none dissenting) that the next full draft would be the subject of a further task group ballot, to close prior to the March 2019 plenary meeting in Vancouver, BC, Canada, with comment resolution at that meeting. A teleconference would be held in the late January/early February 2019 time frame to assist that progression.
- Privacy in bridged networks (Mick Seaman)
In the Monday PM session, Mick Seaman presented Privacy considerations in bridged networks
The rationale and objectives for the suggested work are detailed in a preamble to the document. It was also hoped that the availability of a contribution presenting a (possible) response to P802E’s recommendations for privacy considerations documentation in standards would help alleviate concerns expressed in the task group ballot about the nature and feasibility of that documentation and align expectations and the way they are expressed, both in P802E and in privacy considerations annexes.
The contribution was also discussed during the Tuesday PM meeting, for the benefit of those not present in the Monday meeting.
[The contribution was also presented to the TSN Task Group during that group’s Thursday AM meeting.]
- P802.1X-Rev (Port-Based Network Access Control)
The status of P802.1X-Rev was discussed briefly during the Monday PM meeting. A WG ballot will occur once 802.1Xck has been published and the pre-publication edits retrofitted to the P802.1X-Rev draft. The current draft can be found at
The derivation of YANG from UML and the use of colons “:” or slashes “/” in the object identifiers/paths represented in the various tables in P802.1Xck was briefly discussed. Since no document can be shown on the screen during meetings unless it has been previously uploaded to the 802.1 fileserver (with the exception of work actually carried out on the screen) it was not possible to show IETF RFCs to illustrate points made during the discussion. Expert opinion in the meeting was that the current P802.1Xck colon/slash use was correct, if not readily apparent.
- A.O.B.
No other business was discussed in this meeting
- Future meetings/teleconferences
Agreed (informally, none dissenting) to hold a teleconference in the late January/early February 2019 time frame to progress P802E.
The Security TG would not meet during the January 2019 IEEE 802.1 interim meeting in Hiroshima, Japan.
[Post-meeting note: The usual motion for teleconferences was approved by the closing WG plenary.]
The meeting adjourned Tuesday November 15, 2018 at 3:05 PM.
Time-Sensitive Networking
The Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Task Group Chair, János Farkas presided.
Craig Gunther wrote the minutes.
At the beginning of the meetings on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday János Farkas presented the IEEE-SA PatCom Patent Slides for Standards Development Meetings, and made the Call for Potentially Essential Patents. There were no responses to the calls prior to the end of the week’s session.
8:00 AM (call to order by János Farkas) to 10:00 AM
Minutes of this session, a joint session of the TSN TG and IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project, are incorporated into these minutes by reference and are available at
1:30 PM to 6:00 PM
János Farkas presented:
- LNI4.0: Liaison request and access to IEEE 802.1 Drafts
- Disposition: Incoming liaison letter reviewed, response needed.
- IEC TC57WG10: Liaison request and access to IEEE 802.1 draft documents
- Disposition: Incoming liaison letter reviewed, response needed.
- Avnu: Submissions for 60802 Joint Project Inclusion
- SG15 LS125 fronthaul: Reply to Liaison IEEE P802.1CM TSN for Fronthaul (replying to IEEE 802.1- oLS42/SG15-TD246/WP3)
- Disposition: Incoming liaison letter reviewed, response needed.
- SG15 LS164 sync update: Updates on the work on time synchronization and enhanced synchronous Ethernet
- Disposition: Incoming liaison letter reviewed, response needed.
- IEEE 1914: Liaison on the “Category A+” TAE Requirement
- Disposition: Incoming liaison letter reviewed, response deferred.
- SG15 LS153 G.8021 G.8013: Response to liaison on updating G.8021, and initiation of approval process for G.8013/Y.1731 (2015) Amendment 1
- Disposition: Incoming liaison letter reviewed, no response needed.
- SG15 LS159 YANG coord: Coordination of Ethernet information and data modelling work
- Disposition: Incoming liaison letter reviewed, response needed.
János Farkas reviewed drafts of the TSN TG motions on slides 42-89 of
Disposition: Review of draft motions for IEEE 802.1 closing plenary meeting.
Norman Finn, P802.1CS editor, led the resolution of comments received on
Disposition: Ballot comments discussed. Continued in a later session.
Tuesday 13 November 2018
10:30 AM (call to order by János Farkas) to 6:00 PM, with a 1-hour lunch break
Lou Berger presented VLAN sub-interface YANG Status update to update IEEE 802.1 regarding an IETF project.
Disposition: For information only.
Marc Holness, P802.1Qcx editor, led the resolution of comments received on
Disposition: Ballot comments discussed. Disposition recorded in
Marina Gutiérrez, P802.1Qcw editor, led the resolution of comments received on
Disposition: Ballot comments discussed. Disposition recorded in updated post-meeting as
Scott Mansfield, P802.1ABcu, presented DRAFT YANG 802.1ABcu
Disposition: Editor’s update on existing project.
Geoff Garner, P802.1AS-Rev editor, presented Status of 802.1AS-Rev/D7.4 Draft and Potential Comments for Recirculation or Sponsor Ballot and Derivation of FTM Parameters in 12.6 of 802.1AS-Rev
Disposition: Editor’s update on ongoing project.
Christophe Mangin presented 802.1CBdb Generic stream identification function
Disposition: Editor’s update on ongoing project.
Norman Finn presented Quality of Service: Progress in IETF DetNet
Disposition: Editor’s update on ongoing project.
6:10 PM (call to order by János Farkas and Tim Godfrey) to 6:30 PM
The TSN Task Group and 802.24 met together for a joint meeting.
The TSN TG Chair, János Farkas, and Tim Godfrey, 802.24 Chair, presided this joint meeting. Craig Gunther wrote the minutes.
Tim Godfrey led the review of Utility Applications of Time Sensitive Networking White Paper
Disposition: Editor’s update on ongoing project.
Wednesday 14 November 2018
8:00 AM (call to order by János Farkas) to 3:08 PM, with a 30-minute lunch break
János Farkas presented P802.1CMdeTime-Sensitive Networking for Fronthaul Amendment: Enhancements to Fronthaul Profiles to Support New Fronthaul Interface, Synchronization, and Syntonization Standards in order to resolve comments received on the proposed PAR and CSD
Disposition: PAR and CSD updates:
- Updated PAR:
- Updated CSD:
Craig Gunther presented TSN over 802.3cg – status update
Disposition: Related to P802.1DG PAR.
Mike Potts presented P802.1DG Time-Sensitive Networking Profile for Automotive In-Vehicle Ethernet Communications in order to resolve comments received on the proposed PAR and CSD
Disposition: Continued in a later session.
Tongtong Wang presented P802.1DF Time-Sensitive Networking Profile for Service Provider Networks in order to resolve comments received on the proposed PAR and CSD
Disposition: PAR and CSD updates:
- Updated PAR:
- Updated CSD:
Mike Potts finished addressing comments received on the proposed PAR and CSD for P802.1DG.
Disposition: PAR and CSD updates:
- Updated PAR:
- Updated CSD:
Stephen Haddock, P802.1AX-Rev editor, presented 802.1AX ‐‐ Link Aggregation: Editor’s Report: November 2018 then led the resolution of comments received on
- A UML model for link aggregation management that provides draft UML for Link Aggregation management (excluding DRNI at present) was briefly mentioned during comment resolution.
Disposition: Continued in a later session.
3:30 PM (call to order by János Farkas) to 5:00 PM
Minutes of this session, a joint session of the TSN TG and IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project, are incorporated into these minutes by reference and will become available at
Thursday 14 November 2018
8:00 AM (call to order by János Farkas) to 12:30 PM
Mick Seaman presented Privacy in Bridged Networks
Disposition: Related to ongoing project; more discussion needed.
János Farkas presented drafts of outgoing liaisons finalized as:
- Liaison letter on TSN for fronthaul responding to SG15 LS125 fronthaul: Reply to Liaison IEEE P802.1CM TSN for Fronthaul (replying to IEEE 802.1- oLS42/SG15-TD246/WP3) and to SG15 LS164 sync update: Updates on the work on time synchronization and enhanced synchronous Ethernet
- Liaison response to ITU-T SG15 LS-159 responding to SG15 LS159 YANG coord: Coordination of Ethernet information and data modelling work
- Liaison letter on Submissions for IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project Inclusion responding to Avnu: Submissions for 60802 Joint Project Inclusion
- Liaison letter on access to IEEE 802.1 draft documents responding to IEC TC57WG10: Liaison request and access to IEEE 802.1 draft documents
- Liaison letter on access to IEEE 802.1 draft documents responding to LNI4.0: Liaison request and access to IEEE 802.1 Drafts
Disposition: Draft responses edited based on review.
Jessy Rouyer presented a draft of the outgoing liaison finalized as Liaison letter on P802.1Qcx CFM YANG model
Disposition: Draft liaison edited based on review.
Nader Zein presented Enhancement Considerations for Flexible Factories with Wireless Links and Gap analysis in 1Qcc for enhanced mechanism for Flexible Factories
Disposition: Proposed new project; more discussion needed.
Stephen Haddock, P802.1AX-Rev editor, continued the resolution of comments received on
Disposition: Ballot comments discussed. Disposition recorded in; if anyone wishes to discuss the final disposition they should contact the editor prior to November 30 and, if necessary, a related discussion will follow on the December 3, 2018 TSN TG conference call.
Norman Finn, P802.1CS editor, continued the resolution of comments received on
Disposition: Ballot comments discussed. Disposition recorded in
János Farkas gave an oral update on P802.1Qcr.
Disposition: Update on ongoing project: there will be a WG ballot when a new draft is ready.
Paul Congdon presented P802.1Qcz Design Team Topics
Disposition: Editor’s update on ongoing project.
János Farkas presented the agenda page
Disposition: Explained precedence of WG matters as documented in the first paragraph.
IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project
The IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project meeting minutes are incorporated into these minutes by reference and are available at
The NEND ICA (a.k.a. Nendica) meeting minutes are incorporated into these minutes by reference and are available at
The YANGsters meeting minutes are incorporated into these minutes by reference and are available at
802.1-802.15 joint meeting
The minutes of the 802.1-802.15 joint meeting held Tuesday November 13, 2018 are available separately.
Closing Plenary Meeting
Call to order: 15 November 2018, 1:39 PM.
The 802.1 Chair, Glenn Parsons, presided.
The 802.1 Recording Secretary, Jessy Rouyer, wrote the minutes.
The Chair presented the 802.1 Closing Plenary slides available at
During this presentation, the Chair:
- Introduced the agenda on slide 2, which was approved.
- Showed slides 3 through 7 (reproducing slides 0 through 4 of the IEEE-SA PatCom Patent Slides for Standards Development Meetings, separately available at
The Vice-Chair:
- Presented information on these slides including:
- Instructions for the WG Chair (and TG Chairs);
- Participants’ duty to inform the IEEE;
- Ways to inform IEEE;
- Other guidelines for IEEE WG meetings; and
- Patent-related information.
- Made the “Call for Potentially Essential Patents” thereby providing an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that standard.
- There were no responses to the call.
- Presented information on these slides including:
- Asked the Vice-Chair to review general administrative information who did so. This included:
- Meeting “Decorum” or rules, including the policies on public reporting, and on photography or recording (slide 8);
- The Vice-Chair called for any members of the press (i.e., anyone reporting publicly on this meeting) to announce their presence.
- There were no responses to the call.
- The Vice-Chair called for any members of the press (i.e., anyone reporting publicly on this meeting) to announce their presence.
- Meeting “Decorum” or rules, including the policies on public reporting, and on photography or recording (slide 8);
- Showed the list of 802.1 Officers (slide 9), which remained unchanged from the opening plenary meeting
- Reviewed the list of 802.1 voters (slide 10), including information about individuals who gained (slide 11), may gain (slides 12), may lose (slide 13), will lose (slide 14) 802.1 voting membership. The Chair reminded individual participants of their obligations and of 802.11 reciprocal credit, which was continued at this meeting (slide 15).
- Reviewed the schedule for future 802.1 interim meetings (slide 16), which remained unchanged from the opening plenary meeting, except for the addition of a link to the proposal for the Sep 16-20, 2019 interim meeting.
- Hajime Koto showed to remind that Nov 16 is the cutoff date of early registration for January interim in Hiroshima.
- John Messenger presented Welcome to Edinburgh September 2019 IEEE 802.1 Meeting
- The chair conducted a straw poll asking all meeting attendees “if [they] would go to an interim to Edinburgh on the 16-20 Sep 2019 dates?” 46 would go, 0 would not.
- The Jan 20-24, 2020 interim meeting proposal is for both 802.1 and 802.3.
- Conducted a straw poll about this plenary meeting (slide 17):
- Do you like this venue?
- Yes: 48 No: 2
- Did you like the social?
- Yes: 32 No: 2
- Did you go to the social?
- Yes: 37 No: 13
- Do you like this venue?
- Reviewed the schedule for future 802.1 plenary meetings (slide 18), which remained unchanged from the opening plenary.
- Reviewed the WG’s current work load (slide 19).
- Showed the 802.1 plenary schedule/agenda for this meeting (slide 20).
- Introduced information about the reports on 802 Standing Committees and on the 802 TF (slide 21):
- Reported on the following 802 TF topics: Tools (myProject, Mentor, IMAT, Join.Me) and Web broken links (slide 22) and IEEE Open Source offering (slide 23).
- It was noted that there are plans for the YANG Catalog and YANG repository to be taken over by IETF.
- Asked the Vice-Chair to report on cross 802 coordination who did so (slide 24).
- Introduced rules changes per draft 802 P&P (slide 25).
- Discussed the planning of a workshop for editors at the January 2019 interim meeting as well as mentoring for new and potential editors (slide 26).
- Requested the 802.1 TG Chairs to provide reports on the activities of their TGs (slide 27; see individual TG minutes above for details):
- Mick Seaman presented Security TG progress (slide 28).
- János Farkas presented TSN TG progress (slide 29).
- Maximilian Riegel presented OmniRAN TG progress (slides 30-31).
- Paul Congdon presented Maintenance TG progress (slides 32-33).
- Roger Marks presented NEND Industry Connection Activity (NEND ICA or Nendica) progress (slide 34)
- Scott Mansfield presented YANGsters progress (slide 35).
- Asked for brief presentations (slide 36) of draft outgoing liaisons yet to be approved (slide 38), most of which were in response to incoming liaisons (slide 37).
- János Farkas presented the draft liaison to Labs Network Industrie 4.0 (LNI4.0).
- János Farkas presented the draft liaison to IEC TC57 WG10.
- János Farkas presented the draft liaison to Avnu Alliance.
- Jessy Rouyer presented the draft liaison to Broadband forum.
- János Farkas presented the draft liaison to ITU-T SG15 (on LS 125 and LS 164).
- János Farkas presented the draft liaison to ITU-T SG15 (on LS 159).
- Mick Seaman presented the draft liaison providing FDIS comment responses for 802.1AEcg-2017 and IEEE 802.1AR-2018 to SC6 under PSDO.
- Conducted votes on the following motions (slides 39-90) that all passed.
- Motion
- Approve forwarding P802.1CMde PAR documentation in to NesCom
- Approve CSD documentation in
- In the WG, Proposed: János Farkas Second: Jessy Rouyer
- Sending PAR (y/n/a): 35, 0, 0
- Confirm the CSD (y/n/a): 38, 0, 0
- In EC, mover: Glenn Parsons Second: Roger Marks
- (y/n/a): <y>,<n>,<a>
- Motion
- Approve forwarding P802.1DG PAR documentation in to NesCom
- Approve CSD documentation in
- In the WG, Proposed: Mike Potts Second: Craig Gunther
- Sending PAR (y/n/a): 42, 0, 0
- Confirm the CSD (y/n/a): 42, 0, 0
- In EC, mover: Glenn Parsons Second: Roger Marks
- (y/n/a): <y>,<n>,<a>
- Motion
- Approve forwarding P802.1DF PAR documentation in to NesCom
- Approve CSD documentation in
- In the WG, Proposed: Tongtong Wang Second: Scott Mansfield
- Sending PAR (y/n/a): 31, 3, 6
- Confirm the CSD (y/n/a): 29, 2, 9
- In EC, mover: Glenn Parsons Second: Roger Marks
- (y/n/a): <y>,<n>,<a>
- Motion
- Motion
- Conditionally approve sending P802.1AS-Rev D8.0 to Sponsor Ballot
- Confirm the CSD for P802.1AS-Rev in
- P802.1AS-Rev D7.3 had 94% approval at the end of the last WG ballot
- In the WG, Proposed: János Farkas Second: Geoff Garner
- Sending draft (y/n/a): 40, 0, 0
- Confirm the CSD (y/n/a): 38, 0, 0
- In EC, mover: Glenn Parsons Second: Roger Marks
- (y/n/a): <y>,<n>,<a>
- Motion
- Motion
- Approve sending P802.1Qcy D2.5 to RevCom
- Approve CSD documentation for P802.1Qcy in
- P802.1Qcy D2.5 had 100% approval at the end of the last Sponsor recirculation ballot
- In the WG, Proposed: János Farkas Second: Paul Bottorff
- Sending draft (y/n/a): 42, 0, 0
- Confirm the CSD (y/n/a): 39, 0, 0
- In EC, mover: Glenn Parsons Second: Roger Marks
- (y/n/a): <y>,<n>,<a>
- * Note that the designation has been changed from P802.1Qcn to P802.1Qcy because of confusion of Qcn with the acronym for Quantized Congestion Notification (QCN).
- Motion
- Conditionally approve sending P802.1CF to RevCom
- Confirm the CSD for P802.1CF in
- P802.1CF D3.0 had 98 % approval at the end of the last sponsor ballot recirculation
- In the WG, Proposed: Max Riegel Second: Hao Wang
- Sending draft (y/n/a): 40, 0, 2
- Confirm the CSD (y/n/a): 39, 0, 2
- In EC, mover: Glenn Parsons Second: Roger Marks
- (y/n/a): <y>,<n>,<a>
- Motion
- Motion
- Approve liaison of the following response to Labs Network Industrie 4.0 (LNI4.0)
- response-LNI-4-0-1118-v01.pdf
- Granting the IEEE 802.1 WG chair (or his delegate) editorial license.
- In the WG (y/n/a): 41, 0, 0
- Proposed: János Farkas Second: Ludwig Winkel
- In EC, for information
- Approve liaison of the following response to Labs Network Industrie 4.0 (LNI4.0)
- Motion
- Approve liaison of the following response to IEC TC57 WG10
- Granting the IEEE 802.1 WG chair (or his delegate) editorial license.
- In the WG (y/n/a): 43, 0, 0
- Proposed: János Farkas Second: Ludwig Winkel
- In EC, for information
- Approve liaison of the following response to IEC TC57 WG10
- Motion
- Approve liaison of the following response to Avnu Alliance
- Granting the IEEE 802.1 WG chair (or his delegate) editorial license.
- In the WG (y/n/a): 43, 0, 0
- Proposed: János Farkas Second: Ludwig Winkel
- In EC, for information
- Approve liaison of the following response to Avnu Alliance
- Motion
- Approve sending the following liaison to Broadband Forum
- Granting the IEEE 802.1 WG chair (or his delegate) editorial license.
- In the WG (y/n/a): 41, 0, 0
- Proposed: Jessy Rouyer Second: János Farkas
- In EC, for information
- Approve sending the following liaison to Broadband Forum
- Motion
- Motion
- Approve liaison of the following response (to LS 125 and LS 164) to ITU-T SG15
- Granting the IEEE LMSC chair (or his delegate) editorial license.
- This approval is under LMSC OM “Procedure for communication with government bodies”
- In the WG (y/n/a): 42, 0, 0
- Proposed: János Farkas Second: Scott Mansfield
- In EC, mover: Glenn Parsons Second: Roger Marks
- (y/n/a): <y>,<n>,<a>
- Approve liaison of the following response (to LS 125 and LS 164) to ITU-T SG15
- Motion
- Approve liaison of the following response (to LS 159) to ITU-T SG15
- Granting the IEEE LMSC chair (or his delegate) editorial license.
- This approval is under LMSC OM “Procedure for communication with government bodies”
- In the WG (y/n/a): 40, 0, 0
- Proposed: Scott Mansfield Second: János Farkas
- In EC, mover: Glenn Parsons Second: Roger Marks
- (y/n/a): <y>,<n>,<a>
- Approve liaison of the following response (to LS 159) to ITU-T SG15
- Motion
- Approve liaison of the following comment responses to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 under the PSDO agreement:
- IEEE 802.1AEcg-2017
- IEEE 802.1AR-2018
- In the WG, Proposed: Paul Congdon Second: Mick Seaman
- Sending liaison (y/n/a): 40, 0, 0
- In EC, mover: Glenn Parsons Second: Roger Marks
- (y/n/a): <y>,<n>,<a>
- Approve liaison of the following comment responses to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 under the PSDO agreement:
- Motion
- Motion
- EC regular motions
- Motion
- Approve the external communication, to be communicated by IEEE-SA, on IEEE 802 Nendica data center activity, at < ICne.docx>, subject to editorial changes by the chair as deemed necessary
- In the WG:
- Proposed: Paul Congdon Second: Roger Marks
- For_38 Against_1_Abstain 3
- In EC, mover: Glenn Parsons Second: Roger Marks
- (y/n/a): <y>,<n>,<a>
- Motion
- WG motions
- Motion
- 802.1 approves the July 2018 (Plenary), July 2018 (Interim), September 2018 (Interim) minutes:
- Proposed: Jessy Rouyer Seconded: János Farkas
- Approved by Acclamation
- Motion
- Approve OmniRAN TG conference calls:
- Between the November 2018 plenary and the March 2019 plenary with at least 15 days prior notice to the 802.1 mailing list.
- Agenda proposal will be announced at least 5 days prior to the call on the 802.1 mailing list and made available on
- Moved: Max Riegel, Second: Hao Wang
- Result:
- Approved by Acclamation
- Approve OmniRAN TG conference calls:
- Motion
- Move to revise the scope statement for the YANGsters coordination group as follows
- This group is responsible for discussing common practice for YANG models supporting IEEE 802 protocols. This common practice includes, but is not limited to, URN root, style, structure, tooling and process. While the primary attendees are expected to be editors of existing IEEE 802 YANG projects, other experts interested in YANG are welcome.
- Proposed: Scott Mansfield Second: Jessy Rouyer
- Approved by Acclamation
- Move to revise the scope statement for the YANGsters coordination group as follows
- Motion
- 802.1 authorizes the Maintenance TG to hold teleconferences on 8th January 2019 and 4th March 2019 at 11am EST if necessary. Access information will be posted to the 802.1 reflector 15 days in advance.
- Proposed: Paul Congdon
- Second: Scott Mansfield
- Approved by Acclamation
- Motion
- Authorize the Security Task Group to hold teleconferences to progress P802E, P802.1X- Rev and task group matters arising:
- Dates/times to be announced subject to notice of at least 15 days to the 802.1 email exploder
- Proposed: Mick Seaman Second: Brian Weis
- Approved by Acclamation
- Authorize the Security Task Group to hold teleconferences to progress P802E, P802.1X- Rev and task group matters arising:
- Motion
- 802.1 authorizes Marc Holness, the Editor of P802.1Qcx YANG Data Model for Connectivity Fault Management to prepare drafts for and conduct Working Group balloting.
- Proposed: Norm Finn
- Second: János Farkas
- In the WG (y/n/a): 41, 0, 0
- Motion
- 802.1 authorizes the TSN Task Group to hold pre-meeting on the Monday morning of the March 2019 Plenary session.
- Proposed: Ludwig Winkel
- Second: Craig Gunther
- Approved by Acclamation
- Motion
- 802.1 authorizes the TSN Task Group to hold an Interim meeting on March 15, 2019 (i.e., the Friday after the IEEE 802 Plenary session) together with IEC 65C/MT9 to progress the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project.
- Proposed: János Farkas
- Second: Ludwig Winkel
- Approved by Acclamation
- 802.1 authorizes the TSN Task Group to hold an Interim meeting on March 15, 2019 (i.e., the Friday after the IEEE 802 Plenary session) together with IEC 65C/MT9 to progress the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project.
- Motion
- 802.1 authorizes Nendica to hold teleconferences on 2018-11-29, 2018-12-13, 2019-01-04, and 2019-01-10, each at 09:00 ET, and additional teleconferences to be planned at the meeting of 15/16 January and announced at least 15 days in advance.
- Access information is posted on the page.
- Agenda will be provided at least five days before the call.
- Proposed: Nader Zein Second: Roger Marks
- Approved by Acclamation
- Motion
- 802.1 authorizes the January 2019 Nendica meeting to generate a proposal for a revised Nendica ICAID extending the Industry Connections Activity until March 2021, for pre-circulation prior to the March 2019 plenary meeting.
- Proposed: Nader Zein Second: Paul Congdon
- For 38 Against_0 Abstain 3
- Motion
- 802.1 accepts the Annual Nendica Report in
- Proposed: Roger Marks Second: Paul Congdon
- For 37 Against_0 Abstain 2
- Motion
- 802.1 authorizes the TSN Task Group to hold teleconferences weekly on Mondays from 8AM (US-Pacific) to 10AM (US-Pacific).
- Access information is posted on the page and will be updated as necessary.
- Agenda will be announced on the 802.1 email reflector at least five days before the call.
- Proposed: János Farkas
- Second: Craig Gunther
- Approved by Acclamation
- Motion
- 802.1 authorizes the TSN Task Group to hold bi-weekly teleconferences together with IEC 65C/MT9 to progress the IEC/IEEE 60802 Joint Project on Mondays from 6AM (US- Pacific) to 8AM (US-Pacific); starting with December 3, 2018.
- Access information is posted on the page and will be updated as necessary.
- Agenda will be announced on the 802.1 email reflector at least five days before the call.
- Proposed: János Farkas
- Second: Ludwig Winkel
- Approved by Acclamation
- Motion
- 802.1 authorizes the TSN Task Group to hold bi-weekly teleconferences to discuss the application of TSN to automotive in-vehicle networks on Tuesdays from 9AM (US-Eastern) to 10AM (US-Eastern) starting with November 27, 2018.
- Access information is posted on the page and will be updated as necessary.
- Agenda will be announced on the 802.1 email reflector at least five days before the call.
- Proposed: Michael Potts
- Second: Craig Gunther
- Approved by Acclamation
- Motion
- Authorize once-a-month e-meeting cycle for the YANGsters group convening on the last Wednesday of every month from 9AM (US-Eastern) to 10AM (US-Eastern), starting with November 28, 2018.
- Access information is posted on the and will be updated as necessary.
- Proposed: Scott Mansfield
- Second: János Farkas
- Approved by Acclamation
- Motion
- Approve to hold 802.1 interim September 16-20, 2019 in Edinburgh, UK hosted by ADVA Optical Networking
- Proposal in:
- Moved: John Messenger Second: Mick Seaman
- In the WG: (y/n/a) 36, 0, 0
- Motion
- EC regular motions
There was no other business to discuss and the closing plenary meeting was adjourned at 6:12 PM.
Next meeting
14-18 January 2019, Hiroshima, Japan
IEEE 802.1 Maintenance
Meeting Draft Minutes
November 13, 2018
8:00am-10:00am – Minutes v1 (Paul Congdon)
Attendees: Geoff Garner, Craig Gunther, Nader Zein, Yi Yu, John Messenger, Scott Mansfield, Karen Randall, Takahiro Yamaura, Woojung Huh, Eric Gray, Dave Sinicrope, Satoka Itaya, Yoshihiro Ito, Steve Haddock, Glenn Parsons, Kenichi Maruhashi, Yolanda Yu, Johannes Specht, Christian Boiger, Rodney Cummings, Randy Kelsey, Mike Potts, Norm Finn, Stephan Kehrer, Don Pannell, Weiying Cheng, Michael Karl, Janos Farkas, Marina Gutierrez, Lou Berger, Frank Schewe, Marc Holness, Alex Sato, Jessy Rouyer, Paul Bottorff, Guogang Huang, Mick Seaman
- The chair, Paul Congdon, introduced the agenda, showed the patent policy slides and made the call for patents. There were no responses.
- Mick Seaman lead a discussion on the updated registry of public MAC addresses. The proposed update list is here:
- Some naming has become inconsistent (e.g. Nearest non-TPMR address is called PAE address by 802.1X)
- Is a maintenance item is needed to track this activity? Since this is not a standard itself and just information, the response was no, a maintenance item is not needed.
- IEEE 1588 and several of its profiles are using nearest non-TPMR as well. ACTION: Geoff Garner to provide a list of the outside standards that he is aware of (off the top of his head) to Mick. We really only want to list 1588 and 802.1AS, and not all the profiles of 1588.
- It was pointed out that maintaining this list, including outside use, will be difficult.
- ACTION: Mick will update the table with a few missing items (e.g. RFC numbers and 802.1AB reference). He will contact the RAC when it is ready.
- Once the RAC has updated the table, the 802.1 Website should be updated with a reference to it. No owner of this proposed action has been assigned.
- Paul presented the list of current vehicles (drafts) used for implementing maintenance items, and the current numerical status of maintenance items in the database. Details in the Maintenance Session Slides.
- Existing maintenance items were reviewed and updated.
- No action taken on 0170, 0174 and 0205 because they are awaiting a document vehicle to be resolved and are otherwise ready to go.
- New maintenance items since the last Plenary: Discussion on these items is kept in the 802.1 maintenance database and only unrelated discussion or action items are listed here. The Maintenance database available here:
- 0210 – ECP protocol code point for P802.1CS needed in 802.1Q-2018 – 802.1Q-2018
- The chair asked if there are any other similar numbers that need to be tracked in the 802.1 file repository? It was pointed out that 802.1AS needs to track the 1588 domain number fields and profile # fields. ACTION: The chair to work with Geoff Garner to obtain the list of values and update the existing XLS (including file name) with these values.
- 0211 – AdminCycleTime and Interval max values – 802.1Qbv-2016
- 0213 – msgTxHold and lldpV2MessageTxHoldMultiplier are not consistent – 802.1AB-2016
- 0214 – replace the usage of the port-number type with if:interface-ref – 802.1Qcp-2018
- 0215 – use YANG version 1.1 – 802.1Qcp-2018
- 0216 – add ‘derive-from-or-self’ to the bridge port augmentation’s ‘when’ statement – 802.1Qcp-2018
- 0217 – break out filtering entries to ‘config true’ and ‘config false’ containers – 802.1Qcp-2018
- 0218 – split the port-map-grouping into separate groupings – 802.1Qcp-2018
- 0219 – use a enumeration for the “forward”, “filter”, and “forward-filter” states – 802.1Qcp-2018
- 0220 – have a consistent iana-if-type prefix – 802.1Qcp-2018
- 0221 – limit configured VLAN names to be unique – 802.1Qcp-2018
- All items 0214-0221 were deemed to not be defects and thus not maintenance items, however they are all very useful improvements. While the items will be rejected as maintenance items, they are suggested to be used as motivation to start a new project. It was suggested that the chair send a message to the submitter encouraging the creation of an amendment PAR. ACTION: Chair to email submitter on next steps for these items, suggesting the creation of an amendment PAR.
- 0222 – add a ‘config false’ list for dynamically learned VLANs – 802.1Qcp-2018
- This item was discussed offline with the submitter and it was agreed to withdraw the issue. ACTION: The chair will email the submitter for confirmation.
- 0210 – ECP protocol code point for P802.1CS needed in 802.1Q-2018 – 802.1Q-2018
- 1 WG Comment resolution: none
- Liaisons: none
- The liaison comment responses to FDIS were reviewed by Karen Randall
- The EC consent agenda motion for sending the liaison comment responses was reviewed. The most recent version of the documents needed to be included in the motion. The motion will be given to Glenn for submission to the EC consent agenda.
- We reviewed the status of standards in the PSDO process, prepared by Karen Randall.
- See the updated session slides ( and web-site ( for further details and discussion.
Minutes of IEEE 802.1 OmniRAN TG Nov 12th – 15th Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand |
Date: Dec 6th, 2018 | ||||
Author(s): | ||||
Name | Affiliation | Address | Phone | |
Hao Wang | Fujitsu | +86 010 59691521 | |
Minutes of the IEEE 802.1 OmniRAN TG meeting at the IEEE 802 Plenary Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand on Nov 12-15, 2018
Since the last F2F meeting held in Oslo, OmniRAN TG held two conference calls. The minutes and notes can be found on the mentor. They have been reviewed and accepted by the TG.
Confcall on 25th, Sep
Confcall on 9th, Oct
Monday, November 12th, 2018
Chair: Max Riegel
Recording secretary: Hao Wang
Call to order
Meeting called to order by Max Riegel at 13:40 hrs.
Meeting was guided by the slides uploaded and maintained by the chair:
Hao Wang volunteered to take notes.
IEEE 802.1 meeting IMAT page was used for recording of attendance
Name | Affiliation |
Max Riegel | Nokia Bell Labs |
Hao Wang | Fujitsu |
Tomoki Ohsawa | NICT |
Hajime Koto | NICT |
Kenichi Maruhashi | NEC |
Roger Marks | EthAirNet Assoc. |
Antonio de la Oliva | UC3M/Interdigital-remote |
Yoshihisa Kondo | ATR |
Satoko Itaya | NICT |
Walter Pienciak | Adv. Cog. Arch.-remote |
Stephen Mccann | Blackberry |
Jerome Arokkiam | OSRAM |
Harry Bims | Bims Labs |
IEEE WG Guidelines
The chair presented the mandatory IEEE SA guideline slides and asked for anybody willing to make an IPR announcement.
No IPR declarations were brought up.
Agenda approval
Agenda as proposed in the chair’s meeting slides was presented and discussed.
Review of minutes
Result of P802.1CF sponsor ballot recirculation
Comment resolution of P802.1CF sponsor ballot recirculation
Plan and motions for progressing and project conclusion of 802.1CF
P802.1CQ contributions and discussions
Preview of 802.1CQ presentation to 802.11 ARC and 802.15
Review of 802.1CQ ToC
Nendica related contributions review
Potential new project for OmniRAN TG
Conference calls until March 2019 F2F
Status report to IEEE 802 WGs
Next meeting
Agenda approved without further comments.
Schedule of the topics during the week
Chair discussed availabilities of the contributors and preferences to discuss the various topics.
Group agreed to arrange the discussion topics according to the following plan over the week:
Monday PM1
Review of minutes
Result of P802.1CF sponsor ballot recirculation
P802.1CF related motions to EC
Preview of 802.1CQ presentation to 802.11 ARC and 802.15
Nendica related contributions review
Tuesday PM1
Comment resolution of P802.1CF sponsor ballot recirculation
Plan and motions for progressing and project conclusion of 802.1CF
Wednesday PM1
P802.1CQ contributions and discussions
Review of 802.1CQ ToC
Thursday AM2
Discussions about potential future work in OmniRAN
Motions to 802.1 closing plenary
Conference calls until March 2019 F2F
Status report to IEEE 802 WGs
Next meeting
Review of minutes
Review the minutes of Oct 9th confcall;
Review the minutes of Sep 25th confcall;
Review the minutes of the Sep F2F:
No comments were raised.
802 EC request 802.24 group to investigate 802 network integration seeking a clearer definition and description of 802 architecture and deployment especially with respect to ‘5G’.
Initial discussion will take place in 802.24 on Wed PM2.
OmniRAN is asked to respond a liaison from ITU-T JCA-IMT2020. Chair lead the group to review the details.
Result of P802.1CF sponsor ballot recirculation
There is neither new disapproval vote in the recirculation, nor new must-be-satisfied comment submitted.
There is one negative vote with comments remained from the initial sponsor ballot.
Consolidated comments from the recirculation have been provided at
The group reviewed and modified the slides including P802.1CF related motions to EC.
In slide 18-25,
Multiple edits introduced during discussion in the meeting taking into account, in particular the display of the outstanding open comments.
Preview of 802.1CQ presentation to 802.11 ARC and 802.15
Antonio presented the slides jointly created with Stephen Mccann and Michael Montemurro
- Slides contain modifications to 802.11aq adoption requested by 802.11 participants which are not necessary for local address assignment.
- Slides are fine for entertaining discussion in 802.11ARC but are not suited for 802.15 WNG
Agreed that Antonio will create alternative slide deck for 802.15 WNG including also a few slides on DHCPv6 usage for MAC address management
No discussion due to missing input
Comment resolution of P802.1CF sponsor ballot recirculation
The group starts to resolve comments from the recirculation. Results are captured at
Tuesday, November 13th, 2018
Reconvened at 13:30
Reminder-call for IPR: Nothing brought up.
Webex conference bridge was setup for P802.1CF editor to participate from remote.
Comment resolution of P802.1CF sponsor ballot recirculation
The group resume comment resolution from
Group including remotely participating editor reviewed comments and agreed on remedies and responses. No comment was rejected even when addressing issues outside the text open for commenting. Overall, the comments mainly resulted in editorial edits to clean up terminology and references regarding 802.3 without introducing any major technical modification.
The outcome of the resolution is captured in a revision of the comments spreadsheet:
The chair offered to fill the disposition of the spreadsheet into the Java database in order to create the official disposition document. The document is available by
Plan and motions for progressing and project conclusion of 802.1CF
Group agreed to proceed P802.1CF to REVCOM through conditional approval of EC. Chair presented the slides prepared for the consent EC agenda detailing the motion and the information about the status of the sponsor ballot including a detailed presentation of the open ‘must-be-satisfied’ comments.
Editor offered to provide the updated draft D3.1 until about November 21st to allow start of the recirculation in November. An OmniRAN conference call will be scheduled shortly after closing of the recirculation to process comments, if any, and to decide about the next steps.
Recessed by chair at 15:05
Wednesday, November 14th, 2018
Reconvened at 13:30
Reminder-call for IPR: Nothing brought up.
P802.1CQ contributions and discussions
Preview and agreement of presentations prepared for joint discussions with 802.11 and 802.15
- Coauthors from 802.11 added additional signaling for address assignment policy in Beacon and Probe Response
- GAS based approach may have security issues as assigned address is not bound to authentication
- Agreement to go forward with prepared slides to trigger discussions in 802.11 ARC
- Slides more generic than 802.11 presentation, in particular adding additional content on usage of DHCPv6 as requested in the Wireless Chairs meeting on Sunday afternoon.
Review of the discussion with 802.11ARC on local address assignment for 802.11 STAs
Security threat issues brought up without further details and without coming to a conclusion
Agreed to provide P802.1CQ requirements and scenario document to 802.11 experts to allow them to investigate presented and other potential solutions
Review of presentation to 802.15 WNG to make 802.15 aware and encourage contributions
Discussions showed that there are more deep dependencies in 802.15 technologies to 64/48 bit MAC addresses, e.g. related short addresses and IPv6 addresses
Some interest in 802.15 to work on dynamic address assignment but further insights and discussions needed to decide about creating a potential solution for 802.15
Review of 802.1CQ ToC
Editor explained that ToC in current draft template was handed over to him as part of assignment of editorship.
Group agreed on plan going forward starting with requirements, scenarios, and security threats
Recessed by chair at 15:30
Thursday, November 15th, 2018
Reconvened at 10:30
Reminder-call for IPR: Nothing brought up.
Discussions about potential future work in OmniRAN
No discussions due to missing input
Conference calls until March 2019 F2F
Agreed to have on conference call early December after closure of Sponsor Ballot recirculation
Motions to 802.1 closing plenary
Agreement on the motions confirming the EC motion on conditionally forwarding P802.1CF to REVCOM and approving conference calls.
EC motion on slides 18-25, and conference call on slide 29 in this slide deck.
Status report to IEEE 802 WGs
Group agreed on the slides drafted by the chair
Next meeting
Conference call early December. Chair will send out announcement with concrete date/time once the sponsor ballot recirculation started.
ITU-T liaison on JCA-IMT2020 needs further clarifications. Chair will take care of task.
Hao briefly presented the proposal for the modifications of P802.1CF table 10 and table 11 as provided in
The group agreed with the proposed edits comprising a few more editorial corrections required through the implementation of the agreed remedies.
Max provided short overview about the presentation and discussions in IEEE 802.24 on IEEE 802 network integration
Meeting adjourned by chair at 12:15.
Draft Minutes, Nendica Meeting, 2018-11-13 | |||
Date: 2018-11-26 | |||
Author(s): | |||
Name | Affiliation | Phone | |
Hao Wang | Fujitsu | |
Draft Minutes of the IEEE 802 Network Enhancements for the Next Decade Industry Connections Activity (Nendica) face-to-face meeting in Bangkok, Thailand, 13th November 2018.
Call to order
Chair called the meeting to order at 19:31 local time.
Hao Wang volunteered to record the minutes.
Chair announced the mandatory IEEE-SA guidelines and IEEE 802 meeting participation rules. He also reviewed the IEEE ICCOM requirements, as embedded in the agenda.
The Chair reviews the proposed agenda in The agenda was approved without objection (see approved agenda as attached at the end).
The Chair reminds attendees to register their attendance using IEEE’s IMAT webpage.
Minutes and Reports
Chair reviewed the draft minutes of Nendica conference call of 7th November 2018:
There were no comments on this document. Minutes were approved.
Work Items
• Lossless Data Center Networks (LLDCN)
Paul Congdon, Editor of the LLDCN Work Item, gave the summary report on the joint workshop between IEEE 802 and IETF held on Nov.10th.
- It was focusing on data center technologies and standards developed by IEEE and IETF, organized by Paul Congdon and supported by Nendica Chair;
- It was inspired by the work of Nendica LLDCN project, and the presentation materials will be posted on IEEE website;
- About 70 people registered for the workshop, 55 people signed up on-site.
- It was suggested that future Nendica activities could be leveraged as a platform to collaborate IEEE and IETF on data center technologies.
Chair led the group to review his contribution 802.1-0075-00 on the recommendation of IEEE-SA Publicity for Nendica Data Center Activity:
- It was approved, without objection, to forward the recommendation to SA staff;
• Flexible Factory IoT (FFIOT)
Editor of FFIOT report took the role and lead the group for comment resolution.
- Consolidated comment databased are recorded in 802.1-0052-03;
- Comment resolution is resumed from #56;
- Comments #55, #23, #83 are all related with Figure 2 which is about the topology and architecture of the factory network. Hao Wang is willing to take the task and provide texts contribution further elaborate Figure 2.
- Comment #87 triggers the discussions on the value of explaining ‘brownfield’ in the paper. Opposite options are provided among the participants. Initial proposal by the editor can’t fulfill the request from the commentor. Tomoki Ohsawa will provide the alternative remedy proposal.
- Comments on the section ‘radio environment scenario’ are deferred since the whole section is about to be re-written. Initial proposal is provided as 802.1-0058-01.
Future Directions
Chair brought up the draft of Nendica annual report as in document 802.1-0078-00 and asked for approval to forward to 802.1 WG Chair.
- It was suggested to add the effort on organizing and hosting the joint workshop as one of the deliverables;
- The updated document to-be 802.1-0078-01 is approved to send to 802.1 Chair.
Chair proposed a motion as follows to renew the Nendica ICAID:
Motion: ‘To request authorization for the January 2019 Nendica meeting to generate documentation requesting a renewal of an updated Nendica ICAID past March 2019’.
- Motion passes, without objection.
- It was suggest to promote the role of Nendica in ICAID revisions and highlight the responsibility on harmonizing the technologies, initiating dialog and liaison between IEEE 802 and other SDOs in the ecosystem such as IETF;
- Hao Wang is willing to work with Chair to update ICAID of Nendica.
Future Meetings
The next Nendica F2F meeting will be held on Jan. 15 at 19:30 in St. Louis, USA, that will be connected by teleconference to an IEEE 802.1 Interim session in Hiroshima, Japan.
IEEE 802.1 OmniRAN TG Chair is willing to coordinate to set up the connection.
Upon the request of FFIOT editor, the group agreed to hold 4 bi-weekly teleconferences for comment resolution. The dates were scheduled on Nov. 29, Dec 13, Jan 04, and Jan 10.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 PM local time.
28 individuals registered on IMAT.
Name | Affiliation |
Bottorff, Paul | Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. |
Cavalcanti, Dave | Intel Corporation |
Cheng, Weiying | Coriant |
Congdon, Paul | Tallac Networks; Huawei |
Hiertz, Guido | Ericsson AB |
Itaya, Satoko | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |
Kabra, Lokesh | Synopsys, Inc. |
Karl, Michael | Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |
Kondo, Yoshihisa | Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR) |
KOTO, Hajime | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |
Levy, Joseph | InterDigital, Inc. |
Lv, Lily | Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |
Marks, Roger | Huawei |
Maruhashi, Kenichi | NEC Corporation |
Ohba, Yoshihiro | Toshiba Memory Corporation |
Ohsawa, Tomoki | NICT |
ohue, hiroshi | panasonic |
Parsons, Glenn | Ericsson AB |
Rakanovic, Demir | u-blox |
Riegel, Maximilian | Nokia Networks |
Wang, Hao | Fujitsu Research & Development Center |
Wang, Xinyuan | Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |
Weis, Brian | Cisco Systems, Inc. |
Yamaura, Takahiro | TOSHIBA Corporation |
Yano, Kazuto | Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR) |
YU, XIANG | Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd |
YU, Yi | Rockwell Automation |
Zein, Nader | NEC Europe (NLE) |
Topic | Subtopic | Subtopic Detail | Doc/Link | Type* | Lead | min | |
Opening | Call to Order | Nendica Meeting Overview | 802.1-18-0065 | I | Marks | 2 | |
Identify secretary | 1 | ||||||
Introductions | I | 1 | |||||
Guidelines for IEEE-SA Meetings | Guidelines for IEEE-SA Meetings | I | 1 | ||||
IEEE 802 Participation | IEEE 802 Participation | I | 1 | ||||
IEEE ICCOM requirements | IEEE ICCOM requirements | I | 1 | ||||
Nendica Procedures | Nendica Procedures | I | 1 | ||||
Agenda | any modifications to the draft agenda | Motion: To approve the agenda as displayed | V | 1 | |||
Update | Nendica Web Site | Nendica Web Site | I | 1 | |||
Nendica Mentor Server | Nendica Mentor Server | I | 1 | ||||
Membership: none | I | 0 | |||||
Attendance | register using 802.1 IMAT | | I | 2 | |||
Minutes | V | 0 | |||||
Motion: To approve 802.1-18-0067-01 as the minutes of the Nendica teleconference meeting of 2018-11-07 | Draft Minutes | V | 1 | ||||
Work Items | |||||||
Lossless Data Center Networks (LLDCN) | Congdon | ||||||
Report on IEEE 802/IETF Data Center Workshop of 2018-11-10 | Workshop Agenda | I | 2 | ||||
Future directions for LLDCN | I,D | 2 | |||||
Publication dissemination and publicity | Proposed IEEE-SA Publicity for Nendica Data Center Activity | V | 5 | ||||
Flexible Factory IoT (FFIOT) | Zein | ||||||
Call for Comments status | I,D | 3 | |||||
Call for Comments: comment resolution | D | 90 | |||||
Plans | I,D | 5 | |||||
Future Directions | Annual Report to ICCOM | Annual Nendica Report (Proposed Draft) (see also < | V | ||||
Potential new Work Items | D | 15 | |||||
ICAID renewal | ICAID Extension and Revision (Proposed Draft) | I,D | Marks | 5 | |||
Future Meetings | I,D | 5 | |||||
St. Louis: 2019-01-15, 19:30; connection to IEEE 802.1 Interim (Hiroshima, 2019-01-16 10:30) | I,D | ||||||
Decision: To request authorization for the January 2019 Nendica meeting to generate documentation requesting a renewal of an updated Nendica ICAID past March 2019 | V | ||||||
telecons [mainly for FFIOT comment resolution; other topics too] | I,D | ||||||
New Business | |||||||
Any other business | I,D | 3 | |||||
Adjournment | |||||||
*I=Information D=Discussion A=Action V=Vote |