Agenda overview is available here.
Sunday: DetNet – TSN workshop
The IETF DetNet WG and the IEEE 802.1 TSN TG had a workshop in Bangkok on November 11 Sunday.
| | Subject | Discussion Leader | Affiliation | Length |
8:00-10:00 | AM1 | |
Introduction & Meeting Objectives (IEEE-SA & IEEE 802 participation ) Please register your attendance at IMAT while connected to meeting WiFi | Lou Berger | LabN Consulting LLC | 20 |
János Farkas | Ericsson |
Working/Task Group Overview |
| TSN TG overview | János Farkas | Ericsson | 15 |
| DetNet WG overview | Lou Berger | LabN Consulting LLC | 15 |
Basic Concepts and Services |
| TSN (with Q&A) | János Farkas | Ericsson | 30 |
| DetNet (with Q&A) | Balázs Varga | Ericsson | 30 |
| Break | 30 |
10:30-12:30 | AM2 |
Flow Definition and Identification, QoS Service definition and parameters |
| TSN | Norm Finn | Huawei | 30 |
| DetNet | Balázs Varga | Ericsson | 30 |
Discussion: DetNet/TSN Flow/QoS mapping |
| Mapping between DetNet and TSN | Norm Finn | Huawei | 30 |
| Discussion | Norm Finn | Huawei | 40 |
| Lunch break | 60 |
13:30-15:40 | PM1 |
Configuration and Control |
| TSN: SRP, LRP, RAP, and YANG | Feng Chen | Siemens AG | 20 |
Norm Finn | Huawei |
Rodney Cummings | National Instruments |
| DetNet: Control plane tomorrow | Lou Berger | LabN Consulting LLC | 30 |
| DetNet: YANG today | Mach Chen | Huawei |
| Break | 20 |
16:00-18:00 | PM2 |
Security |
| DetNet and TSN security | Tal Mizrahi | Huawei Network.IO Innovation Lab | 30 |
| Discussion | | | 10 |
Applications & Use Cases |
| DetNet Use Cases | Ethan Grosmann | Dolby | 20 |
| IEC/IEEE 60802 TSN Profile for Industrial Automation | Ludwig Winkel | Siemens AG | 20 |
| IEC 61850-90-13 Deterministic Networking for Power Automation | Maik Seewald | Cisco | 20 |
| TSN for Service Provider Networks | Tongtong Wang | Huawei | 20 |
| Key Takeaways and Next Steps (last slide) | Lou Brger | LabN Consulting LLC | 10 |
János Farkas | Ericsson |
(single track)
| Subject | Presenter | Affiliation | Length |
8:00-10:00 | AM1 |
Welcome and organizational issues, incl.: intro, participation | Ludwig Winkel | Siemens AG | 15 |
János Farkas | Ericsson |
Agenda | Ludwig Winkel | Siemens AG | 25 |
János Farkas | Ericsson |
Report on the DetNet - TSN workshop (last slide) | János Farkas | Ericsson | 5 |
Ludwig Winkel | Siemens AG |
LNI4.0 | János Farkas | Ericsson | 5 |
IEC TC57WG10 |
Avnu Submissions for 60802 |
Status of use cases, Status of requirements | Josef Dorr | Siemens AG | 5 |
Status of the draft | Jordon Woods | Analog Devices Inc. | 5 |
Conformity Assessment | Steve Zuponic | Rockwell Automation | 30 |
Ludwig Winkel | Siemens AG |
Next meetings | Ludwig Winkel | Siemens AG | 10 |
János Farkas | Ericsson |
Status of the NEA on accumulated latency | Jordon Woods | Analog Devices Inc. | 10 |
Monday: Track B: Generic TSN
| Subject | Presenter | Affiliation | Length |
13:30-18:00 | PM1 & PM2 |
Incoming Liaisons: | | |
LNI4.0 | | |
IEC TC57WG10 | | |
Avnu Submissions for 60802 | | |
SG15 LS125 fronthaul | | |
SG15 LS164 sync update | | |
IEEE 1914 | | |
SG15 LS153 G.8021 G.8013 | | |
SG15 LS159 YANG coord | | |
expected results of the week | János Farkas | Ericsson | 30 |
P802.1CS/D1.6 TG ballot comment resolution | Norman Finn | Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd | 210 |
| Subject | Presenter | Affiliation | Length |
10:30-18:00 | AM2, PM1, & PM2 |
Review Agenda; expected results of the day | Ludwig Winkel | Siemens AG | 10 |
| | | |
Comments on use cases | Marius Stanica | ABB | 50 |
Mark Hantel | Rockwell Automation |
Theory of Operation for TSN-enabled System | Steve Zuponic | Rockwell Automation | 25 |
Bridged and non-Bridged End Stations | Steve Zuponic | Rockwell Automation | 35 |
Rules for gates control vs. inter packet gap | Günter Steindl | Siemens AG | 40 |
Expected behaviour when receiving a frame containing the own MAC address as Source Address | Günter Steindl | Siemens AG | |
Comments on Industrial Requirements V1.0 | Thomas Enzinger | B&R | 85 |
Marius Stanica | ABB |
Additional requirements | Thomas Enzinger | B&R | 70 |
Profile contribution | Josef Dorr | Siemens AG | |
Review of minutes of the day | Josef Dorr | Siemens AG | 30 |
Tuesday: Track B: Generic TSN
| Subject | Presenter | Affiliation | Length |
10:30-18:00 | AM2, PM1, & PM2 |
IETF Sub-interface VLAN YANG Data Models | Lou Berger | LabN Consulting LLC | 30 |
P802.1Qcx/D0.4 TG ballot comment resolution | Marc Holness | Ciena | 60 |
P802.1Qcw/D0.2 TG ballot comment resolution | Marina Gutierrez | TTTech | 60 |
P802.1ABcu/D0.6 and Editor's update | Scott Mansfield | Ericsson | 10 |
P802.1AS-Rev status update | Geoff Garner | Huawei | 60 |
802.1CBdb Generic stream identification function | Christophe Mangin | Mitsubishi Electric | 60 |
P802.1DC and QoS in DetNet | Norman Finn | Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd | 45 |
Tuesday: 802.24 – 802.1 TSN
(single track)
| Subject | Presenter | Affiliation | Length |
8:00-15:00 | AM1, AM2, & PM1 |
Review Agenda; expected results of the day | Ludwig Winkel | Siemens AG | 10 |
Profile contribution | Josef Dorr | Siemens AG | 20 |
Editor's report on D0.4; drafting | Jordon Woods | Analog Devices Inc. | 120 |
Event based control | Marius Stanica | ABB | 10 |
Link aggregation | Marius Stanica | ABB | 10 |
Review of minutes | Josef Dorr | Siemens AG | 5 |
Wednesday: Track B: Generic TSN
| Subject | Presenter | Affiliation | Length |
8:00-12:00 | AM1 & AM2 |
P802.1CMde PAR & CSD, comments | János Farkas | Ericsson | |
TSN over 802.3cg - status update | Craig Gunther | Craig Gunther Consulting LLC | 15 |
P802.1DG PAR & CSD, comments | Mike Potts | GM | |
P802.1DF PAR & CSD, comments | Tongtong Wang | Huawei | |
13:00-15:00 | PM1 |
P802.1AX-Rev/D0.4 TG ballot comment resolution with Editor's report | Stephen Haddock | Stephen Haddock Consulting, LLC | 120 |
(single track)
| Subject | Presenter | Affiliation | Length |
15:15-17:00 | PM2 |
Recap past days | Ludwig Winkel | Siemens AG | 10 |
János Farkas | Ericsson |
Next steps on Conformity Assessment | Steve Zuponic | Rockwell Automation | 20 |
next meetings | Ludwig Winkel | Siemens AG | 5 |
János Farkas | Ericsson |
Timeline 60802 | Ludwig Winkel | Siemens AG | 10 |
Identify and discuss IEEE 802 gaps for TSN-IA profile | Ludwig Winkel | Siemens AG | 45 |
János Farkas | Ericsson |
Review of minutes | Josef Dorr | Siemens AG | 15 |
Thursday: TSN
(single track)
| Subject | Presenter | Affiliation | Length |
8:00-12:30 | AM1 & AM2 |
Privacy considerations for bridged networks; with a presentation | Mick Seaman | Mick Seaman | 30 |
outgoing liaisons, e.g., responses to: | | | 30 |
ITU-T Q13/15 TSN for fronthaul | | | |
SG15 YANG coord | | | |
Avnu Alliance | | | |
IEC TC57WG10 | | | |
LNI4.0 | | | |
BBF | | | |
P802.1AX-Rev/D0.4 TG ballot comment resolution with Editor's report | Stephen Haddock | Stephen Haddock Consulting, LLC | |
P802.1CS/D1.6 TG ballot comment resolution | Norman Finn | Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd | 30 |
P802.1Qcz design topics | Paul Congdon | Huawei | 60 |
Deferred presentations