802.1 WG Plenary Session (Electronic) – Nendica Agenda

Draft Agenda, Nendica Meeting

Topic Subtopic Subtopic Detail Doc/Link Type* Lead min
1. Meeting introduction and other administrative items. 3
Call to Order
Identify secretary
Meeting Introduction see material at link, as provided before the meeting Meeting Introduction Slides I
Chair to advise – IEEE SA’s copyright policy is described in Clause 7 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and Clause 6.1 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual;
– Any material submitted during standards development, whether verbal, recorded, or in written form, is a Contribution and shall comply with the IEEE SA Copyright Policy.
Membership: all participate as members I
IEEE ICCOM requirements IEEE ICCOM requirements I
Attendance Register attendance and affiliation (IEEE web account required) using IMAT; if unable to do so, to promptly provide name and affiliation to the minute taker Log Attendance using IMAT here I
Nendica Procedures Nendica Procedures I
2. Approval of Agenda any modifications to the draft agenda To approve the agenda as displayed A 2
3. Update I
Nendica Web Site Nendica Web Site I 1
Nendica Mentor Server Nendica Mentor Server I 2
4. Minutes 2
To approve “Minutes of the Nendica meeting held 2020-07-08 09:00-11:00 ET (revised)” https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=STDS-802-1-MINUTES;bce05a90.21 A
5. Nendica organization Nendica ICAID renewal status Draft Nendica ICAID Renewal Plan (802.1-21-0013-00) I 90
presubmitted ICAID Draft Nendica ICAID Renewal (802.1-21-0011-05) I
address comments received on Nendica ICAID from IEEE 802.1 WG: The TBD should be filled in before progressing: “the [month TBD] 2021 publication by IEEE of “Intelligent Lossless Data Center Networks.[link update TDB]”” D
updates proposed by Nendica Chair Proposed update to Draft Nendica ICAID Renewal  (802.1-21-0011-06) D
presubmitted Nendica Report Draft Nendica ICCom Report (802.1-21-0012-02) I
address comments received on Nendica Report D
updates proposed by Nendica Chair proposed update to Draft Nendica ICCom Report (802.1-21-0012-03) D
agree to forward (revised) Nendica ICAID and Nendica Report to IEEE 802.1 WG A
6. Stream and Flow Interworking [SFI] Work Item Stream and Flow Interworking [SFI] I Marks 1
7. Data Center Networks [DCN] Work Item Data Center Networks [DCN] Update on publication status and publicity Published 2021-06-22: IEEE 802 Nendica Report: Intelligent Lossless Data Center Networks I Congdon 5
Public visibility I
8. Study Items D
CTF Cut-Through Forwarding in Bridges and Bridged Networks [CTF] D Specht 15
report on CTF tutorial and future directions IEEE 802 Tutorial:Cut-Through Forwarding (CTF) among Ethernet networks D Specht
potential new topics (if time allows) Potential Nendica Study Item: Evolving IEEE 802 Architecture Requirements D Marks
9. Future Meetings
802.1 WG authorization motion, 2021-03-16 802.1 authorizes Nendica to hold weekly electronic
meetings each Thursday 09:00-11:00 ET.
– Access and agenda information are provided on the calendar at https://1.ieee802.org/802-nendica/.
802.1 WG re-authorization plan a schedule of meetings; more than once per week? A
subsequent meetings nominally every week; see calendar on Nendica web page I
10. Other Business
review of liaison received by 802.3 WG, and recommendation on how 802.1 whether/how should prepare a response LS 205: Information about draft Recommendation Y.ICN-SEAN on “Architecture and Functional Framework for On-Site, Elastic and Autonomous ICN” D 5
Any other business I,D 5
*I=Information D=Discussion A=Action V=Vote/Decision