Draft Agenda: IEEE 802 Nendica Meeting 2022-03-31
Topic | Subtopic | Subtopic Detail | Doc/Link | Type* | Lead | min |
1. Meeting introduction and other administrative items. | 3 | |||||
Call to Order | ||||||
Identify secretary | ||||||
Meeting Introduction | see material at link, as provided before the meeting | Meeting Introduction Slides | I | |||
Chair to advise | IEEE SA’s copyright policy is described in Clause 7 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and Clause 6.1 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual Any material submitted during the Nendica meeting, whether verbal, recorded, or in written form, is a Contribution and shall comply with the IEEE SA Copyright Policy | I | ||||
Membership: all participate as members | I | |||||
IEEE ICCOM requirements | IEEE ICCOM requirements | I | ||||
Attendance | Register attendance and affiliation (IEEE web account required) using IMAT; if unable to do so, to promptly provide name and affiliation to the minute taker | Log Attendance using IMAT here | I | |||
Nendica Procedures | Nendica Procedures | I | ||||
2. Approval of Agenda | Nendica Mentor Server | Nendica Mentor Server | I | 1 | ||
any modifications to the draft agenda | To approve the agenda as displayed | A | 2 | |||
3. Minutes | 3 | |||||
To approve “Minutes of the Nendica meeting held 2022-03-24 09:00-11:00 ET” | https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=STDS-802-1-MINUTES;37f4702a.22 | A | ||||
4. Update | 0 | |||||
Nendica Web Site | Nendica Web Site | I | ||||
5. Nendica organization | Marks | 5 | ||||
Nendica-related news from IEEE 802.1 WG, IEEE 802.3 WG, and IEEE 802 EC (updates) | 802.1-22-0009 | I | ||||
6. CTF Study Item | Cut-Through Forwarding in Bridges and Bridged Networks [CTF] | Specht | 60 | |||
Proposals for CTF Ad Hoc Progress (rev. 1) | 802.1-22-0010 | I,D | Marks | |||
planning for Nendica/NEA joint ad hoc activity | D,A | |||||
7. ELLA Study Item | Nendica Study Item: Evolved Link Layer Architecture [ELLA] | |||||
Draft ELLA Report on Amendment of IEEE Std 802 | 802.1-21-0080 | I | Marks | |||
contributions | ||||||
8. Vetting | ||||||
contributions | ||||||
9. Future Meetings |
| 3 | ||||
802.1 WG authorization, 2022-03-15 | 802.1 authorizes Nendica to hold weekly electronic meetings each Thursday 09:00-11:00 ET starting March 24, 2022.
802.1 authorizes Nendica to hold additional meetings as announced at least 10 days in advance.
| I | ||||
next meeting | I,D | |||||
meeting cancellation policy | may be cancelled one day before in absence of expected contributions | |||||
10. Other Business | ||||||
potential new topics | tbd | D | ||||
Adjournment | ||||||
*I=Information D=Discussion A=Action V=Vote/Decision |